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按平台查找All Assembly(467) 

[土木工程] Assmebly_Project

This project is a user management application developed in assembly language for 32-bit architecture. It allows users to create, display, and manage user profiles efficiently. Implemented using NASM, the project demonstrates proficiency in low-level programming and computer architecture principles. (2024-03-28, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] AOC1

Projects of college in the subject Architecture and Organization of Computers, where we learn how a computer works, this repository contains simple MIPS assembly programs to understand the logic behind. (2024-03-24, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Digital-Design-Labs

A collection of SystemVerilog modules and Assembly programs. This repo includes examples of decoders, encoders, and interactive games implemented in hardware description and assembly languages, illustrating practical applications in digital systems and microprocessor interfacing. (2024-03-13, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] bootloader

创建自己的引导扇区。探索在没有任何操作系统支持的情况下,在实模式下编程的感觉。事实上,开始编写自己的操作系统。请参阅https:www.staerk.de thorsten assembler_tutorial
Create your own bootsector. Explore how programming in real mode feels, without any support of the operating system. In fact, start writing your own operating system. See https: www.staerk.de thorsten assembler_tutorial (2024-03-01, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] NadToTetrist

A hands-on journey through computer science basics Course. Starting with logic gates, learners progress through modules covering digital logic, programming, and system design. Through practical projects, they build a complete computer system, gaining deep insights into both hardware and software. (2024-02-15, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] NadToTetrist_Part1

A hands-on journey through computer science basics Course. Starting with logic gates, learners progress through modules covering digital logic, programming, and system design. Through practical projects, they build a complete computer system, gaining deep insights into both hardware and software. (2024-02-13, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] GriiseMineOS-bootloader

Dans ce projet,je fais un引导加载程序en汇编程序,qui charge un noyau简单en模式保护32位。Le bootloader se compose de trois stages,quisont exécutés继承par la machine au démarrage:
Dans ce projet, je fais un bootloader en assembleur, qui charge un noyau simple en mode protégé 32 bits. Le bootloader se compose de trois stages, qui sont exécutés successivement par la machine au démarrage : (2024-02-05, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Character-Frequency-Calculator-Coal-Project-

The Character Frequency Calculator, part of the Coal Project, is an x86 assembly program that analyzes user-inputted strings, displaying … (2024-01-21, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Bubble-Sort

Explore the efficiency of Bubble Sort implemented in Assembly language. Ideal for those delving into low-level programming or studying sorting algorithms. Dive into the code and enhance your understanding of assembly and algorithm optimization. (2023-12-26, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[自然语言处理] Assembly-Lang-Bubble-Sort

Explore the efficiency of Bubble Sort implemented in Assembly language. Ideal for those delving into low-level programming or studying sorting algorithms. Dive into the code and enhance your understanding of assembly and algorithm optimization. (2023-12-22, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[驱动编程] WRAMP-scripts

使用WRAMP处理器编程时为Basy3 FPGA编写的脚本集合,以展示主板的功能。所有...,
A collection of scripts written for the Basy3 FPGA when programmed with a WRAMP processor to showcase the board s capabilities. (2021-06-26, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] Guessing-Number-Game-Assembly

这是一款建立在visual studio 2019上的猜测数字游戏,使用汇编作为其编程语言。在这个项目中,我生成了一个...,
It s a guessing number game built on visual studio 2019 and uses assembly as its programming language. In this project I have generated a random number after that I m checking the user input with the random number if its less than the random number then I m printing less the message if the number is greater then I m printing greater than the (2022-05-20, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] acs-assembly-language-programming

Homework assigment solutions for the Assembly Language Programming course from the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest. Documentation is in Romanian. (2021-03-05, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] AsmForRE

Collection of assembly program of various CPU architecture to understand how things work under each high level language. The main goal of the repo is get with familiar with ASM to identify various procedures while reversing a binary executable (2022-08-30, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[调试/Bug] eForth43-msp430g2553-naken

eForth version 4.3.1 for nakenasm - Tings original, but for another assembler; fixed 2 bugs , added small tools for dealing with the flash., (2018-07-14, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] M4_FORTH

用M4宏为Z80汇编程序和ZX Spectrum创建的简单FORTH编译器。
A simple FORTH compiler created with M4 macros for Z80 assembler _and_ ZX Spectrum. (2023-07-01, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] Logisim_CPU

Made a CPU in Logisim when I was 14 (2009), and wrote a naive assembler and compiler for it in Flash. The CPU s design is inspired by Donn Stewart, http://cpuville.com. (2016-09-30, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)


[汇编语言] nand-2-tetris

Computer built from the ground up on top of own CPU, while compiler _and_ assembler for it implemented in Rust language (2019-10-23, Assembly, 0KB, 下载0次)



QNICE-FPGA is a 16-bit computer system for recreational programming built as a fully-fledged System-on-a-Chip in portable VHDL. (2023-05-06, Assembly, 12587KB, 下载0次)
