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[硬件设计] Visual-Autonomous

VEX Robotics的路径创建者,允许您将Bezier曲线映射到VEX字段上,以创建匹配自主程序和编程技能电路。
A path creator for VEX Robotics that allows you to map Bezier curves onto a VEX field to create match autonomous programs and programming skills circuits. (2024-03-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] electronic-projects

This repository contains a collection of diverse electronic projects implemented using Proteus for circuit simulation and Bascom for microcontroller programming. (2024-02-24, Visual Basic 6.0, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] EDA-Titanic-Dataset

It is an Exploratory Data Analysis Project on Titanic Dataset using Python Programming Language & Machine Learning. Through this we can g… (2024-01-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Turnz

Turnz是一个基于SDSU 2014编程设计竞赛问题的项目。游戏由11 x 11网格和一个blob组成。前...
Turnz is a project based on the SDSU 2014 Programming Design Competition problem. The game consists of a 11 x 11 grid and a blob. The premise of the game is, you rotate the game board to make the blob fall into the end point. (2023-12-05, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Linker-Loader-Assembler

这个Python脚本使用GUI选项卡“真实地”处理汇编程序和编译器生成的Absolute Loader和Linker Loader...
This Python script handles the Absolute-Loader and the Linker-Loader that produced by the assembler and compiler "in real" with a GUI table representing it in a shape of memory. (2023-11-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Spotify

Spotify Clone,使用Swift、UIKit和Spotify-WebAPI。网络管理器,触觉,身份验证管理器,编程UI,视图,TableVie...,
Spotify Clone, using Swift, UIKit with Spotify WebAPI. Network manager, Haptics, Authentication manager, Programmatic UI, Views, TableView, Compositional Layout. Used first party official API from Spotify (2022-09-16, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] VerilogPrograms

这个存储库是我使用Verilog编程之旅的目录。所有工作都是通过Nexys A7 FPGA训练器板和Viv...,
This repository is a catalogue of my programming journey with Verilog. All work was done with the Nexys A7 FPGA Trainer Board and the Vivado Design Suite (2023-09-21, Tcl, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] basketball_shot_clock

Basketball Shot-clock buzzer using Assembly and C programming on a 9S12 microcontroller. This designed incorporated a proximity sensor, LCD display, ADT music output and buzzer Peripherals (2015-06-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Hacker-Rank-Programming-C-Probelms

C is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972. It was mainly developed as a system programming language to write an operating system. The main features of C language include low-level access to memory, a simple set of keywords, and clean style, these features make C language suitable for (2020-03-01, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Introduction-to-GoLang

Go是一种静态类型的编译编程语言,由Robert Griesemer、Rob Pike和Ken Thompson在Google设计。Go是syntace...,
Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Go is syntactically similar to C, but with memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style concurrency. The language is often referred to as Golang because of its domain name, golang.org, but the proper ... (2021-09-14, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Nand-To-Games

Constructing a modern, full-scale computer system - hardware and software - from the ground up. Implemented assembler, virtual machine, and compiler for a simple object-based language in Python. (2021-01-30, Hack, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Coursera-VLSI-CAD

我个人收藏的关于coursera的MOOC VLSI-CAD。它主要包括我对其中的编程项目的解决方案,以及一些注释...,
My personal collection of MOOC VLSI-CAD on coursera. It mainly consists of my solutions to programming projects in it and also some notebooks. (2018-07-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] SocialMediaApp

In this project, I use Asynchronous Programming, Unit Of Work, Generic Repository and AutoMapper within Domain-Driven-Design DDD., (2021-04-20, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Lock

?? In this report we will see both the circuit simulation and the actual programming of a safe. (2021-08-15, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Digital-Clock-using-FPGA

This is a group project which I did as a part of the EE232: Digital Circuits course. The language used for programming the FPGA is VHDL., (2022-09-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Programmable-RLC-impedance

The main objective of this project is to implement a programmable RLC impedance. This circuit must cover the entire inductive-resistive-capacitive range (voltage/current phase shift between -90° and +90°). (2021-08-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Unified-Kinematic-DAQ

This project is kicad and programming to to develop a micro volume and micro-power PCB with a BNO055, BME280, SD card, and a way to send data do other boards. (2023-09-05, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] traffic-light-project

the PIC16F877A microcontroller can be programmed using various languages like C, and it can be simulated in Proteus to design, test, and validate electronic circuits. If you have specific questions or need assistance with programming the PIC16F877A in C or working with Proteus, feel free to ask for more detailed guidance. (2023-08-01, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] remote-controlled-electronics

Remote control any device that is programmable and supports HTTP connections. PC, laptop, console, mobile, TV and more (2023-03-02, C#, 2593KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] Internet-of-Things-Education-Kit

Specify, design, and program modern connected electronic systems in response to the ever-growing number of connected devices (2023-04-21, C, 120301KB, 下载0次)
