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[网络编程] myPing

1.已知参数:目的节点IP地址或主机名 2.设计要求:通过原始套接字编程,模拟Ping命令,实现其基本功能,即输入一个IP地址或一段IP地址的范围,分别测试其中每个IP地址所对应主机的可达性,并返回耗时、生存时间等参数,并统计成功发送和回送的Ping报文。 2.1初始化Windows Sockets网络环境; 2.2解析命令行参数,构造目的端socket地址; 2.3定义IP、ICMP报文; 2.4接收ICMP差错报文并进行解析。 3. 程序实现主要用到Java网络包中的类InetAddress。
1. known parameters: destination node IP address or host name 2. design requirements: through the original socket programming, simulate the Ping command to realize its basic function, that is, to enter a IP address or a range of IP addresses, to test the accessibility of each IP address in which each of the hosts are corresponding, and to return the time and survival time and other parameters, and to count the Ping messages that have been successfully sent and returned. 2.1 initialize the Windows Sockets network environment; 2.2 parsing the command line parameters and constructing the destination socket address; 2.3 define IP and ICMP messages; 2.4 receive the ICMP error message and analyze it. 3. program implementation mainly uses class InetAddress in Java network package. (2018-07-12, Java, 25KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] src

1.已知参数:目的节点IP地址或主机名 2.设计要求:通过原始套接字编程,模拟Ping命令,实现其基本功能,即输入一个IP地址或一段IP地址的范围,分别测试其中每个IP地址所对应主机的可达性,并返回耗时、生存时间等参数,并统计成功发送和回送的Ping报文。 2.1初始化Windows Sockets网络环境; 2.2解析命令行参数,构造目的端socket地址; 2.3定义IP、ICMP报文; 2.4接收ICMP差错报文并进行解析。 3. 程序实现主要用到Java网络包中的类InetAddress。
1. known parameters: destination node IP address or host name 2. design requirements: through the original socket programming, simulate the Ping command to realize its basic function, that is, to enter a IP address or a range of IP addresses, to test the accessibility of each IP address in which each of the hosts are corresponding, and to return the time and survival time and other parameters, and to count the Ping messages that have been successfully sent and returned. 2.1 initialize the Windows Sockets network environment; 2.2 parsing the command line parameters and constructing the destination socket address; 2.3 define IP and ICMP messages; 2.4 receive the ICMP error message and analyze it. 3. program implementation mainly uses class InetAddress in Java network package. (2018-07-12, Java, 3KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] chat_app)

多用户间网络聊天程序设计,实现类似于QQ聊天系统,多个用户同时在线,选择用户相互聊天,同时保存聊天记录,1. 不同用户主机之间网络通信(基于流套接字)。 2. 多用户之间相互发送消息(服务器端多线程)。 3. 消息保存在位于服务器的MySQL数据库上,并能查询聊天记录(JDBC技术)。 4. 消息同时保存在本地文件中,并能从本地文件中查询聊天记录(输入输出流)。 5. 无大Bug,细节考虑全面,代码规范易读等。 6. 纸质开发文档一份。 7. 图形界面(GUI编程)(可选)。 8. Web端聊天及查询聊天记录(JSP技术)(可选)。
Between multi-user network chat program design, implementation is similar to QQ chat system, multiple users online at the same time, the user to chat each other, at the same time save chat logs, 1. The different user network communication between the host (based on flow socket). 2. Send messages between multiple users (multithreaded) server. 3. Messages stored in the MySQL server, and can query chat logs (JDBC technology). 4. The message is stored in the local file at the same time, and can query chat logs the local file (input/output flow). 5. No big Bug, details to consider comprehensive, easy to read the code rules, etc. 6. A paper development document. 7. The graphical interface (GUI) programming (optional). 8. Web side chat and query chat record (JSP) (optional). (2016-11-25, Java, 146KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] AndroidTCPUdpComm

A recent project you might want to use the socket and serial programming, online to find a lot of information in this regard, for example, but not all, examples and many cannot directly use them. It took a couple of days, TCP, and UDP, serial ports, combined together to do a small project, since there is no real machine, only on the simulator tests pass, and is on a single machine, post code, hoped has the help to everybody. Note relating to local IP address may need to be modified to your own address (2015-11-19, Java, 15KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] QQ

This program is based on network communication program TCP/IP protocol, the use of Java streams, files, and other multi-threaded programming techniques. Socket object plays an important role in network programming, the program is written in a simple socket-based chat tool technology. Input and output streams chat are used BufferedReader and PrintWriter, the server for the client to start a thread in the thread through the socket and customers to exchange information. When sending a chat message to the server: " Hello" , the server would like this thread output stream to write information: " Hello" , then the client socket input stream is read to this message. File transfer files sent and received document is divided into two parts, when the client would like the server to send the file, byte input stream FileInputStream first call to read the file you want to send from the machine, then the information output by the byte stream BufferedOutputStream sent to the client, s (2014-06-28, Java, 7KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] Lab

Socket 编程 服务器与客户端交互过程: (1)服务器程序创建一个ServerSocket,然后调用accept方法等待客户来连接。 (2)客户端程序创建一个Socket请求与服务器建立连接。 (3)服务器接受客户的连接请求,并创建一个新的Socket与该客户建立专线连接。 (4)建立了连接的两个Socket在一个单独的线程(由服务器程序创建)上对话。 (5)服务器开始等待新的连接请求,当新的连接请求到达时,重复步骤(2)到步骤(5)的过程。
This is a lab of java,it will realize the function that sending infomation beweent client and server (2014-06-01, Java, 5KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Java_socket

Currently more popular network programming model is a client/server (C/S) structure. Ie both side of communication as a server waiting for client requests and responds. Customers in need of services to the server application. Server is generally always run as a daemon, listening network port, once a client request, it will start a process to respond to the customer service, and continue to monitor their own service port, so that subsequent customers can receive timely services. (2013-07-30, Java, 87KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] btfactory

其他网站找的,学到了很多关于编程的知识。 BT工场种子下载程序v3.0最终版(已经屏蔽非法内容)。 程序执行流程: http请求列表页面提取到每个内容页面的请求地址-> 分别请求不同的内容页面获取内容页面中的下载地址,存入excel便于直接下载-> http多线程分别请求下载页面,并解析下载页面得到下载所需要的参数-> post提交到下载服务器,并将读取到返回的buffer写入文件。 更新内容: 1.修复下载失败情况较多 2.修改提取配图的方式 3.增加内容描述配图 4.增加生成首页,直接打开预览。 5.增加定位种子文件在磁盘上目录,可直接打开文件所在的文件夹。 还有还有......................自己发现。只是转上传到pudn,各种权归原作者所有。
failed to translate (2013-05-05, Java, 1694KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] Java_TCPIP_Socket_programer

最好的java网络编程资料,现低分奉献. 目录: 第1章简介..........3 1.1 计算机网络,分组报文和协议..........3 1.2 关于地址..........6 1.3 关于名字..........8 1.4 客户端和服务器..........8 1.5 什么是套接字..........9 1.6 练习........
The best java network programming information currently low score dedication. Directory: Chapter 1 Introduction .......... 3 1.1 computer network packet packet and protocol .......... 3 Address .......... 1.2 6 1.3 8 1.4 client and server name .......... .......... 8 1.5 What is a socket .......... 9 1.6 practice ........ (2012-12-18, Java, 1635KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] QQ

Java编写QQ仿真,有客户端和服务器端,服务器端使用的数据库为sql server 2000功能有:好友管理,好友私聊和群聊,用户注册等功能,具有与QQ类似的界面,是一个练习C/S结构的Socket编程和多线程的非常好的项目
Java write QQ simulation, the client and the server, the server for the use of the database SQL server 2000 function: to friends management, private chat and good friend group chat, user registration, and other functions, have similar interface with QQ, is a practice (2012-05-11, Java, 5530KB, 下载48次)


[网络编程] java-chat

局域网聊天程序 设计并编程实现一个以Socket通信机制为基础的网络聊天程序。 服务器端: (1)、多线程方式处理客户端,负责响应客户端的各种信息:用户登录、用户注册、客户端信息相互转发。 (2)、将用户信息个人保存于后台数据库中。为用户维护好友列表,当用户登录时,将向其传送在线好友。 客户端: (1)、负责用户界面初始化、为用户提供登录界面、将信息发送至服务器、接受服务器反馈,实时改变界面。 (2)、负责实现用户界面的各种组件事件的处理。 (3)、在本地维护好友列表,以及聊天记录,可以文件方式存储。 (4)、当用户单击好友图标时,将初始化新的聊天窗口,并通过UDP建立与其他用户的通信。当用户收到其他用户发来的数据报,将在本地初始化新的对话窗口,并开始聊天。
Local area network chat program (2012-04-16, Java, 269KB, 下载28次)


[网络编程] WindowsSocket

Windows下的Socket程序设计 在Windows下实现Socket网络程序需要使用Winsock网络编程接口,应用程序通过调用Winsock的API实现相互间的通信。Winsock的服务是以动态链接库Winsock DLL形式实现的,所以必须先调用WSAStartup函数对Winsock进行初始化,协商Winsock的版本支持,分配必要的资源。
Under Windows Socket Programming in Windows Socket network program needs to be achieved using Winsock network programming interfaces, an application by calling the Winsock API to achieve inter-communication. Winsock dynamic link library service is implemented as Winsock DLL, so you must first call the WSAStartup function to initialize Winsock, Winsock version negotiation support, allocation of necessary resources. (2011-02-27, Java, 7KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] remotecontrol

实现一个简单远程监控软件,采用Windows Socket(或Java Socket)编程。采用C/S架构。(1)能够远程监控一台主机,显示主机屏幕内容,能远程关机(2)能远程下载或上传文件(3)能远程执行一些DOS命令(4)能远程运行一些可执行命令。
Implement a simple remote control software, using Windows Socket (or Java Socket) programming. By C/S architecture. (1) to remotely monitor a host, the screen displays the contents of the host, can remotely shut down (2) can remotely download or upload files (3) can remotely perform some DOS commands (4) can remotely run some executable command. (2011-02-19, Java, 4KB, 下载60次)


[网络编程] Apache_Mina_Server_2[1].0

Apache Mina Server 是一个网络通信应用框架,也就是说,它主要是对基于TCP/IP、UDP/IP 协议栈的通信框架(当然,也可以提供JAVA 对象的序列化服务、虚拟机管道通信服务等), Mina 可以帮助我们快速开发高性能、高扩展性的网络通信应用,Mina 提供了事件驱动、异 步(Mina 的异步IO 默认使用的是JAVA NIO 作为底层支持)操作的编程模型。
Apache Mina Server is a network communication application framework, that is, it is mainly based on TCP/IP, UDP/IP protocol stack of communication framework (of course, can also provide JAVA object serialization services, communication services, the virtual machine pipeline ), Mina will help us to quickly develop high-performance, highly scalable network communications applications, Mina provides event-driven, asynchronous (Mina' s asynchronous IO is used by default as the underlying support JAVA NIO) operation of the programming model. (2010-08-27, Java, 385KB, 下载11次)


[网络编程] DrinkeryManage

本系统是WEB模式的宾馆酒店管理系统(Jsp酒店管理系统Java酒店管理系统) 运行环境Tomact+JDK1.5 编程模式:Ajax+JSP+JavaBean+JavaServlet 后台数据库:MS-AccessMSSQL 系统主要完成的功能如下: A.前台管理 .预定房间 .预定退房 .开房操作(可根据工作人员录入的身份证号显示身份证发证地点支持二代生身证需要联上互联网) .换房操作 .交款操作 .销售商品 .赔偿管理 .退房操作 B客房管理 .客房分类管理 .客房房间管理 C查询纺计 .房间状态查询 .商品库存查询 .收支查询统计 .房间消费查询 .交接班查询(自动计算交接班金额且自动计算上交金额,原则本班上交金额=本班开房房费+本班销售商品金额+本班赔偿金额+本班已收欠款金额) D.挂帐管理 .挂帐查询 .挂帐付款 E商品管理 .商品分类管理 .商品入库操作 F系统管理 .系统策略管理 .系统权限管理 .新增用户操作 .用户资料管理 .删除房间记录 .删除收支记录 .系统基础设置(可设置酒店名称,及计费相关时间及规则) 页面模块化 .三层结构设计 程序逻辑结构分用户界面、业务逻辑处理和数据存储 .面向对象设计 .人性化设计
w (2009-07-03, Java, 2460KB, 下载494次)


[网络编程] BIANCHENG11

一个网络编程的程序,本例用openstream()方法在fttp上装入文件。 可以是类文件,图形或WEB服务器提供的其他 数据。 程序启动,用指定的协议连接URL,取得数据, 数据装入时,写入磁盘,输出放在本机的该 类文件的同目录下。
a network programming procedures, The cases used openstream () method in fttp loaded on paper. Can be types of documents, graphics and Web server or other data. Commencement of proceedings, with the agreement specified URL linking, access to data, data loading, into the disk, on the export of such documents for the same directory. (2007-05-09, Java, 1KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] UDPDataPacker

习惯了TCP编程,认为UDP可以包办这些问题是错误的。一个UDP应用程序要承担可靠性方面的全部工作,包括报文的丢失、重复、时延、乱序以及连接失效等问题。 通常我们在可靠性好,传输时延小的局域网上开发测试,一些问题不容易暴露,但在大型互联网上却会出现错误。 UDP协议把递送的可靠性责任推到了上层即应用层,下面简单编写了几个类来专门处理两个问题:乱序和丢包。
accustomed to the TCP programming, UDP can be arranged that these issues is wrong. A UDP applications to bear reliability of the entire work, including packet loss, duplication and delay, disorder and connectivity problems such as the failure. Usually we reliability, small transmission delay of LAN development and testing, some problems are not easily exposed. but the major Internet has an error occurs. UDP transmitted put the blame on the reliability of the upper level that is the application layer, following the preparation of a few simple categories devoted to the following two questions : disorder and packet loss. (2006-05-16, Java, 4KB, 下载121次)


[网络编程] javawork_chat

本java聊天室,实现了多线程编程,实现多可客户聊天,群发消息 或者单发消息。并且实现了服务器端管理客户端的功能,详细请看程序的说明文档。
the java chat room and realized the multithreaded programming, customers can achieve multi-chat, single or repeated news updates. To reach the server-client management functions, please see detailed documentation procedures. (2005-10-15, Java, 154KB, 下载229次)


[网络编程] javaMail编程实例

achieve this example of building a mail server, a simple E-mail sent, send attachments, with identification of the E-mail sent, the inter-agency E-mail to send, receive E-mail, the Applet collect E-mail, E-mail passwords inspection Permit function (2005-10-04, Java, 74KB, 下载538次)
