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[书籍源码] arop08

VC interface programming dynamic display of a variety of interface styles of the sample program, can be switched by the toolbar, the example for the SDI, hope to provide you with a reference (2018-10-21, Visual C++, 96KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] opencv3

本书有OpenCV2、OpenCV3两套独立的书本配套示例程序供选择使用。 此为书本配套的OpenCV3示例程序源代码工程合集。开发测试环境为Windows7 64位旗舰版、Visual Stuido 2010 、OpenCV3.0 beta,理论上支持OpenCV 3理论上支持目前已经发布的OpenCV3全版本编译运行。
Opencv3 programming entry (2017-07-31, Visual C++, 81323KB, 下载11次)


[书籍源码] cPP

C++命名规范.doc c++string常用函数.txt C++Primer中文版_第4版__中英对照.pdf C++Primer(第4版)习题解答(非扫描版有目录).pdf 整理的一些c++编程资料
The naming C++ \ c++string commonly used functions the \ C++Primer Chinese version _ 4 __ bilingual \ C++Primer (4) Exercise Solutions (non-scan version directory) finishing c++ programming information (2013-05-15, Visual C++, 4821KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] ourdev_549748

国际上通用的* 种热电偶,即#,8,9,5,:,6, 及 " 型号的热电偶,按!"# $ & 要求,中国计量科学院凌 善康等人应用美国标准与技术研究所(:!#")和美国试 验与材料学会(<#".)给出的有关公式和系数,进行了 计算并编制了分度表,于’ 7 年出版。因此,使用这些 公式进行编程计算,打印计算结果并与分度表比较,使 程序的编制和对程序正确性的验证有了充分的依据
Internationally accepted* thermocouple, that#, 8,9,5,:, 6 and " type thermocouple, according to!" # $ & Requirements, China Institute of Metrology Lingshan Kang, who applied the United States (:!#" ) Institute of Standards and Technology and the American Society for Testing and Materials (< #" .) given the formula and coefficients were calculated and the preparation of the indexing table in ' 7 was published. Therefore, the program calculated using these formulas, print results and comparison with the indexing table, the program' s preparation and verification of the correctness of the program have a sufficient basis for (2011-07-02, Visual C++, 95KB, 下载13次)


[书籍源码] practices-of-agile-developer

高效程序员的45 个习惯 本书简明实用、见解深刻,总结了高效程序员在开发过程中的45个个人习惯、思想观念和方法,有助于开发人员在开发进程、编码工作、开发者态度、项目和团队管理,以及持续学习等5个方面积极修炼。通过学习这些内容,养成这些好的习惯,你可以极大地提升自己的编程实力,更快速、更可靠地交付更高质量的软件,从而成为真正的高效程序员。 
45 habits of highly efficient programmers concise and practical book, insightful, summed up the programmers in the development process efficient 45 personal habits, ideas and methods to help developers in the development process, coding, developer attitude , project and team management, and continuous learning to actively practice the 5. Through the study of these elements, develop these good habits, you can greatly enhance the strength of their programming, faster and more reliable delivery of higher quality software, thus becoming a real efficient programmer. (2011-04-11, Visual C++, 24319KB, 下载42次)


[书籍源码] Ebook

本压缩包包含了《天书夜读》、《VC++ 编程指南》、《VC++深入详解》和《Visual C++ MFC入门教程》四本经典书籍,对于初学者来说是很好的学习资料
This archive contains a " heavenly night time" , " VC++ Programming Guide" , " VC++ in-depth 详解" and " Visual C++ MFC Tutorial," four classic books are good for beginners to learn the information (2010-05-06, Visual C++, 2853KB, 下载62次)


[书籍源码] COMIntro2_demo

本文为刚刚接触COM的程序员提供编程指南,解释COM服务器内幕以及如何用C++编写自己的接口。 继上一篇COM编程入门之后,本文将讨论有关COM服务器的内容,解释编写自己的COM接口和COM服务器所需要的步骤和知识,以及详细讨论当COM库对COM服务器进行调用时,COM服务器运行的内部机制。
This article is just to provide access to COM programmers programming guide explains how to use COM server inside as well as C++ to write your own interface. Following the entry on a COM programming, this article will discuss the contents of the COM server to explain to write your own COM interfaces and COM servers needed steps and knowledge, and discuss in detail when the COM library calls to the COM server, COM server is running The internal mechanism. (2010-01-26, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载6次)


[书籍源码] ThinkingC

本书作者根据自己学习C++的亲身体会及多年教学经验,用简单的例子和简练的叙述讲解C++编程,别具特色。 全书共分十八章,内容涉及对象的演化、数据抽象、隐藏实现、初始化与清除、函数重载与缺省参数、输入输出流介绍、常量、内联函数、命名控制、引用和拷贝构造函数、运算符重载、动态对象创建、继承和组合、多态和虚函数、模板和包容器类、多重继承、异常处理和运行时类型识别。 本书作为正式教材和自学用书均非常优秀,作为程序设计者的参考用书亦极为合适。
The author of this book according to their own learning c++ experience and years of teaching experience, with simple example and concise description of c++ programming, explained. The total points, including 18: the evolution of objects, data abstraction, hide, with clear, initialization function with default parameters, heavy input and output flow is introduced, constants, inline function, named control, and a copy constructor, overloaded operators and dynamic object creation, inheritance and polymorphism and combination, virtual function, template and package container, multiple inheritance, and exception handling and run-time type identification. This book as a formal teaching and self-study is very good, as the book of programmers are very appropriate reference book. (2010-01-20, Visual C++, 14156KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] C_function

c language, classical library function, you can contact their own programming, under capacity while many things can be applied to their own coding. Many of them are frequently used their own and get the training (2009-12-08, Visual C++, 172KB, 下载7次)


[书籍源码] ImagePatternRecognition

Image Pattern Recognition (2009-09-14, Visual C++, 10416KB, 下载90次)


[书籍源码] VC_window_interface

This is a personal summary window interface programming and source code available, but mostly like the IE-style interface, QQ pop-up interface, and so on, there are written instructions and source code (2009-09-06, Visual C++, 14884KB, 下载42次)


[书籍源码] classical_c_100_examples

Including 100 classic C program code, through the 100 programming examples will be used in C language input and output, conditional statements, loop, pointer, structure, and a few pieces together is the basis for learning C information to help you a higher level. (2009-07-05, Visual C++, 38KB, 下载4次)


[书籍源码] dmagesx

清华大学出版社出版的《数字图像处理实训教程》一书以提高动手能力为目标,用生动的文字和直观的图像引入数字图像的基本概念,结合编程实训介绍数字图像处理的基本方法,包括数字图像的表示和存储、数字图像几何变换、噪声去除、边缘检测、Hough变换、频域变换、windows图像应用系统设计,热传导方程在图像处理中的应用、纸币识别系统设计等,每章都讨论详细,结合实际编程展开,并附有源代码和处理结果。本书适用于理工类大学本科教学、自学者、研究生。本书特别适合数字图像处理入门教学。 包含本书的所有源代码及ppt
err (2008-11-13, Visual C++, 34731KB, 下载166次)


[书籍源码] SoftwareDevelopmentinC

Software Development in C: A Practical Approach to Programming and Design 软件开发:编程与设计(C))——国外经典教材·计算机科学与技术 这本书的所有代码
Software Development in C: A Practical Approach to Programming and Design Software Development: Programming and Design (C))- foreign classic textbook of computer science and technology of this book all the code (2008-07-28, Visual C++, 74KB, 下载3次)


[书籍源码] Windows-via-C++Code-December01-2007

Windows via C++ Code (December 1, 2007),关于如何在window下学习C++编程的代码资源,配合电子书Windows Via C C++.chm使用。是学习C++的很好资料
Windows via C++ Code (December 1, 2007), in the window on how to learn C++ Programming code resources, e-books with Windows Via C C++. Chm use. Learning C++ Of good information (2008-04-18, Visual C++, 269KB, 下载160次)


[书籍源码] ning

操作系统中的银行家算法, 该代码主要是针对计算机系高校学生在操作系统中有编程困难的同学而设计的,针对性教强
operating system bankers algorithm, the code is mainly directed against the Department of Computer College students in the operating system programming is difficult students designed and targeted at the strong (2005-06-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载359次)
