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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(618) 

[JavaScript/JQuery] C-Sharp-Basics

C# Basics Repository: An introductory collection covering arrays, indexers, operator overloading, and properties. Includes basic console programs for beginners to grasp fundamental concepts in C#. Ideal for starting with fundamental C# programming concepts. (2024-04-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScript-Games

Welcome to the JavaScript Games repository! This collection of games is created with the sole purpose of practicing JavaScript programming skills while having fun. Each game in this repository is implemented using vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. (2024-04-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] PP2-Quiz-Game

This website is the second project in the Code Institute course. It showcases various programming skills and methods that I acquired during the course. Main languages used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create this website. (2024-03-03, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] The-JavaScript-Programming

Embark on a comprehensive learning journey from JavaScript fundamentals to expert-level proficiency. This repository contains a meticulously curated collection of code explanations covering key concepts such as variables, functions, objects, asynchronous programming, DOM manipulation, etc. Happy coding! (2023-12-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] HomeworkOfWeb

This is an Instant Messaging Utili using socket programming. We set up two simple pages to show things like private chat, public chat and image transfer. You can configure the environment through readme in the file. For details, see the How to Use file. Core functions are annotated to help explain them. (2022-06-11, Java, 25245KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 后台模板

Using PHP programming language and yii2.0 framework, the backstage system template developed by web is implemented, which is suitable for the backstage operation of various enterprises, including the functions of background interface, data addition, deletion, checking and modification. (2018-01-13, PHP, 121KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jQueryBase

本书中文简体字版由Packt Publishing授权人民邮电出版社独家出版.jQuery是一个强大的JavaScript库,无论你具有什么编程背景,都可以通过它来增强自己的网站。jQuery在一个紧凑的文件中提供了丰富多样的特性、简单易学的语法和稳健的跨平台兼容性。此外,数百种为扩展jQuery功能而开发的插件,更使得它几乎成为适用于各类客户端脚本编程的必备工具。
Simplified Chinese version of the book by Packt Publishing authorized exclusive publishing .jQuery People Post Press is a powerful JavaScript library, whether you have any programming background, you can use it to enhance their website. jQuery provides a variety of features in a compact file, cross-platform compatibility syntax is easy to learn and robust. In addition, hundreds of jQuery functions for the expansion and the development of plug-ins, but also makes it almost become an indispensable tool for all types of client scripting. (2015-04-27, JavaScript, 8025KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] cssyufatishi

JavaScript+XML实现的CSS语法提示插件,模仿DW中当我们输入CSS代码时出现的提示,如上图所示。显示区是用iFrame嵌套的,你必须在<style></style>标签之间输入CSS固定的语法,比如Borer然后大括号后,才能激活提示脚本,虽然没有Dreamweaver的提示效果那么强悍,不过作为练习JavaScirpt编程的参考资料,我们有必要学习一下哦。 (2015-03-11, Java, 10KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Example2_1

1. 编程求解百钱买百鸡问题。鸡翁一、值钱一;鸡母一、值钱三;鸡雏三、值钱一。百钱买百鸡。求鸡翁、鸡母和鸡雏各几何?
Programming for solving Article money to buy one hundred chicken problem. Chicken Weng, worthless one chicken mother, worthless chicks, valuable. 100 to buy one hundred chickens. Seeking chicken Weng, chicken mother and chicks each geometry? (2012-12-14, Java, 9KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] OReilly_Google.Maps.Hacks(2006.1)

Google MAPS API的一本非常好的编程参考书,内容有:概述、引入Google MAPS API、各API功能应用、导航、文字和图像中的Google MAPS、API使用技巧、高级技巧
A very good renference handbook on Google MAPS API programming, including overview, introducing Google MAPS API, mashing up Google MAPs, on the road with Google MAPs, Google MAPs in words and pictures, API tips and trics, extreme hacks. (2012-04-07, JavaScript, 9040KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Programming-JavaScript-web

Practical programming JavaScript web effects treasure chest is a basis for learning JavaScript has some students described some of the more simple and practical JavaScript strength to help the students in the group after the actual project flexible use JavaScript. (2011-11-16, Java, 36135KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] java

java 编程项目模块 开发软件一个完整的物流管理系统源码,采用java编写,有详细的论文文档,以及sql数据库文件,数据库用的是MySql-A complete
java programming software module development project of a complete logistics management system source code, using java prepared a detailed paper documentation, and sql database files, databases using MySql-A complete (2011-09-15, Java, 1KB, 下载10次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] java-calendar

日历记事本的源代码 和 实验报告,完成一个GUI界面的日历记事本的分析、设计、编程、测试工作。
Calendar Notepad source code and test reports, to complete a calendar notebook GUI interface analysis, design, programming, testing. (2011-09-02, Java, 213KB, 下载43次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] WriteDemo

A poem from the keyboard, put it in writing to a text file poem.txt. For beginners to master familiar with the java runtime environment, to master the Java programming input and output streams and the usage of Swing components (2011-06-24, Java, 1KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] virtual-memory

用java编程模拟虚拟存储器功能,可以模拟演示FIFO页面置换算法:LRU页面置换算法:以及最佳页面置换算法 的运行过程 程序采用了多线程技术,使得运行过程更人性化
Java programming with simulated virtual memory function, can simulate the FIFO page replacement algorithm demo: LRU page replacement algorithm: the best page replacement algorithm and the running program uses multi-threading technology, making the process more user-friendly operation (2011-04-21, Java, 7KB, 下载9次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScript

Javascript是由Netscape公司创造的一种脚本语言。它曾经几次改名,最终才定为javascript。作为一门独立的编程语言,javascript自然可以做很多的事情,不过它最主流的应用还是在Web上——创建动态网页(许多人喜欢叫网页特效)。Javascript目前在网络上应用十分广泛,几乎所有的动态网页里都能找到它的身影。目前流行的AJAX从很大程度上也是依赖于Javascript而存在的。 概括地说,JavaScript就是一种基于对象和事件驱动,并具有安全性能的脚本语言。对象和事件是JavaScript的两个核心。 JavaScript是一种脚本语言。脚本语言的特点是比较简单、易学,即使是程序设计新手也可以非常容易地使用JavaScript进行简单的编程。 JavaScript可以被嵌入到HTML文件中,不需要经过Web服务器就可以对用户操作作出响应,使网页更好地与用户交互;在利用客户端个人电脑性能资源的同时,适当减小服务器端的压力,并减少用户等待时间。
Javascript是由Netscape公司创造的一种脚本语言。它曾经几次改名,最终才定为javascript。作为一门独立的编程语言,javascript自然可以做很多的事情,不过它最主流的应用还是在Web上——创建动态网页(许多人喜欢叫网页特效)。Javascript目前在网络上应用十分广泛,几乎所有的动态网页里都能找到它的身影。目前流行的AJAX从很大程度上也是依赖于Javascript而存在的。 概括地说,JavaScript就是一种基于对象和事件驱动,并具有安全性能的脚本语言。对象和事件是JavaScript的两个核心。 JavaScript是一种脚本语言。脚本语言的特点是比较简单、易学,即使是程序设计新手也可以非常容易地使用JavaScript进行简单的编程。 JavaScript可以被嵌入到HTML文件中,不需要经过Web服务器就可以对用户操作作出响应,使网页更好地与用户交互;在利用客户端个人电脑性能资源的同时,适当减小服务器端的压力,并减少用户等待时间。 (2010-05-30, Java, 40KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Triangle

水仙花数是三位数,它的各位数字的立方和等于这个三位数本身,例如371—33+73+1 3,则371就是一个水仙花数。编程找出所有水仙花数。
Narcissus is the three-digit number, it figures that the three-digit cube and equal to itself, for example, 371-33+73+1 3, the 371 is a few daffodils. Programming to identify the number of all daffodils. (2009-04-20, Java, 1KB, 下载1次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] router

This process achieved a distance vector routing algorithm, also known as Bellman-Ford algorithm, the use of java programming. (2008-12-02, JavaScript, 16KB, 下载87次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] csnail

一个新型的动态语言,用c++写的, 语法结合了python和javascript,加强了lambda语句,可以支持面向对象, 面向过程的编程范式, 有动态语言的天生优势, 泛型是水到渠成了
A new dynamic language, with c++ Written grammar combined with python and javascript, to strengthen the lambda expressions, can support the object-oriented, process-oriented programming paradigm, has the natural advantage of dynamic languages, generic is a natural (2008-03-15, C++, 265KB, 下载5次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] javascript_learning

轻轻松松学用JavaScript 编程 本文并不是一本集中讨论JavaScript 的读物。只是一本入门向导的快餐式的读物,适合初学者。 本文档的标题为《轻轻松松学用JavaScript 编程》,前面的“轻轻松松”有两个含义:第一,是直接继承《轻 轻松松学用基于Domino 的WEB 开发》的名字来源。第二,本文力求简约,简单,篇幅短小,阅读起来容易; 从我本身作为JavaScript 的学习者的角度来写,我也是一个初学者,无法写就复杂的内容;本文完整的组件包 括三个部分:本文档本身;本文档中涉及的JavaScript 代码例子文件;本文档配套的视频教程(有声有色的读 物,并不是本文档的内容的简单重复,我自己听起来也常常入迷。真的非常棒!);如果你拿到本文的话,一定 要有本文配套的例子代码文件,否则学习来是不轻松的。如果你想更加轻松,让你的学习成为一种享受的话, 建议你向作者索取视频教程。
err (2007-12-17, JavaScript, 1692KB, 下载5次)
