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[前端开发] Hard-Parts-of-Functional-JS-Fundamentals

Explore the increasingly popular paradigm of functional programming in JavaScript! You’ll learn how to wield and manipulate functions to develop more readable, maintainable and manageable codebases. You’ll go under the hood of powerful techniques like: Higher Order Functions, Function Composition, Pure Functions, and Immutability of State. (2024-02-26, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Getting-started-with-aspnetcore-dashboard-layout

ASP。NET Core Dashboard Layout是一个网格结构布局组件,有助于创建具有面板的静态和动态仪表板布局。仪表板面板是仪表板的基本构建块,可以在运行时以编程方式或动态添加。面板包含UI组件,并允许调整大小、重新排序、拖放、删除和添加。在栅格布局中的所需位置轻松放置零部件。
The ASP.NET Core Dashboard Layout is a grid-structured layout component that helps create static and dynamic dashboard layouts with panels. Dashboard panels are the basic building blocks of a dashboard and can be added programmatically or dynamically at runtime. The panels hold UI components and allow resizing, reordering, dragging and dropping, removing, and adding. Easily place components at the desired positions within the grid layout. (2024-02-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Getting-started-with-aspnetmvc-dashboard-layout

ASP。NETMVC Dashboard Layout是一个网格结构布局组件,有助于创建具有面板的静态和动态仪表板布局。仪表板面板是仪表板的基本构建块,可以在运行时以编程方式或动态添加。面板包含UI组件,并允许调整大小、重新排序、拖放、删除和添加。这允许用户在栅格布局中的所需位置轻松放置零部件。
The ASP.NET MVC Dashboard Layout is a grid-structured layout component that helps create static and dynamic dashboard layouts with panels. Dashboard panels are the basic building blocks of a dashboard and can be added programmatically or dynamically at runtime. The panels hold UI components and allow resizing, reordering, dragging and dropping, removing, and adding. This allows users to easily place components at the desired positions within the grid layout. (2024-02-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Java-Athletics

Java Athletics的官方存储库,个性化健身的首选目的地。在这里,您可以找到我们网站的源代码,精心制作以展示我们的服务范围:个人培训、虚拟培训、小组培训、编程和健康指导。在www.javaathletics.ca上托管GitHub页面
Official repository for Java Athletics, the premier destination for personalized fitness. Here, you ll find the source code for our website, beautifully crafted to showcase our range of services: Personal Training, Virtual Training, Small Group Training, Programming, and Health Coaching. Hosted with GitHub Pages at www.javaathletics.ca (2024-01-06, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Flask-SSM

A python web development framework based on Flask secondary packaging. The IOC inversion of control of java is simulated through python reflection, and the AOP aspect oriented programming of java is simulated through python decorator mode. It has the functions of interface automatic registration, timed task automatic registration, transaction manager, unit test, etc. It is especially helpful for Java to python web (2023-11-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Kkuil-OJ

Kkuil-OJ 是一个基于 Github 的在线判题项目,为程序员和编程爱好者提供交流和学习的平台。 这个开源项目旨在建立一个简洁易用的在线判题系统,让用户能够提交代码、通过测试用例并获得及时反馈和评分。 Kkuil-OJ 的界面设计简洁直观,让用户能够快速上手...,
Kkuil OJ is an online problem determination project based on Github, which provides a platform for programmers and programming enthusiasts to communicate and learn. This open source project aims to establish a simple and easy to use online question determination system, so that users can submit code, pass test cases and obtain timely feedback and scoring. The interface design of Kkuil OJ is simple and intuitive, allowing users to quickly start, (2023-08-03, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] blog-system

A personal blog system modeled after CSDN, which can use makedown syntax to edit articles, classify articles based on tags, and view them. The system is implemented in MVC framework, adopts the idea of separating front end from rear end, separates data, logic and interface, and simply uses singleton pattern and the idea of interface oriented programming (2021-01-29, JavaScript, 2947KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] yiiframe

yiiframe,YiiFrame 是一个通用的Web编程框架,可完美运行在linux、mac和windows环境下,用于开发各种基于PHP构建的Web应用程序,包括APP、小程序、H5、网站等。 基于插件的框架结构特别适合开发大型应用系统的后端和提供...
Yiiframe, YiiFrame is a universal web programming framework that runs perfectly in Linux, Mac, and Windows environments, used to develop various PHP based web applications, including apps, applets, H5, websites, and more. The plugin based framework structure is particularly suitable for developing the backend of large application systems and providing (2021-08-30, PHP, 10045KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] quickWebAndServer

QuickWebAndServer, a self-developed small WEB project framework, adopts the RestFul specification, optimizes MySQL operations, simplifies the use of Redis, and allows users to choose between dynamic and static methods to register filters. The project integrates a large number of excellent third-party frameworks such as bootstrap and Jquery. Even with zero programming base (2018-09-12, HTML, 206KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Koa2

Koa2 is currently the most popular web development framework based on the Node.js platform, which is small but highly scalable. Koa gives people a clean and tidy feeling, with small size and clean programming methods. Many well-known internet companies in China are using BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent). (2020-10-31, JavaScript, 2KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] 应用背景 圆柱绕流问题是流体力学里面的基本问题

应用背景 圆柱绕流问题是流体力学里面的基本问题。本程序用于求解圆柱绕流问题,因为是对称的问题,因此取了一半圆柱进行研究,然后将求解区域分区,用户可以随意指定各个区需要划分的网格排数和列数。 关键技术 本程序比较适合初学有限元的人了解有限元的编程过程。采用的是matalb编写,里面有一些根据网格划分生成节点坐标,组装刚度矩阵的方法,可以借鉴一下。 (2022-07-06, Delphi, 939KB, 下载0次)
