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[其他游戏] baibianfangkuai

Variety Tetris game C# source code in the Debug directory useful to a lot of pictures in the resource file, do not delete, learning C# game preparation friends can learn about the source Oh, C# game programming is quite helpful (2013-06-03, C#, 5861KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] CoreGameProgramming

To even try to keep pace with the rapid evolution of game development, you need a strong foundation in core programming techniques-not a hefty volume on one narrow topic or one that devotes itself to API-specific implementations. Finally, there s a guide that delivers! As a professor at the Spanish university that offered that country s first master s degree in video game creation, author Daniel Sanchez-Crespo recognizes that there s a core programming curriculum every game designer should be well versed in-and he s outlined it in these pages! By focusing on time-tested coding techniques-and providing code samples that use C++, and the OpenGL and DirectX APIs-Daniel has produced a guide whose shelf life will extend long beyond the latest industry trend. Code design, data structures, design patterns, AI, scripting engines, 3D pipelines, texture mapping, and more: They re all covered here-in clear, coherent fashion and with a focus on the essentials that will have you referring back to t (2012-12-15, Visual C++, 4570KB, 下载2次)


[其他游戏] CollisionDemo

VB源码,游戏编程,撞球游戏   再次与大家分享一款基于VB.NET的撞球游戏,或者说是乒乓球游戏,小时候再那种掌上游戏机中常见的一款游戏,本次游戏带来了彩色版,增加了游戏的趣味性。
VB source code, game programming, billiards game again to share with you one based on VB.NET pool games, table tennis game, a game for a child and then the kind of common handheld console, the game brings color EDITION, increasing the fun of the game. (2012-11-26, Visual Basic, 51KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] java_code_1

Two table tennis team competition, each of the trio. A team for a, b, c trio, B teams for x, y, z trio. Draw lots to decide the game list. Inquire about the list of the game to players. a said he did not and x is greater than c said he did not x, z than programmed to identify a list of three teams racer. (2012-11-20, Java, 6KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] StuntJumper

Games teaching a book VC++ source code examples, do not know a game can successfully compile source code in the VC++6.0 environment, are interested in downloading the source package to be tested, in fact, what the game is not important to understand some of the programming is the most important ideas. (2012-08-10, Visual C++, 183KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] JavaApplet

The popular game seems to use the C or C development. Almost no very large and popular games playable on the java platform. Java is a newborn language of many of the features have yet to all excavations, but we can not deny the powerful Java in the game programming. This article will guide you step by step to learn to write Java . (2012-07-31, Java, 142KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] java-Sokoban-game-source-code

The popular game seems to use the C or C development. Almost no very large and popular games playable on the java platform. Java is a newborn language of many of the features have yet to all excavations, but we can not deny the powerful Java in the game programming. This article will guide you step by step to learn to write Java . (2012-07-31, Java, 6KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] Java-study-notes-(must-see-classic)

The popular game seems to use the C or C development. Almost no very large and popular games playable on the java platform. Java is a newborn language of many of the features have yet to all excavations, but we can not deny the powerful Java in the game programming. This article will guide you step by step to learn to write Java . (2012-07-31, Java, 64KB, 下载3次)


[其他游戏] snake

Linux终端下编写“贪吃蛇”游戏 借着学习Linux系统编程的劲头,编写了一个终端下可以运行的贪吃蛇游戏,其中此视频游戏用到的一些知识和操作系统运行时候的一些简单功能有点类似
Prepared under the Linux Terminal " Snake" game by learning the momentum of Linux system programming, the preparation of the Snake game can run in a terminal, this video game knowledge and operating system used to run when a few simple function somewhat similar to (2012-05-30, C/C++, 3KB, 下载10次)


[其他游戏] canvas

摘要:VC/C++源码,游戏编程,回合制游戏,VC游戏源码   Visual+C++编写的一个回合制游戏演示源码,源码编译环境为vs2010,希望能和大家一起交流,共同学习,共同进步。请注意,要运行生成的EXE文件,请先将EXE文件从Debug目录中拷出来,放到上一级与图像文件同级的目录下。
Abstract: the VC/C++ source code, game programming, turn-based games, VC games source (2012-05-25, Visual C++, 8849KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] SKATE

摘要:VC/C++源码,游戏编程,贪吃蛇   贪吃蛇游戏,C源码,一个练习小键盘的游戏,游戏序幕:    一个漆黑的晚上,在一片凄凉的草地上,只听到风生呼啸。就在这个草原的西北角落里,有一个鼠穴,一个非常大的鼠穴,在里面住着老鼠皇后和一群小鼠,而且此洞穴很久以来从没有被发现过,非常隐蔽,似乎有几只小老鼠胆子非常大,竟敢还在外面玩耍。它们万万没有想到,就在这时,有一只非常饥饿的银花毒蛇正从窝里缓缓爬出......
VC/C++ source code, game programming, Snake (2012-05-25, Visual C++, 68KB, 下载4次)


[其他游戏] UGTalker

Warcraft war3 LAN search engine source, based on the Qt development, programming languages ​ ​ C++ integrated LAN chat room functions based on UDP multicast technology, excellent routines for Qt development, network programming (2012-04-06, QT, 236KB, 下载35次)


[其他游戏] planeFighting

The software developed in C++ meteorite hit the airplane game. MFC uses a single text screen, press the up and down about four key operation, to avoid the meteorites, meteorite once hit, the game GAMEOVER. This procedure is suitable for beginners to learn MFC interface and game programming. (2011-11-18, Visual C++, 1248KB, 下载6次)


[其他游戏] brackeen

A similar interface and play Super Mario Java Games, Super Mario is not true, but also be learning programming for so long that summed it, want to learn Java game should get a friend round of study, and also with sound, I believe you will learn a lot of knowledge. (2011-09-17, Java, 1708KB, 下载25次)


[其他游戏] net_tank

Battle Tank LAN version of the game, using synchronous TCP communications, packaging directdraw to draw graphics, simple UI, similar to the construction of the main LAN Warcraft added, the map editor written using MFC, the code as an object-oriented way of programming, But there are also shortcomings (2011-06-12, Visual C++, 3885KB, 下载18次)


[其他游戏] Nine-serial-programming-solution

Nine serial programming solution (2011-05-21, C/C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] PoolTricker

Java台球游戏的一些核心源代码,闲来无事,参考了《午夜台球》、《功夫台球》等成型作品,搜了下资料动手写了下,比是没得比的了,不过总算弄出来能玩了,这里放出来我参考过的资料:   向量几何在游戏编程中的使用.rar , 国外的一个JAVA台球源码(老外就是精简,就一个类);   Billard4K.java,CSDN上搜的,貌似运行有点问题;   PoolTricker.rar 我自己写的,写得不怎么好,不过模仿地实现了一些击球技巧,如拉杆,推杆和跳杆……用到了CLDC1.1,所以顽童模拟器可能运行有点问题。
failed to translate (2009-06-04, Java, 290KB, 下载12次)


[其他游戏] VC++6GAMEpro

游戏是动画的延伸,只要知道了动画的原理,在动画变化时,使它根据键盘或鼠标的输入操作而变化,就是游戏了。 所以在介绍游戏编程之前,先讲讲动画
Games are an extension of animation, as long as know the principles of animation, the animation changes, make it under the keyboard or mouse input and changes in operation, that is games. Therefore, introducing the game programming before talk about the animation (2008-11-08, Visual C++, 2828KB, 下载5次)


[其他游戏] javagamestudy1

java游戏编程导学系列一 使用说明 所有范例,需在安装了Java 2 SDK软件开发工具包条件下运行 每章中的代码分别在相应的目录下,例如: Lucky\: 幸运猜迷游戏 basketball\: 篮球明星猜名游戏 cal24\: 算24点游戏
java game programming a series of Guidance Notes on use all of the examples, need to install the Java 2 SDK software development kit for use under each chapter of the code in the corresponding directory , for example : Lucky \ : lucky guess riddles basketball \ : Basketball star game cal24 guess who \ : Operator 24-point game (2007-03-07, Java, 224KB, 下载25次)


[其他游戏] 用VC制作小程序

简单的扫雷游戏 本文从分析Windows扫雷游戏的功能特点开始,应用面向对象的可视化编程语言Visual C++给出了个功能模块的具体实现方法,并提供了编写小游戏程序的一般方法和Visual C++的一些使用技巧。
simple game of mine is mine from the analysis of Windows features games, the application of object-oriented visual programming language Visual C is a functional module to the specific method, and provides procedures for the preparation of small game and the general method of Visual C skills to use. (2005-06-27, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载34次)
