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按平台查找All CSS(408) 

[开发工具] Develhope-Villa-Sol

Develhope Full Stacks课程中的协作项目,专注于从头开始构建定制应用程序。使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript等编程语言和React.js等前端技术。通过Figma等工具促进设计工作。
Collaborative project within the Full-Stacks course at Develhope, focusing on building a custom application from scratch. Using programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frontend technologies such as React.js. Design work facilitated through tools like Figma. (2024-04-30, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] ByteStreamXfer

ByteStreamXfer is a project developed as part of our Computer Networking course at Saint Louis University. It is a File Sharing Application implemented using Socket Programming, aiming to provide secure and efficient file transfer over a network. (2024-04-20, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] VagnerBomJesus.github

Software Developer portfolio highlighting a passion for innovative solutions and a strong commitment to cybersecurity. Showcasing a blend of advanced programming skills and a dedication to data protection and digital safety. (2024-04-19, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] EstensionForGoogleExam

Develop a Chrome extension to streamline web development by integrating Google s Gemini and LLMs. Users input programming queries to receive optimized responses, enhancing efficiency and problem-solving. Focused on user-friendly interaction and AI integration. (2024-04-12, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java书籍] LiteraLog

LiteraLog is a desktop application that is useful for recording personal book collections, recording reading progress, and recording book wishlist. This application is built using Java programming language with Gradle build system and using JavaFX framework for its GUI. (2024-03-09, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] nextjs_stackoverflow

This repository contains a full-stack web application built with Next.js, a React framework, aimed at replicating the core functionalities of StackOverflow. The project utilizes a modern tech stack to deliver a seamless user experience for asking, answering, and discovering programming-related questions. (2024-03-06, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] Shashank_GK_Portfolio

Welcome to my GitHub repository! Here, you ll find a collection of my software projects, showcasing my skills in various programming languages and technologies such as C++, Java, Python, React, and Bootstrap. Explore my work to see examples of my coding style, problem-solving abilities, and passion for software development. (2024-02-16, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] my_portfolio_website

罗辛小姐。你好!我是ES Marie adelaide的学生。我做MCE组合(数学、经济和计算机)实际上,我专门做不同的编程语言,如(css、c++和html),我也是Youtube和视频摄影师。
Miss Rosine. Hello! Iam student from ES Marie adelaide . I do MCE combunation (mathematic, economy and computer) Actually, I have specialized in doing different programing language like (css,c++ and html)and also i am youtuber and video grapher. (2024-02-09, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] jokesgenerator

The Jokes Generator project is a simple application built as part of learning JavaScript fundamentals. This app generates a variety of random jokes to entertain users. Developed purely with JavaScript, this project aims to reinforce basic JavaScript concepts such as DOM manipulation, API usage, and programming logic. (2024-01-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Java-Athletics

Java Athletics的官方存储库,个性化健身的首选目的地。在这里,您可以找到我们网站的源代码,精心制作以展示我们的服务范围:个人培训、虚拟培训、小组培训、编程和健康指导。在www.javaathletics.ca上托管GitHub页面
Official repository for Java Athletics, the premier destination for personalized fitness. Here, you ll find the source code for our website, beautifully crafted to showcase our range of services: Personal Training, Virtual Training, Small Group Training, Programming, and Health Coaching. Hosted with GitHub Pages at www.javaathletics.ca (2024-01-06, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] JokeGenerator

"Joke Generator" app is a simple web application that fetches a random programming-related joke from an API when the user clicks the "Generate Joke" button. The fetched joke is then displayed on the webpage, and a laughter sound effect is played shortly after the joke is displayed. (2024-01-01, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Coffee-Time-with-Me

Coffee Time with Me旨在将人们聚集在一起进行虚拟咖啡聊天,在那里我们可以讨论编程、网络和共度美好时光。无论你是一个编码爱好者还是一个喜欢良好对话的人,这是你的地方!我很高兴见到你!
Coffee Time with Me aims to bring people together for virtual coffee chats where we can discuss programming, network, and have a great time together. Whether you’re a coding enthusiast or just someone who enjoys good conversations, this is the place for you! I will be happy to meet you! (2023-12-27, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[项目管理] ProgEx-library-manangement-website

Once a Programming Exercise group project of team 3 in VGU. A library management website that possesses basisc functions such as browsing books, borrowing books and reviewing books. An administrator of the website can also view the dashboard, create, edit and remove books or users. (2023-12-25, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] Webhouse

The project involves creating a web-based GUI in HTML to control a Webhaus (web house) using a Raspberry Pi. It focuses on integrating server programming in C with a Raspberry Pi for home automation and embedded system management, demonstrating practical IoT applications. (2023-12-24, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] WebDev-project

EduCS is a comprehensive e-learning platform designed for computer science students as a mini project for the (Advanced Web Programming) module at our university. This repository houses the source code and documentation for the project. (2023-12-22, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] awesome-codes

This repo contains all of my Programming related Work, Exercises, Assignments and Projects etc) - I coded / practice d during my graduation period (2011-2015) at FAST-NU [www.nu.edu.pk](http://www.nu.edu.pk) (2022-10-24, CSS, 16515KB, 下载0次)


[代码编辑器] CodeINN

CodeINN is an instant code editor ??, that makes programming and development easier. Practice quickly and directly from your web browser, without any setup needed. CodeINN gives the perfect environment to developers technologists, coders computers, and geeks ?? to do more with their tech. (2022-01-23, CSS, 1136KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] The-Dungeons-Game

Oracle+Alura Latam编程课程项目。使用JavaScript-HTML-CSS创建游戏基于...
?? Project for Oracle + Alura-Latam Programming Course. Created with JavaScript - HTML - CSS ?? The game is based on the Hang-Man game!. You have 7 lives and you must guess the correct characters that form the Winner word, for every lifes you lose, there goes your extremities, if you get to form the word before they hang you, you get King (2022-09-15, CSS, 30039KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] ict2x01-p3-4

ict2x01-p3-4,Project CarStep的目的是通过提供块编程来帮助6岁以上的孩子进行逻辑思维...
Project CarStep purpose is to aid in the logical thinking for kids above 6 years old by providing a block-programming platform in the Flask web application while integrated with a robotic car in which the child could see what was being executed. (2022-01-21, CSS, 504KB, 下载0次)


[生物医药技术] 022-Feb-Introduction-To-Python-For-Bioinformatics

This workshop consists of five half-day sessions, combining lecture and exercises to teach you the basics of programming (using python), with an emphasis on bioinformatics. Completion of this material will allow participants to get the most out of our other experiment-centric workshops. No previous python experience is necessary. (2022-08-17, CSS, 28306KB, 下载0次)
