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[系统/网络安全] Hacker-Rank-30-Days-Preparation-in-Python

As Problem solving is the major part of programming and solving new problem increases your ability to tackle new problems , however this repository contain all the problems which have been solved by me in hacker rank in the 30 days preparation kit. (2024-04-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] ai-generated-articles

Explore this repository s markdown files for guides and tutorials on programming setups, installations, and tips to optimize your workflow and solve common issues, from database configurations to project creation. (2024-03-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] v13-password-manager

Simple password management application developed using Python s Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles and following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. The graphical user interface (GUI) is built using tkinter and ttkbootstrap, ensuring an intuitive and modern user experience. (2024-02-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] 操作系统-深入理解计算机系统

和第2版相比,本版内容上*大的变化是,从以IA32和x86-64为基础转变为完全以x86-64为基础。主要更新如下: 基于x86-64,大量地重写代码,首次介绍对处理浮点数据的程序的机器级支持。 处理器体系结构修改为支持64位字和操作的设计。 引入更多的功能单元和更复杂的控制逻辑,使基于程序数据流表示的程序性能模型预测更加可靠。 扩充关于用GOT和PLT创建与位置无关代码的讨论,描述了更加强大的链接技术(比如库打桩)。 增加了对信号处理程序更细致的描述,包括异步信号安全的函数等。 采用新函数,更新了与协议无关和线程安全的网络编程。
Operating systems - deep understanding of computer systems (2021-01-01, WINDOWS, 31408KB, 下载4次)


[系统/网络安全] 自动程序下载

程序功能: 1,串口1在接收到上位机发送的 0XFA 后,会直接进入ISP模式,下一个时刻就可以进行程序烧录了。 配合STC-ISP的 “收到用户命令后复位到ISP区” 这个功能,可以实现自动烧录程序。 2,其他所有的程序都可以在这个模板上面进行添加。 3,第一次烧写这个程序的时候,需要进行“冷启动下载”。
Program functions: 1. Serial port 1 receives the 0XFA sent by the host computer and enters ISP mode directly. The program can be burned at the next moment. With STC-ISP's function of "reset to ISP area after receiving user's command", automatic burning program can be realized. 2, all other programs can be added to this template. 3, when you first burn this program, you need to start with "cold start download". (2018-10-18, C/C++, 54KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] RSA MD5

By modifying and compiling the source code of the MD5 algorithm, we can understand and master the principle and programming idea of the hash algorithm. Using this algorithm to calculate the text file, get Hashige (Hash1); modify the text file, again use the algorithm to calculate it, get another Hashige (Hash2), compare the two hash values, see how many bits have changed. (2018-05-24, C/C++, 692KB, 下载3次)


[系统/网络安全] BAArpWorml

黑色技术蠕虫下载者[完整源码]作者:教主信息来源:邪恶八进制信息安全团队(www.eviloctal.com)作者网站::黑色技术 www.Rootkit.com.cn公开源码用于编程交流。利用此代码修改或传播与作者无任何关系。 已通过测试。
Black worm that those who download the complete source code] Author: leader of sources of information: the evil the octal information security team (www.eviloctal.com) of the website :: black technology www.Rootkit.com.cn of open source code for programming exchange. Using this code, modified or transmitted in any relationship with the author. Has been tested. (2012-08-02, Visual C++, 531KB, 下载15次)


[系统/网络安全] VB-Winsock-API

VB Winsock API高级编程调用大全(包括3个.bas 函数声明库)
VB Winsock API calls Daquan advanced programming (including 3. Bas function declaration library) (2011-03-07, Visual Basic, 164KB, 下载101次)


[系统/网络安全] firewallTechnicalGuide

, This book by exploring the composition of all components of the Internet and make the Internet a variety of factors of insecurity, so that you are a higher level of professional standards its detailed description and discussion of the application on the Internet all the agreements, standards and applications Programming Interface (API), as well as encryption to the firewall from the security mechanism. The latter part of the book market, the main firewall, including products, tools and application software packages are reviewed and some of the demo version of the firewall and evaluation of the book (2009-06-15, Unix_Linux, 11727KB, 下载2次)


[系统/网络安全] 8.6pop3gjk

1.目录pop3高级程序开发是一个能够从pop3服务器中检查所有邮件,并且可以查看邮件内容,也可以删除邮件但是没有实现附件的接收,使用时需要设定服务器地址以及用户名和密码; 2.目录简单的邮件发送是一个很简单的邮件发送程序,能够发送普通的文本内容; 3.目录邮件发送高级编程是一个高级的邮件发动程序,能够设定smtp的验证,同时也能够发送附件,还能够设定各种编码以及数据加密。
1. Directory pop3 is a senior program development from the pop3 server to check all mail, and can view e-mail content, can also delete the message but did not achieve the annex to the receipt, use need to configure the server address and user name and password 2. Directory simple e-mail is a very simple e-mail program that can send the text of the ordinary 3. directory of e-mail high-level programming is an advanced e-mail to launch the procedure can be set up smtp authentication, but also be able to send attachments, but also can set the various coding and data encryption. (2008-12-13, Visual C++, 3768KB, 下载7次)


[系统/网络安全] Vcr

PDF Library的PDF文件读取和写入速度到达1.6版本(Acrobat 7.0)的水平,并且具……6. Aspose.Pdf v3.3.0商业....NET是一个C#,VB.NET和其它.NET编程环境中易于使用的应用程序接口(API),可以用于操作AutoCAD DWG和DXF文件格式。
err (2007-12-28, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载22次)


[系统/网络安全] adkiller.src

Internet often will pop up advertisements, this software can intercept the general pop-up advertisements window, and release may not be larger forms of advertising; Prepared with Delphi7, blocking ads will be the same as QQ can be accompanied by flashing voices suggest that while intercepting record numbers of pop-up ads for you the Internet provides a convenient; while its occupation of the few system resources, and hopes to give some beginners tray programming and news programming with some help; procedures used Mody xpmenu3 control, you did not installed on the machine so it can be deleted. (2004-09-20, Delphi, 19KB, 下载27次)
