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[网络编程] ptjn-send-etc

Send faxes directly from DELPHI to WINFAX. Functions include: cover, billing code, attachment, plan to send, options to display sending screen, etc., applicable language: D5 (2018-09-27, C#, 10KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] tame_abstrvct

噪声对通信系统的影响试验程序 模仿各种噪声对不同通信系统的影响 具有很强的学习价值
The effect of noise on Communication system; the test program simulates the influence of various noises on different communication systems. It has a strong learning value. (2018-09-27, C#, 583KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] 1341988

允许你控制Windows 95 98及Windows NT的拨号网络,使用TmsRas控件来建立与远程登录服务RAS的连
Allows you to control the dial-up network of Windows 9598 and Windows NT, using the TmsRas control to establish a connection to the remote login service RAS (2018-09-27, C#, 15KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] UdpChatSync

UDP编程有两种技术,一种是直接使用Socket类,另一种是使用UdpClient类。UdpClient类对基础Socket进行了封装。 与TCP有TcpListener类和TcpClient类不同,UDP只有UdpClient类。 有两种建立远程主机的方式:1.使用远程主机名和端口号来创建;2.先创建不带参数的UdpClient实例,再调用Connect方法。 构造函数:UdpClient()、UdpClient(int port)、UdpClient(IPEndPoint localEp)、UdpClient(string remoteHost,int port)
There are two kinds of technologies in UDP programming. One is to use Socket class directly, the other is to use UdpClient class. The UdpClient class encapsulates the underlying Socket. Unlike TCP, there are TcpListener classes and TcpClient classes. UDP has only UdpClient class. There are two ways to build a remote host: 1. use a remote host name and port number to create; 2. first create a UdpClient instance without parameter, and then call the Connect method. Constructors: UdpClient (), UdpClient (int port), UdpClient (IPEndPoint localEp), UdpClient (string remoteHost, int int). (2018-04-02, C#, 39KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] sharpcap

packet capture program learning source code and materials.including how to access to the network card,event packet capture,recycle packet capture and how to set the filter conditions and so on.As well as the required software and installation instructions. (2015-12-14, C#, 3984KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] Tcp

C# multi-threaded communication of the classic examples, we can fully understand the multi-thread socket programming application (2013-07-18, C#, 132KB, 下载208次)


[网络编程] Ethereal-code-analysis

介绍Windows Sockets的一些关于用C#实现的原始套接字(Raw Socket)的编程,以及在此基础上实现的网络封包监视技术
Introduction to Windows Sockets on raw sockets with C# (Raw Socket) programming, and on this basis to achieve the surveillance network packets (2013-05-08, C#, 10KB, 下载11次)


[网络编程] CSharp-netchat

Written TCp agreement Internet chat room procedures, very full, good network programming beginners. (2013-04-12, C#, 1015KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] UDPDaDong

UDP hole punching test program, peer-to-peer information transmission, C# Sockets to socket programming, which contains TcpClient and the UdpClient. Used everyone know Tcp safer to send messages, and the the Udp transfer data easily packet loss, but fast, able to pass through the firewall. QQ chat tools underlying transport protocol users more popular is the the Udp agreement (do not know this did not). (2012-11-08, C#, 96KB, 下载38次)


[网络编程] C-Sharp-chat-program

Asynchronous communication, tcp network chat program, the use of the implements asynchronous communication multithreading way (2012-10-16, C#, 128KB, 下载37次)


[网络编程] CSharp_Remote_Cmd_Exec

C# developers a simple remote command execution system, suitable for network programming reference. (2012-06-21, C#, 127KB, 下载42次)


[网络编程] UDPChatRoom

udp聊天室软件 基于csharp 实现多人聊天...
udp chat room software to achieve more than chat ... on csharp (2011-07-09, C#, 104KB, 下载42次)


[网络编程] CsharpLanScan

csharp prepared LAN scanner, content, complete and comprehensive network programming is suitable for learners of a good reference. (2010-02-23, C#, 51KB, 下载55次)


[网络编程] Sonic.Net

A C# written in IOCP (complete interface) of the sample programs and clear the heart to write algorithms to achieve IOCP. Studies have high-performance server-side programming programmer, you can reference. (2009-09-18, C#, 141KB, 下载144次)


[网络编程] Rasdll

该源码包含了rasapi32的全部功能,方便实现在windows下的拨号,如pppoe拨号等 这个也是一个不可多得的参考资料
The source code contains all of the features of rasapi32 to facilitate the achievement of the dial-up in the windows, such as the pppoe dial-up, etc. This is a rare reference (2009-08-12, C#, 108KB, 下载61次)


[网络编程] CSharpChatRoom

一个很不错的用C#编写的C/S模式的聊天室程序,实现了聊天室。悄悄话 振屏等功能,另带有Socket编程教程
A very good C# prepared by C/S model chat room procedures, implementation of the chat room. Whispering-screen features such as vibration, and the other with Socket Programming Tutorial (2009-03-05, C#, 2069KB, 下载33次)


[网络编程] Simple_Client

c# addendum to the client program can send documents can also receive documents, suitable for initial use of the c# programming socket users with learning (2006-09-01, C#, 80KB, 下载158次)


[网络编程] CSharpFileTran

good socket programming based on the point-to-point CSharp development of the document transmission, FTP is not the form. (2006-08-30, C#, 56KB, 下载135次)


[网络编程] 用CSharp实现基于TCP协议的网络通讯

This paper introduces the C# System.Net.Socket how to use TCP-based communications program, the text is based on the server time to read such a simple example to explain. (2005-09-21, C#, 3KB, 下载81次)


[网络编程] 基于UDP通讯

technology used UDP Multicast can achieve one-to-many communications! ! Chat can yo! (2005-03-13, C#, 524KB, 下载157次)
