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[软件设计/软件工程] ContinuousPostage

G国发行了n种不同面值的邮票,并且规定每张信封上最多只允许贴m张邮票。连续邮资问题要求对于给定的n和m的值,给出邮票面值的最佳设计,使得可在1张信封上贴出从邮资1开始,增量为1的最大连续邮资区间。例如,当n=5和m=4时,面值为(1,3,11,15,32)的5种邮票可以贴出邮资的最大连续邮资区间是1到70。编程任务: 对于给定的正整数m和n,计算出邮票面值的最佳设计。
G n kinds of countries issued stamps of different denominations, and provides up to allow only affixed on each envelope m stamps. Continuous postage required for a given problem n and m values, given the nominal value of the stamp best design, makes it possible to start from postage 1 posted on an envelope, postage increments of the maximum continuous interval of 1. For example, when n = 5 and m = 4, the nominal value (1,3,11,15,32) can put five kinds of postage stamps postage maximum continuous interval is 1-70. Programming tasks: For a given positive integers m and n, calculate the optimal design of the stamp denominations. (2013-11-26, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] CWM_5.0.2.3

软件设计/软件工程 文件格式 技术管理 行业发展研究 人物传记/成功经验 通讯编程文档 系统设计方案 软件测试 [展开所有目录] [建议增加分类] (重要) 您上传的源码为何会被站长不采用或帐号被删除? 1.源码太简单 2.不是源码 3.缺少文件 4.所选类别和开发环境不对 5.乱写说明或说明不够认真 6.压缩文件有密码 7.源码重复或已经
Software design/software engineering file format technology management industry development research biographies/success experience in communications programming documentation system design software testing [expand all directories] [proposal to increase the classification (important) why you upload the source station will be not adopted or The account is deleted? 1 source too simple not the source. Missing files 4. The selected category development environment does not 5. Scrawl description or explanation was not serious enough. Compressed file password 7 Source repeat or have been (2012-12-11, Visual C++, 4690KB, 下载5次)


[软件设计/软件工程] VC-language-text-edit-processing

文字是信息处理的基本单位,许多计算机软件系统都需要对一定的文字进行编辑处理,这种编辑处理的形式一般都包括打开、存储、显示、修改、文字查询等等,这些功能如果要让程序员通过底层编程逐条实现,既耗费时间又耗费精力,令人欣慰的是,目前各类版本的C++语言一般都提供基本的文字处理类供用户使用,拿当今最为流行的Visual C++语言来说,它提供了CEditView类,此类封装了对文字的多种操作。笔者在多媒体图文声像数据库系统的编制过程中通过继承此类实现了对文字数据的各种处理,效果良好。
Text is the basic unit of information processing, computer software systems need to edit some text processing, the form of this editing process is generally open, storage, display, modify text query, if you want these featuresmembers of the underlying programming one by one to achieve both cost time and consuming energy, reassuring is, all kinds of versions of the C++ language generally have to provide basic word processing class for the user to use, today s most popular Visual C++ language, for instance,it provides a CEditView class, which encapsulates the operation of a variety of text. Author through inheritance in multimedia graphic audio-visual database system preparation process such text data processing, to good effect. (2012-11-29, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载5次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 11

Proteus仿真ARM7实验手册 仿真软件 Proteus是英国Labcenter electronics公司的EDA工具软件,Proteus已有十五年的历史,在全球广泛使用,除了其具有和其它EDA工具一样的原理布图、PCB自动或人工布线及电路仿真的功能外,其革命性的功能是,他的电路仿真是互动的,针对微处理器的应用,可以直接在基于原理图的虚拟原型上编程,并实现软件源码级的实时调试,如有显示及输出,还能看到运行后输入输出的效果,配合系统配置的虚拟仪器如示波器、逻辑分析仪等,您不需要别的,Proteus为您建立了完备的电子设计开发环境!Proteus 产品系列也包含了革命性的VSM技术,用户可以对基于微控制器的设计连同所有的周围电子器件一起仿真。Proteus可以仿真8051、ARM、AVR、PIC单片机,不愧为一款非常优秀的嵌入式仿真软件。简而言之,proteus是个很好的东西,几乎没有他不能干的! Proteus嵌入式系统仿真与设计平台使你真正在PC上就可完成从原理图设计、电路仿真、PCB设计到软件代码调试、实时仿真、测试和验证的整个开发过程。 Proteus可以和Keil uVision配合使用,在Proteus里面画原理图,在Keil里面编写C语言程序,协同仿真调试。
Proteus simulation ARM7 laboratory manual (2012-06-30, Visual C++, 2216KB, 下载19次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Experimental-report

【实验题目】学生信息管理系统 【问题描述】结合面向对象编程思想设计一个学校学生信息管理系统, 充分展示面向对象的特征,要求要体现封装性, 继承性,多态性。学生的基本信息要求从文件读入,如果 对学生的信息有更新的话,更新后存入文件中。 系统的功能可以自己发挥想象设计,也可以修改教材第 七章page 288的作业7-6,在其基础上加入多态性和 文件输入。
The experimental subject student information management system [Problem Description] combined with object-oriented programming ideas to design a school student information management system, and fully display the characteristics of object-oriented requirements to reflect encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism. Read into the students' requests for information from the file, if the students have updated, updated and stored in the file. Function of the system can play their own imagination design, can also modify the textbooks under Chapter VII of the page 288 of the job 7-6, to join on the basis of polymorphism and file input. (2012-06-19, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] PWM

关于各种电机的PWM程序: 工程1,采用C语言完成的主要功能有 1:用定时器1中断让LED闪烁; 2:用定时器2的比较单元产生一路PWM; 3:用EVB模块产生6路PWM; 另外四个汇编程序依次分别是: SVPWM(软件法)程序, 交流异步矢量程序, 直流双极性双闭环可逆控制程序, 和采样SPWM程序。
PWM motor on a variety of programs: Project 1, using C language to complete the main functions 1: The Timer 1 interrupt enable LED blinking 2: Timer 2 compare unit produces all the way PWM 3: EVB module produces 6 Road PWM Followed by four other assembler are: SVPWM (software method) program, Induction vector process Double Closed Loop DC bipolar reversible control procedures, And sampling SPWM procedures. (2010-08-05, Visual C++, 80KB, 下载146次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Cprimer

《C++primer》中英文对译经典书籍。本介绍了 C++ 国际标准,既涵盖语言的特征,又讲述了也是标准组成部分的丰富标准库。C++ 的强大很大程度上来自它支持抽象程序设计。要学会用 C++ 高效地编程,只是掌握句法和语义是远远不够的。我们的重点在于,教会读者怎样利用 C++ 的特性,快速地写出安全的而且性能可与 C 语言低层程序相媲美的程序。
C++ Primer provides an introduction to the International Standard on C++, covering both the language proper and the extensive library that is part of that standard. Much of the power of C++ comes from its support for programming with abstractions. Learning to program effectively in C++ requires more than learning new syntax and semantics. Our focus is on how to use the features of C++ to write programs that are safe, that can be built quickly, and yet offer performance comparable to the sorts of low-level programs often written in C. (2010-03-29, Visual C++, 1727KB, 下载14次)


[软件设计/软件工程] codebook

前 言 软件质量是被大多数程序员挂在嘴上而不是放在心上的东西! 除了完全外行和真正的编程高手外,初读本书,你最先的感受将是惊慌:“哇!我以前捏造的C++/C程序怎么会有那么多的毛病?” 别难过,作者只不过比你早几年、多几次惊慌而已。 请花一两个小时认真阅读这本百页经书,你将会获益匪浅,这是前面N-1个读者的建议。
Introduction of Software Quality is the majority of programmers have paid lip service rather than the heart thing! In addition to complete layman and truly master the programming, the initial read a book, you feel will be the first to panic: " wow! I had fabricated C++/C program how would there be so many problems?" Do not sorry, by just over You few years ago, more than just a few panic-stricken. Please take 12 hours to carefully read through 100 of this book, you will be benefited, which is N-1 in front of a reader' s suggestion. (2010-02-23, Visual C++, 82KB, 下载30次)


[软件设计/软件工程] c_study

C 正迅速成为一种最重要, 也是最流行的程序设计语言。它的使用一直在增长是因为人们一用它, 就将喜欢它。当你学习 C 语言时, 你也会认识到它有许多优点。让我们现在就提几点: C 是一种高效的语言。 C 的设计充分发挥了当今计算机所具有的功能。 C 程序紧凑且运行快。 C 是有力的和便于移植的。例如, 大部分实用、便于移植的 UNIX 操作系统是用 C 语言写的, 并且, 在 UNIX 系统中, C 语言之外的其它语言, 如FORTRAN, APL, PASCAL, LISP, LOGO, 和 BASIC的编译或解释程序也是用 C 语言写的。所以, 当我们在 UNIX 机上使用 PASCAL 时, 最终是用 C 程序产生最后的可执行代码的。 C 语言是友好的。它的结构化的特征有助于培养良好的编程习惯。 C 语言将是八十年代至九十年代最重要的语言之一。它被计算机系的学生和其它热心者在微机和个人机上使用如果你想成为一名软件工程师, 你应该有能力回答的首要问题是 -- "你能写 C 程序吗?"
C 正迅速成为一种最重要, 也是最流行的程序设计语言。它的使用一直在增长是因为人们一用它, 就将喜欢它。当你学习 C 语言时, 你也会认识到它有许多优点。让我们现在就提几点: C 是一种高效的语言。 C 的设计充分发挥了当今计算机所具有的功能。 C 程序紧凑且运行快。 C 是有力的和便于移植的。例如, 大部分实用、便于移植的 UNIX 操作系统是用 C 语言写的, 并且, 在 UNIX 系统中, C 语言之外的其它语言, 如FORTRAN, APL, PASCAL, LISP, LOGO, 和 BASIC的编译或解释程序也是用 C 语言写的。所以, 当我们在 UNIX 机上使用 PASCAL 时, 最终是用 C 程序产生最后的可执行代码的。 C 语言是友好的。它的结构化的特征有助于培养良好的编程习惯。 C 语言将是八十年代至九十年代最重要的语言之一。它被计算机系的学生和其它热心者在微机和个人机上使用如果你想成为一名软件工程师, 你应该有能力回答的首要问题是-- "你能写 C 程序吗?" (2009-10-28, Visual C++, 1685KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] RT-LAB

RT-LAB是加拿大Opal-RT公司开发的一套基于模型的实时仿真软件包,广泛应用于航空航天、武器研制、汽车等各个领域,因而对基于该平台的设备驱动程序的需求也越来越多,在简单介绍了RT-LAB软件包工作原理之后,分析了RT-LAB环境下PCI板卡驱动程序的实现方法,以NI6230多功能数据采集卡的驱动程序开发为例,介绍了驱动程序开发的方法及编程要点,给出了RT-LAB下驱动程序的基本框架,从逻辑上将驱动程序分为命令站程序和目标机程序两部分,并提供了部分关键代码 在某导弹半实物仿真系统中的运行结果表明该驱动程序运行稳定、可靠
Programming of A PCI Board Driver Based on RT-LAB (2009-09-25, Visual C++, 269KB, 下载51次)


[软件设计/软件工程] gaozhiliang

软件质量是被大多数程序员挂在嘴上而不是放在心上的东西! 除了完全外行和真正的编程高手外,初读本书,你最先的感受将是惊慌:“哇!我以前捏造的C++/C程序怎么会有那么多的毛病?” 别难过,作者只不过比你早几年、多几次惊慌而已。 请花一两个小时认真阅读这本百页经书,你将会获益匪浅,这是前面N-1个读者的建议。
Software quality is the majority of programmers have paid lip service rather than the heart thing! In addition to complete layman and truly master the programming, the initial read a book, you feel will be the first to panic: " wow! I had fabricated C++/C program how would there be so many problems?" Do not sorry, the author merely A few years ago than you, more than just a few panic-stricken. Please take 12 hours to carefully read through 100 of this book, you will be benefited, which is N-1 in front of a reader' s suggestion. (2009-09-02, Visual C++, 106KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] the_mythical_man_month

Although written in the separation of chapters, there are still a central point, in particular, contained in Chapter 2-7. In short, I believe that as a result of the division of personnel, large-scale programming project management problems encountered by the difference between large and small projects I believe that the key need is to maintain the integrity of the concept of product itself. These sections of the difficulties and solutions. Subsequent chapters explore the software to other aspects of project management. (2009-08-16, Visual C++, 1109KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] jiaotongdeng

The system uses the MSC-51 Series MCU ATSC51 and programmable parallel I/O interface chip 8255A-centric devices to design the traffic light controller, which can realize the basis of actual traffic flow through the P1 port 8051 chip set red, green fuel Liang time function traffic lights lit cycle, the countdown five seconds left when the yellow light flashing warning (traffic lights signal through the PA output, indicating the time directly through the PC port output 8255 to double-digit digital tube) vehicles闯红灯alarm green time can detect the flow through a double-digital tube display. The system practical, simple operation, the expansion of strong functions. (2009-02-16, Visual C++, 128KB, 下载9次)


[软件设计/软件工程] chuankoutongxin

PLC是以微处理器为核心的工业控制装置。在工业控制中,常常需要对PLC所采集的数据和工作状态进行监测控制,Visual C++是一种Windows应用程序开发工具,在图形处理和数据库管理等方面具有较强的功能,用它来实现底层的通信控制有着更快的速度。本文旨在探讨用可视化编程语言VisualC++实现计算机与PLC之间的串行通讯技术,充分合理地利用系统资源及特点,提高通讯效率。
PLC is a microprocessor as the core of industrial control devices. In industrial control, often by the need for PLC data acquisition and monitoring the work of state control, Visual C++ Is a Windows application development tools, graphics processing and database management has a strong feature, use it to achieve the underlying communication control has a faster rate. This paper aims to explore visual programming language VisualC++ Achieve between computer and PLC serial communication technology, and fully rational use of system resources and features to enhance communication efficiency. (2008-12-28, Visual C++, 214KB, 下载6次)


[软件设计/软件工程] VC-USB-HID

常用的Windows+API调用 怎样编写一个在USB接口读写数据的程序 HID设备的访问
Commonly used Windows+ API call how to prepare a USB interface to read and write data through HID equipment visit (2008-12-18, Visual C++, 258KB, 下载3144次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Automatic-drawing-Chinese-character-stroke-orders

:介绍了Windows图形引擎GDI+路径技术,提出了应用路径技术获取系统TrueType字库的笔画轮廓数 据来自动绘制汉字笔顺序列和各种部件的方法并编程实现。该方法可根据需要显示GB2312字符集6 763个汉 字的任意笔顺和各种部件。其对汉语工具书网络化、字符集外字处理具有实用意义
: The Windows graphics engine GDI+ Path technology, by using the path of technology acquisition system TrueType font data to paint the outline of automatic drawing sequence order of strokes of Chinese characters and all kinds of parts and programming methods. The method can be displayed GB2312 Character Set 6 763 Chinese characters of arbitrary order of strokes and a variety of components. Chinese books on networking, word processing outside the character set of practical significance (2008-12-10, Visual C++, 198KB, 下载219次)


[软件设计/软件工程] bingxingsuanfa

并行计算机的出现,一方面给实时信号处理、大规模科学与工程计算等提供了很好的物质基础与机遇,另一方面又给用户带来 了很多新问题和困难.由于并行机种类繁多、互不通用,如何发挥并行机的效率是用户最关心酌问题.一台性能很高的并行机,如果不能充分发挥其效率,性能会呈数量级下降.因此并行算法的研究是并行计算的一个关键问题.要设计出好的并行算法,必须 对并行计算机的硬件系统、软件系统有足够的了解,让设计的并行算法适合特定的硬件和软件系统.本章对并行计算机的体系结 构、并行编程环境、并行算法的一些基本概念、并行计算的现状及发展趋势等作了介绍.
err (2008-11-07, Visual C++, 7945KB, 下载10次)


[软件设计/软件工程] MatrixBible

OpenGL中的各种转换是通过矩阵运算实现的,具体的说,就是当发出一个转换命令时,该命令会生成一个4X4阶的转换矩阵(OpenGL中的物体坐标一律采用齐次坐标,即(x, y, z, w),故所有变换矩阵都采用4X4矩阵),当前矩阵与这个转换矩阵相乘,从而生成新的当前矩阵。例如,对于顶点坐标v ,转换命令通常在顶点坐标命令之前发出,若当前矩阵为C,转换命令构成的矩阵为M,则发出转换命令后,生成的新的当前矩阵为CM,这个矩阵再乘以顶点坐标v,从而构成新的顶点坐标CMv。上述过程说明,程序中绘制顶点前的最后一个变换命令最先作用于顶点之上。这同时也说明,OpenGL编程中,实际的变换顺序与指定的顺序是相反的。文档对其进行了详细的分析。 (2008-06-05, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载54次)
