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[数据库系统] 2525

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的在线考试与学习交流系统(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的在线考试与学习交流系统(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。在线考试与学习交流网页平台能够实现学习视频管理,试卷管理,考试管理,试题管理,论坛管理等功能。该系统采用了Mysql数据库,Java语言,Spring Boot框架等技术进行编程实现。在线考试与学习交流网页平台可以提高考试信息与学习交流信息管理问题的解决效率,优化考试信息与学习交流信息处理流程,并且 (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 2520

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的社区智慧养老监护管理平台(附论文)(毕业设计),基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的社区智慧养老监护管理平台(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。社区智慧养老监护管理平台能够实现反馈信息管理,房间入住管理,老人信息管理,留言管理,物资申请管理,体检员管理,后勤人员管理,护工管理,房间管理等功能。该系统采用了Mysql数据库,Java语言,Spring Boot框架等技术进行编程实现。社区智慧养老监护管理平台可以提高社区智慧养老监护信息管理问 (2024-06-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] earth-resource-database

The Earth Resource Database is a Java-based project developed during my software developer internship. With a modular design, user-friendly interface, and robust testing, it efficiently manages resource data. It showcases my skills in Java programming, database management, and enterprise application development which i learned during my internship (2024-04-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Rest_API_using_Ktor_and_PostgreSQL

使用Ktor和PostgreSQL数据库的非常简单的REST API。该API使用HTTP请求对数据库执行CRUD操作。Ktor是JetBrains开发的一个开源框架,用于使用Kotlin编程语言构建异步服务器和客户端。它简单、轻量级、易于学习,并且比其他框架花费的时间更少。
A very simple REST API using Ktor and PostgreSQL database. This API does CRUD operations on database using HTTP requests.Ktor is an open-source framework developed by JetBrains for building asynchronous servers and clients using the Kotlin programming language. It is simple, light weight, easy to learn and takes less time then other frameworks. (2024-04-07, kotlin, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] a-Extraction-and-DatabaseUsing-Google-Cloud-and-R

This project aims to develop a robust data extraction and storage system for historical options data related to 33 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The data will be sourced from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) website, processed using the R programming language, and stored in a Google Cloud SQL database for efficient analysis and retrieval. (2024-02-07, R, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Online-Voting-System-using-Python

As part of my 2nd year Advanced Programming Practice course, I had to create a project using Python to demonstrate its concepts, and I chose to create a simple Online Voting System using various Python libraries. In this repository I have also put the report and PPTs I prepared with my teammate. (2024-01-12, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] AlphaDB

AlphaDB is a database development project combining efficient data management through Red-Black Trees in C++ with a custom-designed programming language for enhanced user interaction. Focused on speed and reliability, it offers a unique approach to data storage, balancing advanced technical efficiency with user-friendly syntax. (2023-12-31, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Mr-Unkown

Expert C++ OOP & Database Services Need exceptional C++ programming using Object-Oriented principles or help with databases I specialize in crafting efficient, clean, and scalable code. From designing databases to OOP analysis, count on me for tailored solutions that deliver results. Let s discuss your project today! (2023-12-23, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] -

安全编程上机实验源码,包括:1.HashMap和HashSet存储并查询社交网络; 2..社交网络中得结点度越大,网络中该类结点得数量越少; 3.社交网络得中的累计度分布; 4.K-Shell算法 5.MDD算法 6.商品推荐算法
The source code of security programming experiment, including: 1. HashMap and HashSet store and query social networks; 2. The greater the degree of nodes in the social network, the smaller the number of such nodes in the network; 3. Cumulative distribution of social networks; 4. K-Shell algorithm 5. MDD algorithm 6. Product recommendation algorithm (2019-06-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] python-Concurrency

此存储库仅用作个人学习,保存python多线程学习过程和代码。课程链接:【【2021最新版】Python 并发编程实战,用多线程、多进程、多协程加速程序运行】 [https: www.bilibili.com video BV1bK411A7tV share_source...](https: www.bilibili.com video BV1bK411A7tV share_source=copy_web&vd_source=d6a5a9e1e19bacd0be95f3785d47ed3c)
This repository is only used for personal learning, saving python multi-threaded learning process and code. Course link: [[2021 latest version] Python concurrent programming practice, using multithreading, multi process, multi co process to accelerate program running] [https: www.bilibili.com video BV1bK411A7tV share_source...] (https: www.bilibili.com video BV1bK411A7tV share_source=copy_web&vd_source=d6a5a9e19back0be95f3785d47ed3c) (2023-02-28, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] OSCD

操作系统编程课设 一、设计一个按优先数调度算法实现处理器调度的程序 二、可变分区管理方式下采用首次适应算法实现主存分配和回收 三、连续磁盘存储空间的分配和回收 四、银行家算法实现 五、模拟页面地址重定位
Operating system programming course design 1. Design a program to achieve processor scheduling by priority number scheduling algorithm 2. Use the first adaptation algorithm to achieve main memory allocation and recovery under variable partition management mode 3. Allocation and recovery of continuous disk storage space 4. Banker algorithm to achieve 5. Simulated page address relocation (2019-05-07, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Class-DB

class-DB is a small PHP wrapper for MySQL databases in which I used object-oriented programming (OOP) in my industry to make it easier for him to deal with the database in an easy and well-organized way and makes it easy for anyone to use and anyone can use it. I uploaded it to (Packagist (Composer) ) And after you read the summary of what the (2022-03-30, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] ngbbs

bbs评论系统: 后台基于mysql数据,数据库文件:bbs数据库.sql,需要用sqlyog工具导入,会自动生成数据库和数据表 后台编程语言是java,需要配置tomcat服务器运行,通过eclipse导入工程 连接数据库的核心ja...
BBS comment system: The backend is based on MySQL data, and the database file is BBS database. SQL. It needs to be imported using the sqlyog tool and will automatically generate the database and data tables. The backend programming language is Java, and the tomcat server needs to be configured to run. The core JA of the project connection database is imported through eclipse (2016-12-01, Java, 1975KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] online-shopping-system

Build a framework using C++object-oriented advanced programming and MySQL to form an online book purchasing system. The system includes administrators, regular members, and VIP members. The administrator is responsible for adding, deleting, and modifying member information in the MySQL database, as well as adding, deleting, and modifying website book information. After the general member s consumption amount reaches a specific value, it will automatically upgrade to V (2016-09-14, C++, 37KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] database0

Yes I am doing a database program designed to make the rush of self-feeling of the real value is not large, but can give learning, and database programming VC friends to be a paradigm. See also before doing a lot of the same type of management system, much has been achieved, the student management system now posted in the hope that can help a friend in need. (2009-08-29, Visual C++, 225KB, 下载35次)


[数据库系统] twobiao

A database, two tables. This procedure is the manipulation of two tables of data. The first table and second table of the field would like to link. Through programming, in the first table to add, delete records, do not affect the contents of the second table, but show the contents of a second form field content. (2009-07-25, Visual C++, 5088KB, 下载4次)


[数据库系统] datalink

利用数据链路层原理,设计一个滑动窗口协议并在仿真环境下编程实现有噪音信道环境下的可靠的双工通信。信道模型为8000bps 全双工卫星信道,信道传播时延270 毫秒,信道误码率为10-5,信道提供字节流传输服务,网络层分组长度在240~256字节范围。
Data link layer using the principle of a sliding window protocol design and simulation environment in the programming channel noise environment duplex reliable communication. 8000bps channel full-duplex satellite channel model, channel propagation delay of 270 ms, channel bit error rate of 10-5, byte-stream channel to provide transmission services, network layer packet length in the range of 240 ~ 256 bytes. (2009-06-07, Visual C++, 14KB, 下载43次)


[数据库系统] S2SQLServer

了解设计数据库的基本步骤 熟练使用T-SQL实现建库、建表、加约束 掌握T-SQL编程,实现功能强大的查询 掌握创建索引、视图,快速访问数据库 掌握创建存储过程,实现复杂的业务规则 理解触发器的原理,实现高级的约束,以上摘自幻灯片,这个教程就是关于这一类的
Learn the basic steps of the design of a database of skilled use of T-SQL to achieve the Treasury building, built form, plus bound master T-SQL programming, to achieve a powerful grasp of the query to create the index, view, fast access to the database have to create stored procedures, complex business understanding of the principles of the rules of flip-flop to achieve high-level constraints (2009-04-14, SQL, 3709KB, 下载6次)


[数据库系统] LabEquipmentManagementSystem

实验室设备管理系统目标:通过对多种一维条码的编码进行分析和算法设计在系统中能实现对多种一维条码的显示。 基础要求:非常熟悉C或C++或JAVA语言、熟悉SQL SERVER的相关知识、VB或Delphi编程技术相关知识。
Lab Equipment Management System objectives: the adoption of a variety of one-dimensional bar code encoding for analysis and algorithm design in the system can achieve a variety of one-dimensional bar code on the display. Basic requirements: very familiar with C or C++ or JAVA language, familiar with the SQL SERVER knowledge, VB or Delphi programming knowledge. (2009-03-05, ASP, 120KB, 下载29次)


[数据库系统] component

Electronic components management software, you can manage your electronic components inventory, price, quantity, and can import documents, import documents directly stored in the database, migrate data can simply copy the database, the programming involved in the dynamic set of data source, database save blob data types, open the file automatically associated windows implementation procedures. (2008-07-20, Delphi, 879KB, 下载32次)
