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[数据结构] reverse-the-single-link-list

本源代码是利用控制台编程,在Visual C++下实现的用于单链表新的逆置方法,并利用递归调用函数实现。
The source code is the use of the console programming in Visual C++ implemented new single list of inverse method for setting and using recursive call function to achieve. (2016-11-26, Visual C++, 484KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Student--Management-System

Using C++ language, combined with basic knowledge of programming data structures and ideas. For college students of information management, student management system, search, delete and other functions. (2016-05-18, Visual C++, 53KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Flower-drum-pass-game

Programming analog implementation of Chinese-style drum transfer flowers game, using the knowledge of the data structure, the data structure is a good example to learn (2015-05-11, Visual C++, 255KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] Graph_Theory_Code

使用C++ STL的图论编程的相关代码 包括几乎所有经典算法 如:最短路径算法,最大流算法,最小生成树等
Using the C++ STL programming graph theory relevant code Including almost all the classic algorithm Such as: the shortest path algorithm, the maximum flow algorithm, minimum spanning tree, etc. (2014-06-11, Visual C++, 82KB, 下载13次)


[数据结构] JosephusProblem

In computer science and mathematics, the Josephus Problem (or Josephus permutation) is a theoretical problem related to a certain counting-out game. (2013-01-09, Visual C++, 97KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Stimulation11111-

Stimulation and Implementation of Technological Parameter Optimization for Chemical Nickel Plating by C language (2012-02-24, Visual C++, 112KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] test10

(1) 掌握图的邻接矩阵、邻接表、十字链表等不同存储形式的表示方法。 (2) 掌握图的两种不同遍历方法的基本思想并能编程实现。 (3) 掌握构造最小生成树的两种算法,即Prim 算法和Kruscal算法的思想,并能编程实现。 (4) 能够灵活运用图的相关算法解决相应的实际问题。
(1) master the adjacency matrix, adjacency list, cross-linked forms of representation of different storage methods. (2) two different master plans through the basic idea and can be programmed. (3) control construct two algorithms for minimum spanning tree, that Prim algorithm and Kruscal algorithm ideas, and to programming. (4) flexibility to use the corresponding graph-related algorithms to solve practical problems. (2011-11-27, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] hafuman-code

Ha Fuman coding C++ language, enter a string of integers, arranged for the Hafu Man with the program tree, and encode the data structure of Huffman tree based programming (2011-09-21, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] yizhilinkedlist

Heterogeneous linked list implementation. Find heterogeneous linked list to achieve, insert, delete, and traverse. Object-oriented programming, classes, polymorphism, inheritance, virtual functions, virtual destructor, memory leak (2011-01-11, Visual C++, 585KB, 下载24次)


[数据结构] Classic_structures

VC++ source package classical algorithm data structures, including low-level programming, calibration algorithm, the problem algorithms, file algorithms, case conversion, base conversion, character conversion, arrays, single-linked lists, binary search, etc.! (2010-12-16, Visual C++, 309KB, 下载86次)


[数据结构] code

《C++轻松入门》是一本为程序设计初学者轻松地学习C++编程语言而编写的图书。《C++轻松入门》从初学者认知的角度出发,由浅入深、循序渐进地讲解了C++编程语言中的各种编程技术,通过通俗易懂的讲解和丰富生动的典型示例,使读者能够轻松地学到C++编程知识。全书共分为3篇,第1篇主要介绍 C++中的常用数据类型、基本语句、函数调用和指针等内容。第2篇主要介绍C++面向对象的程序设计,包括类和对象、继承和派生、多态性和虚函数等内容。第3篇主要介绍数据结构中链表的C++实现和C++中模板的应用。附件为本书源码。
"C++ easy entry" is a program designed for the beginners to easily learn C++ programming language and write books. "C++ ease of entry" from the beginner cognitive point of view, wider scope to explain the C++ programming language in a variety of programming techniques, through easy to understand and explain a typical example of a rich and vivid, so that readers can easily learn to C++ programming knowledge. The book is divided into three, the first one to introduce C++ in the common data types, basic statements, function calls and pointers so on. Section 2 introduces the C++ object-oriented programming, including classes and objects, inheritance and derived, polymorphism and virtual functions and so on. Article 3 introduces the data structure linked list of C++, and C++, the application of the template. Annex to the book source. (2010-08-02, Visual C++, 3550KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] oprationvideo

《C++轻松入门》是一本为程序设计初学者轻松地学习C++编程语言而编写的图书。《C++轻松入门》从初学者认知的角度出发,由浅入深、循序渐进地讲解了C++编程语言中的各种编程技术,通过通俗易懂的讲解和丰富生动的典型示例,使读者能够轻松地学到C++编程知识。全书共分为3篇,第1篇主要介绍 C++中的常用数据类型、基本语句、函数调用和指针等内容。第2篇主要介绍C++面向对象的程序设计,包括类和对象、继承和派生、多态性和虚函数等内容。第3篇主要介绍数据结构中链表的C++实现和C++中模板的应用。附件为本书操作视频,便于学者快速入门。
"C++ easy entry" is a program designed for the beginners to easily learn C++ programming language and write books. "C++ ease of entry" from the beginner cognitive point of view, wider scope to explain the C++ programming language in a variety of programming techniques, through easy to understand and explain a typical example of a rich and vivid, so that readers can easily learn to C++ programming knowledge. The book is divided into three, the first one to introduce C++ in the common data types, basic statements, function calls and pointers so on. Section 2 introduces the C++ object-oriented programming, including classes and objects, inheritance and derived, polymorphism and virtual functions and so on. Article 3 introduces the data structure linked list of C++, and C++, the application of the template. Accessories for the operation of video book, academics Quick Start easy. (2010-08-02, Visual C++, 37246KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] PPT

《C++轻松入门》是一本为程序设计初学者轻松地学习C++编程语言而编写的图书。《C++轻松入门》从初学者认知的角度出发,由浅入深、循序渐进地讲解了C++编程语言中的各种编程技术,通过通俗易懂的讲解和丰富生动的典型示例,使读者能够轻松地学到C++编程知识。全书共分为3篇,第1篇主要介绍 C++中的常用数据类型、基本语句、函数调用和指针等内容。第2篇主要介绍C++面向对象的程序设计,包括类和对象、继承和派生、多态性和虚函数等内容。第3篇主要介绍数据结构中链表的C++实现和C++中模板的应用。
"C++ easy entry" is a program designed for the beginners to easily learn C++ programming language and write books. "C++ ease of entry" from the beginner cognitive point of view, wider scope to explain the C++ programming language in a variety of programming techniques, through easy to understand and explain a typical example of a rich and vivid, so that readers can easily learn to C++ programming knowledge. The book is divided into three, the first one to introduce C++ in the common data types, basic statements, function calls and pointers so on. Section 2 introduces the C++ object-oriented programming, including classes and objects, inheritance and derived, polymorphism and virtual functions and so on. Article 3 introduces the data structure linked list of C++, and C++, the application of the template. (2010-08-02, Visual C++, 2494KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] Huffman

The data structure layout of the machine when the teacher programming operations, not only study the establishment of Huffman tree, Huffman coding, but also programming skills also have some learning gains. (2010-05-06, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Huffman

This course is designed to enable students to master the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms analysis in order to enhance student programming ability and the ability to solve practical problems. (2009-05-26, Visual C++, 12KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] chesse

pc game programming _ man-machine game, algorithms and realization are relatively complete, source code can run. And can learn a good knowledge of algorithms, and human-computer game (2008-10-26, Visual C++, 10144KB, 下载24次)


[数据结构] VC

《algorithm of Image Processing with VC》一篇很不错的关于图像处理的论文,简明扼要地说明用VC如何进行图像处理的编程
Algorithm of Image Processing with VC a very good paper on image processing, a succinct description of how to carry out image processing VC programming (2008-09-15, Visual C++, 21KB, 下载12次)


[数据结构] file

Binary tree node on the path, flight information query and retrieval, the application of Huffman encoding three data structure more practical programming examples written in their own (2008-03-14, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] host2

horse riding chessboard programming algorithm to achieve on the chessboard arbitrary 2:00 of finding the shortest path. (2006-04-30, Visual C++, 9KB, 下载17次)


[数据结构] 论文11111111111111

OS programming experiment, huh, from the teacher's computer stolen. (2005-06-15, Visual C++, 750KB, 下载233次)
