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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(618) 

[JavaScript/JQuery] chatgptAPI_unof

-一个非官方的ChatGPT API,具有简单的基于代理的功能!该API允许您以编程方式与ChatGPT交互,我在其上构建了一些很酷的代理。
- an unofficial ChatGPT API with simple agent-based functionality! This API allows you to interact with ChatGPT programmatically, and I ve built some cool agents on top of it. (2024-05-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Java-Script

Welcome to the JavaScript Repository!In this repository, you ll find a collection of JavaScript codes, projects, and resources to enhance your skills and understanding of JavaScript programming.Happy coding! (2024-05-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] TypeScript-Projects-Exercises

A curated collection of TypeScript projects and exercises designed to enhance your skills and proficiency in TypeScript development. Join us as we explore, learn, and grow together in the world of TypeScript programming (2024-04-17, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScript-programming-practice

"This repository is a collection of my JavaScript programming practice as I learn. Here, you ll find exercises aimed at improving my skills in JavaScript. Feel free to explore and provide feedback!" (2024-04-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 02-DOM

DOM操作 DOM (Document Object Model) 译为文档对象模型,是 HTML 和 XML 文档的编程接口。 HTML DOM 定义了访问和操作 HTML 文档的标准方法。
DOM (document object model) is translated into document object model, which is the programming interface of HTML and XML documents. HTML DOM defines a standard method for accessing and manipulating HTML documents. (2020-07-23, JavaScript, 912KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ext-4.2.1-gpl

Ext JS 4.2.1 开发工具包,EXT是很好的富客户端框架,采用EXT可以省去编程人员设计界面的痛苦。
Ext JS 4.2.1 development toolkit, EXT is a good rich client framework, using EXT can save the pain of programmer design interface. (2018-03-29, JavaScript, 69298KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 人力资源管理系统后台

Using java programming language to achieve the background system of human resource management system, including the background interface, database and data interaction function, the code can be used in a comprehensive way. (2018-01-13, Java, 4758KB, 下载4次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jQuery

jQuery detailed e-books, allowing students to want to upgrade their network programming technology and front-end technology of deeper learning. Books explain in detail, for a very wide range of groups (2017-04-17, Java, 55171KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] snakeGame

JavaScript-based web version of the game Snake, snake can be operated using the keyboard to move here Snake game specificity wrote a class used to call snake.js, Snake game is written in various languages junior programmer game, but for JS, if there is no certain programming experience, it is not easy to write, and it points more test programming, such as the object moves, physical collision detection, some calculations, and so on. (2014-12-11, Java, 7KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Explain-the-use-of-JavaScript

JavaScript是目前最流行和最重要的Web编程语言。《JavaScript使用详解》从JavaScript的编程结构开始,循序渐进地讲述了JavaScript及相关的CSS、W3C DOM、cookie、正则表达式和匹配模式,以及功能强大的Ajax。书中采用了大量课堂实践示例,附以详尽的代码行解释和实际结果输出,将JavaScript基础知识与高级技巧完美地展现出来。
JavaScript is currently the most popular and important Web programming languages. " Detailed JavaScript uses" JavaScript programming structure, step by step about JavaScript and the CSS, the W3C DOM, cookie, regular expressions and match patterns, and powerful Ajax. The book uses a lot of classroom practice examples, accompanied by a detailed line of code interpretation and actual results output, JavaScript the basics and advanced tips perfectly unfolded. (2012-05-18, JavaScript, 5687KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] eclipseme.feature_1.5.2_site

设一个班有10名学生,每个学生有姓名、学号、成绩等信息,请利用对象数组的概念编程,求平均成绩。-set up a class had 10 students, with each student s name, school, results and other information. Please use the concept of object array programming, seeking average scores.
设一个班有10名学生,每个学生有姓名、学号、成绩等信息,请利用对象数组的概念编程,求平均成绩。-set up a class had 10 students, with each student s name, school, results and other information. Please use the concept of object array programming, seeking average scores. (2012-03-14, JavaScript, 2399KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] ext-4.0.7-gpl

EXT is a good rich-client framework, using the EXT interface eliminates the need for programmers to design the pain. (2012-01-10, JavaScript, 40689KB, 下载9次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] StudentObject

/*学生类包括姓名、院系、年龄和平均成绩。要求编程实现: 1)创建两个学生对象,并序列化保存到文件中; 2)从文件中读取并显示学生信息。 */
/* Class, including the names of students, faculty, age and grade point average. Programming requirements: 1) Create two students object, and serialize to a file 2) read from the file and display the student information.* / (2011-11-29, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] StudentData

/*学生类包括姓名、院系、年龄和平均成绩。要求编程实现: 输入两个学生的信息; 用数据流存入文件; 读取并显示该文件中的数据。*/
/* Class, including the names of students, faculty, age and grade point average. Requires programming: two students entered information with the data stream into the file read and display the data in the file.* / (2011-11-29, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] AirMS

JAVA programming techniques used in the Eclipse integrated development environment developed under the airline reservation system. The system realizes the flight management, booking management, business statistics, network management and business functions. (2011-04-23, Java, 399KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] javascript_and_jscript

Java, ActiveX and inserts communication, JavaScript Style Sheets on the Web document control mode, IE DHTML scripts on the support and utilization. (2010-05-06, Java, 25018KB, 下载8次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] javascript

javascript 高级教程 第1章 JS基础 第2章 JS与HTML 第3章 JS语法 第4章 窗口语法 ... 第18章 Js语言的扩展 第19章 网上导购系统 ... 第21章 时钟日历 第22章 JS服务端编程 第23章 网络安全性
javascript advanced study (2010-04-23, JavaScript, 5018KB, 下载41次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] newyxu1

Collected from Sun' s official open source project phoneME, J2ME game programming you will use, you can further explore this JavaME the bottom of the Java implementation may be difficult for some novice. (2010-03-27, Java, 969KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Java-design-code

这是一个通过java 编程的学生信息管理系统和学籍管理系统,通过实例让我们了解java的基本结构组成。
This is a java program through the student information management systems and student management system, through an example to help us understand the basic structure of the composition of java. (2009-02-11, Java, 1680KB, 下载121次)
