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[文件操作] C-CPPhead_files

C++ 头文件是C++编程很重要的一个方面,很多初学者对C++头文件的理解不是很到位~本文档对C、C++ 的常用的头文件进行了总结,对初学者非常有用~
C++ C++ header file is a very important aspect of the program, many beginners C++ headers understanding is not in place ~ This document C, C++ common header file summarizes, very useful for beginners- (2016-03-29, Visual C++, 38KB, 下载1次)


[文件操作] Sentence-300-For-EXCEL-VBA

EXCEL VBA开发常用语句例句300句,已经进行过分类整理,每句例句后还有详细解释,对用VBA开发EXCEL扩展功能的编程者十分有帮助。
EXCEL VBA developed commonly statements listen, have been sorting, after the end of each listen also explained in detail, very helpful to the expansion of functional programming with VBA development EXCEL. (2012-07-21, VBA, 234KB, 下载4次)


[文件操作] exefanbianyi

EXE file written in VB decompiler tool, this tool can see the EXE inside a function, program code, etc., of great help for learning programming. (2011-10-15, Visual C++, 162KB, 下载75次)


[文件操作] file_divide

I do programming in the learning process the dialog box can be used for beginners familiar with the VC build environment and some basic features of the implementation. (2011-04-12, Visual C++, 859KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] delete

This procedure is used to remove the principle of automatic machines that are used in the program notes, comments, a total of two styles, one is the other one is " /**/" " //" , (2011-04-09, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] VBA-design

Through VBA programming, you can repeat the tedious work of some simple operations to complete, not only improves the work efficiency, but also avoid repeating the errors during the operation possible. I believe Microsoft' s Office software in China has been more and more people understand and accept the application, but also believe that more people can use the VBA programming to allow the software to better customer service and to meet more specific requirements of users. (2011-04-08, VBA, 37536KB, 下载34次)


[文件操作] beidanci

Back word program: program files using the vocabulary in which each entry and interpretation of the word of two parts, programming to complete: Create, modify, and store vocabulary files. (2010-07-05, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载13次)


[文件操作] wenjiancaozuo

本人买的一本书的例子的一章。第3章完成+文件操作编程实例43-59(2).rar - RAR 压缩文件, 解包大小为 7,059,388 字节是VC++2005做的 还蛮实用的
I bought a book example of a chapter. Chapter 3+ file operations to complete Programming Example 43-59 (2). Rar- RAR compressed file, unpack size of 7,059,388 bytes is the VC++2005 do quite practical (2010-05-06, Visual C++, 1647KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] ListFile

MFC 编程实现 列表显示文件名称的例子,是<<Visual C++程序模块集锦>> 这本书里面的例子,需要的可以下载参考下!!!
MFC Programming list shows the file name of the example is the < <Visual C++程序模块集锦> > The book inside the case, you can download the information required under! ! ! (2010-04-08, Visual C++, 28KB, 下载53次)


[文件操作] jincheng

Design the directory structure (using multi-level directory), and the file directory of the structure of space-bit Out-of-Core that map, and programming to achieve the following requirements (in this experiment does not take into account file operation function) (2009-06-05, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载21次)


[文件操作] FileToArray

读取txt文件 在vc环境下编程 可以按行读也可以完整读取
Read txt file in vc programming environment can be a complete line can also be time to read (2009-06-01, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载213次)


[文件操作] Olecnt

PDF Library的PDF文件读取和写入速度到达1.6版本(Acrobat 7.0)的水平,并且具……6. Aspose.Pdf v3.3.0商业....NET是一个C#,VB.NET和其它.NET编程环境中易于使用的应用程序接口(API),可以用于操作AutoCAD DWG和DXF文件格式。
err (2007-12-28, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载12次)



Applications, can be a text file of all the Chinese characters within the code and area code extracted to generate a programming file that can be used to facilitate the Chinese characters display program to use a direct copy. (2007-11-28, C/C++, 103KB, 下载15次)


[文件操作] wenjianxitong

题目:文件系统的模拟实现 目的:深入理解文件系统的实现机制,掌握文件访问的编程技术。 任务:实现一个文件模拟文件系统。
Title: File System Simulation realize the purpose of: In-depth understanding of file system mechanisms to achieve, master file access programming technology. Mission: the realization of a simulated document file system. (2007-08-17, C/C++, 164KB, 下载48次)


[文件操作] WordExtractor

Ole编程,读取Word中表格的文本内容 对于加了宏的Cell内容,暂时没有想到怎么获取。请高手指导
Ole programming, read the Word in the form of text content for the addition of macro Cell content, there is no thought of how to obtain. Please expert guidance (2007-07-20, Delphi, 391KB, 下载30次)


[文件操作] creattempfile

example of the book 168 cases, the programming we sometimes need to provide some temporary folder as the cache, Here how to establish a temporary folder process (2007-04-14, Delphi, 8KB, 下载2次)


[文件操作] module_cfg_reader

read the configuration file procedures, including the C/ASM two versions, the source modular programming, Reading the configuration file function can reuse and transplantation. (2006-04-15, DOS, 11KB, 下载11次)


[文件操作] ltWAIT

4-11 最优服务次序问« 问题描述:设有n 个顾客同时等待个顾客的服务次序才能使平总和除以n。« 编程任务:对于给定的n个顾客需要的服务时间,编程计算最优服务次序。« 数据输入:由文件input.txt给出输入数据。第一行是正整数n,表示有n 个顾客。接下来的1 行中,有n个正整数,表示n个顾客需要的服务时间。« 结果输出:将编程计算出的最小平均等待时间输出到文件output.txt。输入文件示例 输出文件示例input.txt output.txt1056 12 1 99 1000 234 33 55 99 812532.
4-11 optimal order asked laquo services; Problem description : n with customers while waiting for customer service so that the order can be divided by the sum of n-ping. Laquo; Programming tasks : to the n needs of its customers time and programming services for calculating optimal order. Laquo; Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. The first line is a positive integer n, n said a customer. Following a visit, n is an integer, n said the needs of the customer service hours. Laquo; Results output : Programming will calculate the average waiting time for the smallest output to a file output.txt. Examples of input document output files example input.txt output.txt1056 12 1 99 1000 234 33 55 99 812532. (2005-05-20, Visual C++, 63KB, 下载14次)


[文件操作] BinToText

put bin convert documents into the archives of documents for the use of programming, such as using the C51 generated code can be downloaded directly to the use of (2005-05-18, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载194次)


[文件操作] ATL写的一个操作INI文件的COM组件

a written document literacy com ini control, ATL can learn as a good example of programming, but also can learn to read and write documents ini (2005-04-06, Visual C++, 18KB, 下载99次)
