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按平台查找All Visual Basic.NET(388) 

[Windows编程] 8943191

This is a good example of personalizing a form style in a VB environment, where you can see a simple way to customize VB forms (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 62KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] shne-message

这个 DLL实现了一个定制的消息框,使用了一个窗体和一些图片框,它是 dll编程的一个很好的介绍;同时,能方便的添加很多可扩展
This DLL implements a custom message box, using a form and some picture boxes, it is a good introduction to dll programming; at the same time, can easily add a lot of extensible (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 8KB, 下载0次)


[对话框与窗口] 31563256

This source code is an example of an arbitrary polygon form, the author uses the different programming ideas, using VB Shape control to achieve (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 2KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] grlup

This code is realized: the distance and azimuth between two points can be calculated by the coordinates of two points, and the coordinates of points can also be calculated by the distance and azimuth. (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 4KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] increment_mauaine

The text box is used with the label, the control is combined, the control is loaded, there are many types of selection (text, number, date) type, according to the different types of input content. (2018-12-05, Visual Basic.NET, 15KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 342941

如何用vb做mp3播放器 1 天寒 1999年10月10日 2 超爱常 盘贵子的尚轩 1999年10月13日 1999年1
How to make mp3 player with vb on October 10, 1999, October 10, 1999 (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 3KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] vubscrihtused

The program design of serial port communication based on VB is helpful for beginners to master the design of step motor control by MsComm. (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 71KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] tle

作为勇进软件的旗帜性产品Skin++ For VB 版,具有简单易用,嵌入系统方便,运行稳定,兼容性强等特点,提供了所有标
As the banner product Skin For VB version of Yongjin software, it is easy to use, easy to embed in the system, stable operation, strong compatibility and so on. (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 336KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] dozuctirn-punctuation

The Rnd function in VB is mainly used to realize the function of random searching and scrambling sorting, so as to realize the purpose of random draw. The syntax structure of Rnd function is Rnd [(num) (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 6KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] spmtl

You do not need to write code to automatically change the size of the control as the form changes and does not affect the font of the control (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 8KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] fyavo

A freely controlled desktop icon color, whether a transparent Mini Programs, I once added it to the run, the desktop has a flavo (2018-12-04, Visual Basic.NET, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 《VB.NET数据库编程》配套

For learning enthusiasts to use, the later program files are smaller than I have compressed together, I hope it will be helpful to your learning. (2018-10-19, Visual Basic.NET, 7609KB, 下载2次)


[系统编程] dlnpx

来电显示,通过连接安装内置MODEM可以显示对方来电的号码显示,但是需要支持来电 显示的调制解调器
Caller ID, the built-in MODEM is installed through the connection to display the caller's number display, but requires a modem that supports caller ID (2018-07-30, Visual Basic.NET, 66KB, 下载2次)


[串口编程] tke_short

VB Net串口通讯的实例,实现通关计算机控制手机进行短信接收,短信发送等功能
VB Net serial port communication example, realize the customs clearance computer control mobile phone for short message receiving, short message sending and other functions (2018-07-30, Visual Basic.NET, 62KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] PLCyefinition

PLC程序根据定义的通信协议(即 PLC接收信息 帧的格式和定义 )识别其信息 内容,通过PC 的 COM1与S7-200
The PLC program recognizes the information content according to the defined communication protocol (that is, the format and definition of the information frame received by PLC), and uses PC's COM1 and S7-200. (2018-07-30, Visual Basic.NET, 195KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] enclosing

NOKIA手机的测试模式BTS TEST,通常又称工程模式,有比普通专业测试手机更强的测试功能,它包含了大量的无线参数
NOKIA mobile phone test mode BTS test, also known as engineering mode, has a stronger testing function than ordinary professional test phones, it contains a large number of wireless parameters (2018-07-30, Visual Basic.NET, 20KB, 下载0次)


[.net编程] chap2_3

本光盘为《精通Visual Basic.NET网络编程》配书光盘,提供了本书第2~3章的实例源代码。读者需要安装Visual Bascic.NET或更高版本才能将它们打开。声明:本光盘中的源程序以及资源文件仅可作为学习和参考之用,未经许可不得用于任何商业等其他用途。
翻译 本光盘为《精通Visual Basic.NET网络编程》配书光盘,提供了本书第2~13章的实例源代码。读者需要安装Visual Bascic.NET或更高版本才能将它们打开。声明:本光盘中的源程序以及资源文件仅可作为学习和参考之用,未经许可不得用于任何商业等其他用途。 135/5000 The CD-ROM proficient Visual Basic.NET network programming with CD-ROM, provides the book chapters 2 to 13 examples of source code. Readers are required to install Visual Basic .NET or later to open them. Disclaimer: This CD-ROM source files and resources can only be used as a learning and reference, without permission shall not be used for any other commercial purposes. (2017-01-21, Visual Basic.NET, 365KB, 下载6次)


[游戏] source-code-of-fight-plane

Dimensional planes games, content is simple, one can understand, planes can be a good game to exercise your programming skills, but also can make you more proficient (2015-06-27, Visual Basic.NET, 13KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] WORD_out

Based VB.net (VS2010) in WORD template output process, can help you understand the programming mechanism WORD template output. (2015-05-05, Visual Basic.NET, 115KB, 下载22次)


[.net编程] VB.NET

The data for VB.net tutorial for novice new to VB.net, VB programming details of the rules and some entry skills, etc. (2015-04-12, Visual Basic.NET, 7896KB, 下载22次)
