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按分类查找All C#编程(439) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(439) 

[C#编程] amazons

Amazon chess main source, the use of C++ programming, easy to understand, with the introduction and a small amount of explanation (2016-08-12, Visual C++, 593KB, 下载20次)


[C#编程] source-code-for-c-book

This is the c programming book source program. When I tried to learn c prophecy, very good, very helpful for beginners. Welcome to download, learn together (2016-04-21, Visual C++, 424KB, 下载1次)


[C#编程] dlib-18.17

Dlib是++库使用契约编程和现代C ++技术,设计了一个通用的跨平台的C。功能还是很强大的。
Dlib contract is++ libraries use modern C++ programming and technology, design C. a common cross-platform Function is very powerful. (2015-08-24, Visual C++, 10127KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] CSharpBroadCast

CSharp广播程序 在网络编程中,通过广播和多播可以实现发送端发送一个数据包,有多个接收端接收的情况。
CSharp radio program in network programming, broadcast and multicast by the sender can send a packet, a number of cases received by the receiver. (2013-09-03, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] vc-invoking-matlab

This program achieved a cross-platform programming, using matlab software called VC program, the main function is to achieve new number sine wave output (2013-07-24, Visual C++, 2428KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] sjzm

Pair programming involves fewer books, data Charm pdf version download, involves a number of technical charts and simple data sets, two-variable data sets, time series (2013-06-06, Visual C++, 402KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] C-Sharp-development-techniques

《C#开发技术大全》  可扩展标记语言  多线程编程  WPF框架  语言集成查询LINQ
C# development techniques Daquan " 飩?Extensible Markup Language 飩?the multithreading programming 飩?WPF framework 飩?Language Integrated Query LINQ (2012-09-05, Visual C++, 4086KB, 下载15次)


[C#编程] SystemColorsTest

C# programming system provides a number of system colors, the software can get through the system color names with the color corresponding to the color code, easier to find and use. (2012-06-06, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] BestString

Similar to the string matcher (c# programming), or data gathered into a few cleaning to take into account similar data matching. (2011-11-25, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载16次)


[C#编程] C_sharp_Program

C# programming ideas, C# is an advanced, object-oriented language to, the current structure is an important means of WEB. Instance to the idea from the book, easy to understand. (2011-11-25, Visual C++, 7939KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] mySchool

MySchool project code, c# produced, are interested can download! Is a test system software source code, c# programming on learning is very good (2010-12-26, Visual C++, 575KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] GenericXNAExampleTerrain2

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 5103KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] GenericXNAExampleWaterI

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 1017KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] TextureAtlas

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 135KB, 下载11次)


[C#编程] WindowsMediaPlayer

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 159KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] Tutorial3_Specular

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 1299KB, 下载11次)


[C#编程] Tutorial5_Deform

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 82KB, 下载8次)


[C#编程] Tutorial1_Ambient

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 1298KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] TextureResize

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 37KB, 下载10次)


[C#编程] GenericExampleShaderFog

xna C#游戏编程技术,原先发过几个,今天继续发送,我有大量的例子,以后会定期发送,希望对大家有帮助
xna C# game programming techniques, originally issued in a few, today continued to send, I have a lot of examples of the future will be regularly sent, hope to help everyone (2009-09-26, Visual C++, 1597KB, 下载16次)
