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按分类查找All GPT/ChatGPT(25) 
按平台查找All Python(25) 

[GPT/ChatGPT] PythonLearningJourney

A personal repository documenting my Python learning journey, including exercises, projects, and notes. Following a structured roadmap provided by ChatGPT, this repo serves as a live archive of my progression in Python programming. (2024-02-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] teach-show-consult

Teach ChatGPT the Alda music programming language, show it some superb code, and consult with it to compose a melody. , (2023-04-12, Python, 267KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] GPT_scraper

This repository provides a way to scrape full user history (or use) ChatGPT through 2 methods: frontend "hidden" API based or Selenium based, both have their own pros. It can be helpful for avoiding the usage of API credits while still using ChatGPT programmatically , (2023-03-27, Python, 16KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] rubberduck-gpt3

这是一个vim插件,允许您使用chatGPT API模拟橡皮鸭编程,根据选定的代码行和用户特定的查询生成代码建议和自然语言解释。整个代码库的大部分是通过与ChatGPT本身对话生成的,标记为“ai”提交。
This is a vim plugin that allows you to simulate rubber duck programming by using the chatGPT API to generate code suggestions and natural language explanations based on the selected lines of code and a user-specified query. Most of this entire codebase was generated by talking with ChatGPT itself, marked as `ai` commits. , (2022-12-05, Python, 12KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] AutoDoc-ChatGPT

AutoDoc ChatGPT是一个Python脚本,它利用ChatGPT模型的强大功能自动生成任何编程语言的文档。使用AutoDoc ChatGPT,您可以轻松地为代码库生成全面的文档。
AutoDoc-ChatGPT is a Python script that leverages the power of ChatGPT model to automatically generate documentation for any programming language. With AutoDoc-ChatGPT, you can easily generate comprehensive documentation for your codebase. , (2023-03-10, Python, 24KB, 下载0次)
