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按分类查找All 其他智力游戏(445) 

[其他智力游戏] NESAssemblyGameDevelopment

A challenging game for the NES console, programmed exclusively in 6502 assembly language. Navigate through two stages of intricate mazes, reaching the exit before time runs out. Screen movement, dynamic tilesets, and limited time add excitement. Educational project for Computer Architecture II (2024-03-26, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他智力游戏] qtllk

VC/C++源码,游戏编程,连连看 基于Qt的VC++连连看程序,源代码本身是比较小的,QT库附带的文件比较多,源码打包后有22M左右,因建立于QT库,所以比较有针对性,以此有需求的可下载源码,源代码在sources文件夹中。游戏测试文件在Game目录下。
VC/C++ source, game programming, Qt-based VC++ Lianliankan Lianliankan program, the source code itself is relatively small, QT libraries supplied more documents, source code packaged with 22M or so, due to built on QT libraries, so have more targeted, there is a demand in order to download source code, the source code in the sources folder. Game test file in Game directory. (2013-10-28, Visual C++, 21754KB, 下载3次)


[其他智力游戏] guessnum

VB6 source guessing game, you can choose the difficulty, primary and secondary points, primary, of course, simple, Intermediate also the difficulty of playing time in the text box, enter an integer between 0-9, the probability is not guessedah, interesting. Is learning VB programming ideas. (2013-05-09, Visual C++, 263KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] VBpintu

VB since write the puzzle, a game of very small and very educational, many novice VB friends like to write some games when you begin to exercise the programming level, this is really a good way, through the preparation of a game knowledge you understand the system, a comprehensive, just like this little jigsaw puzzle, examine knowledge are many, I hope to write some VB beginners learning games help. (2013-04-03, Visual Basic, 256KB, 下载7次)


[其他智力游戏] Snake-game

这是我做的贪食蛇游戏,在游戏中属于比较简单的,只有近500行,主要设计思想是以数据段的数值 作为80*25屏幕上的坐标,然后用一些中断将其显示就行。所以编程时主要考虑对数据段中数据的改变 对于贪食蛇这款游戏,核心思想是控制“蛇头”(第一个数)的变化,而蛇身只要跟着蛇头移动就行
This is a pivotal game that I do in the game are relatively simple, only about 500 lines, the main design idea is based on the value of the data segment 80* 25 on the screen coordinates, and then some disruption to its display. So the main consideration when programming change to the data in the data segment On the Snake game, the core idea is to control the "snakeheads" (first number) changes, while the snake followed by snakeheads move (2012-03-27, Asm, 7KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] guess

Written in VC++ source code games thinkers, the data seems to be a guessing game in person because there is no time to play, the game source code can be compiled successfully VC6 environment, some people in this game called " thought reader" , playing the inputs and feel very interesting, in VC++ Programming for friends, maybe only concerned about the process within the game, code and so on. (2011-04-28, Visual C++, 54KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] guess

Guessing game. Computer to select a four-digit, from the player to guess the number of players constantly in the terminal input four-digit, one for each input, the computer is that the number of guess several several figures and the location of the correct figure is also correct until the players all guess the correct date, the computer output by those who guess the number game. Programmed to achieve the game. (2010-08-17, Visual C++, 184KB, 下载2次)


[其他智力游戏] Snake_App

I also a Snake game source code, even though each of the games are played are the same as a Snake, but the programming algorithm is different, the Snake has applied to the VC++ If the cycle of the queue and a simple theory linked to achieve, with the on the keyboard W/A/S/D keys control Yishen were moving more then the longer the game before the start of Yi Shen, quantity of food you can set up their own (2010-03-17, Visual C++, 305KB, 下载8次)


[其他智力游戏] Console_WinMine

控制台扫雷。 内含2部分,1.源代码和运行程序:基于控制台的C++编程,2.实验报告(设计文档):对设计思路,实现过程有详细的介绍,文件夹内有运行截图,可以从大体上掌握。在控制台上实现扫雷,虽然界面稍微差强人意,但想法还是挺好的。
Contains two parts, 1. The source code and run the program: console-based C++ programming, 2. Experimental report (design documents): For design ideas, the implementation process described in detail, folders, there are running shots, can be roughly on the master. In the console to achieve de-mining, although the interface a bit unsatisfactory, but the idea is still in very good shape. (2010-02-03, C++, 375KB, 下载14次)


[其他智力游戏] erluosifangkuai

This is done by MFC does not play a long-standing failure of the intelligence game- Tetris. Elegant interface, strong playability. Want to learn MFC help the freshmen in the development process will encounter many difficulties, friends hope to maintain a positive frame of mind, experience the fun of programming. I wish you all success! (2009-08-08, Visual C++, 881KB, 下载5次)


[其他智力游戏] mario

Previously issued C++ version of the super-Mary, through the perfect Recently, the game is close to maturity, which is source code and technical documentation, hope and love C++ game programming, learn to learn with friends. Source packages have been generated by export EXE executable file and all source code there is a technical document DOC. (2009-07-27, Visual C++, 1756KB, 下载22次)


[其他智力游戏] snake

VC++ new handwritten Snake game, interface and features are relatively rough, want to be helpful for beginners. In fact, through the preparation of this game, you will learn a lot and the game has nothing to do things, and this is a learning program to improve the processes, procedures are not simple and complex, the key is that the results of how much you can behind you do not know things. (2009-07-20, Visual C++, 24KB, 下载19次)


[其他智力游戏] lianliankan

" Lianliankan" game development platform to use Access to do, on the use of VBA to deal with images and other data have some help. In addition, the rules of games and Lianliankan algorithm makes full use of the built-in object AccessVBA a decrease of programming more difficult. (2009-04-15, VBA, 190KB, 下载81次)


[其他智力游戏] Boxman

一个C++.net实现的推箱子游戏, 个人感觉还不错, 希望能和各位初学者分享, 望有更多更好的智力小游戏源码能够和大家分享, 同时也希望能从各位那学到更多经典的编程知识.
A C++. Net realized Sokoban games, personal feeling pretty good, and I hope to share beginners, hope there are more and better mental game and to share source code can also hope that it can learn more classic programming knowledge. (2008-09-15, Visual C++, 126KB, 下载4次)


[其他智力游戏] Tetris

俄罗斯方块汇编程序 课程设计 设计内容和要求: (1)方块左右移动、落下、旋转; (2)显示分数、游戏进行时间和当前时间日期; (3)参数设置:如修改功能键、音乐、改变颜色、速度、屏幕分辨率等; (4)菜单功能:如开始、结束、暂停、设置环境参数等; (5)文件操作:读文件、写文件等(如环境和参数设置等); (6)预先显示下一个方块;能读写游戏进度。
Russian box assembler design content and curriculum design requirements: (1) box around the mobile, down, rotate (2) show scores, game time and the current time and date (3) parameter settings: Any change in function keys, music change the color, speed, screen resolution, etc. (4) Menu functions: such as the beginning and end, pause, set the environmental parameters, etc. (5) file operations: read documents, write documents, etc. (such as the environment and parameter setting, etc.) (6) pre-show box next can read and write the game progress. (2008-01-07, Asm, 8KB, 下载75次)


[其他智力游戏] PengPeng1

这是是我前几天仿写的小游戏《看谁守得住》的源代码,有详细的注释,代码短,但涉及到windows实时网络游戏的诸多基本元素,包括多线程、套接字、双缓冲、边界检查、3D视角等,程序可扩展性好,对程序中小球个数NBALL重新赋值(比如改成6)可以方便的扩展成网络桌球,对大球个数修改可以方便的扩展成网络足球(需要修改碰撞判断条件),也可以很方便的移植为调试OpenGL、D3D程序的平台(替换显示类C3DConvertor),是一个值得参考的入门级实时3D游戏编程框架 游戏支持单机和双人局域网两种游戏模式,双击右键,建立主机或者连接到主机 滚轮改变视角 窗口可拖动
this is a few days before my parodies of small game, "Let us see who will endure" the source code, a detailed notes, short code, But relates to real-time network game windows of many of the basic elements, including multi-threaded, socket, double buffering, border checks, 3D perspective, process scalability, and Small ball right procedures NBALL number re-assignment (for example into 6) to facilitate the expansion into the network pool, Number of big balls can be amended to facilitate the expansion of the network into football (need to amend the judgment collision conditions), can be very convenient for debugging OpenGL transplantation, Motion procedures platform (Replacement C3DConvertor show category), is a reference to the entry-level 3-D game programming framework to support (2007-04-17, Visual C++, 26KB, 下载306次)


[其他智力游戏] 超经典推箱子游戏

推箱子这游戏就不用介绍了吧 本程序算法巧妙,自动生成地图,支持鼠标点击自动搜索路径,是学习vc编程的好例子
viewing this game would not have introduced it this procedure clever algorithm automatically generated maps, support for mouse clicks automatically search path is studying vc good example of programming (2005-10-29, Visual C++, 136KB, 下载133次)


[其他智力游戏] 俄罗斯方块源代码【VC++编程

Tetris game is estimated that each person has tried it, but you have not done it, it is given to the source code, we hope to points. (2005-06-05, Visual C++, 45KB, 下载33次)


[其他智力游戏] Guess心灵感应程序

spiritual induction process is in fact the use of two pictures of the replacement for users of the psychological suggestion give people the impression pondering not penetrate. Procedures used in the assay system configuration code, the CPU speed detection code for compilation mixed language programming. (2005-04-09, C++ Builder, 344KB, 下载22次)


[其他智力游戏] elsfk带算法

很多编程爱好者都编写过俄罗斯方块的游戏程序。很久以前,我用Tc2.0也做过一个;最近有好些朋友看见我以前的俄罗斯方块的程序后, 问我是怎么做的。我一直想把这个程序的整个过程写一份详细的东西,
many programming enthusiasts are prepared off Tetris game procedures. A long time ago, I used a Tc2.0 have done; Recently, I saw some friends of the Russian block before the procedures and asked how I was doing. I always wanted to turn the whole process procedures for writing a detailed things, (2005-03-23, Visual C++, 551KB, 下载569次)
