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[教育系统应用] cPP

There are N students (N value the set), each student s data, including student number, name, three classes of achievement, programming input the keyboard N student data, asked to print out the three courses each course results, And output the highest total score of three classes of students. (2016-12-25, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] 1022

浙大 编程能力测试 的甲级题目 第1022 数字图书馆问题 http://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/1022
http://www.patest.cn/contests/pat-a-practise/1022 A Digital Library contains millions of books, stored according to their titles, authors, key words of their abstracts, publishers, and published years. Each book is assigned an unique 7-digit number as its ID. Given any query a reader, you are supposed to output the resulting books, sorted in increasing order of their ID s. (2015-06-03, Dev C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] library

编程实现一个简单的图书馆管理系统:功能包括 录入学生 录入书 借书 还书 显示库存情况 显示借书情况 class Student { long id string name void input() { cin>>id>>name } } class Book { long id string name string publication //出版社 int amount //数量 .......... } class Borrow//借书情况 { long id_student long id_book .............. } class Library { Student students[1000] Book books[5000] Borrows stu_book[1000] int n_student,n_book,n_student_book //学生数量,书的数量,学生借书记录的数量 public: void input_students(..){ students[i].input() } void input_books(){........} void input_borrow(....) {..... } } //主函数可以模仿多项式一题 void main() { Library l while(...) { print_menu() .......... } }
编程实现一个简单的图书馆管理系统:功能包括 录入学生 录入书 借书 还书 显示库存情况 显示借书情况 class Student { long id string name void input() { cin>>id>>name } } class Book { long id string name string publication //出版社 int amount //数量 .......... } class Borrow//借书情况 { long id_student long id_book .............. } class Library { Student students[1000] Book books[5000] Borrows stu_book[1000] int n_student,n_book,n_student_book //学生数量,书的数量,学生借书记录的数量 public: void input_students(..){ students[i].input() } void input_books(){........} void input_borrow(....) {..... } } //主函数可以模仿多项式一题 void main() { Library l while(...) { print_menu() .......... } } (2014-11-21, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] exam

Student achievement information and connection-oriented query system functional requirements: According to socket programming knowledge, using the connection-oriented TCP protocol, the server-side storage students basic information and performance information, the user can enter a query and achievements of students through the client information (2013-11-26, Unix_Linux, 12KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] students--choosing-classes-system

C programming language student elective system. Assume that there are n courses, each course course number, course name, course nature, total hours, teaching hours, the hours of the experiment or business opportunities, blood meal, semester, students upon request (such as not less than 60 total credits) free elective. (2013-05-01, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] Person

(3) 设计一个基类Person,包含name和age两个数据成员;由它派生出学生类Student和教师类Teacher,其中学生类添加学号,教师类添加职称信息;每个类均有构造函数和析构函数;编程实现,并用一些数据进行测试。
(3) design a base class Person, contain the name and age of members of the two data derived student class Student and teachers class Teacher student class add student number, the teachers class add titles each class has constructor and destructor programming, and testing with some data. (2013-01-03, Visual C++, 76KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] student_manage

本系统使用Visual C++ 6.0作为前台开发工具,Access 2003作为后台数据库,采用面向对象的语言编程,实现对学生信息的基本管理,包括学生信息,班级信息,课程信息,成绩信息的添加,修改和查询以及密码等功能。
The system uses Visual C++ 6.0 as a future development tool , Access 2003 database as a background .It’s developed by object-oriented programming language, and its work is the basic information management of students, including student information, class information, information on the courses, performance information add, modify, (2012-11-06, Visual C++, 6858KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] testMyFrame

Programming a student information management system graphical interface. Need to input the information, including students learn number, name, sex, birth year, month, day, year and whether the co-culture. According to the nature of the information choose to use a different graphical design interface components. When the information input has been completed, the information is combined into a string displayed in the interface. (2011-11-27, Java, 1KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] Dictionary-of-words-students

The dictionary is an integrated group of words in Chinese primary school students, poets rhyme words, medical knowledge, the experts as one of the small electronic dictionary software tools to facilitate the self-help upgrade the software and provide dictionaries parts, but also to facilitate those interested to learn programming language. ... (2011-04-20, Visual Basic, 659KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] 1

内存中从score开始的缓冲区存放30个学生的成绩,分数自己给定。请编程序统计中各个分数段的人数:<60,60-69,70-79,80-89, >=90。统计结果保存在以stat开始的连续5个字节的内存单元中
Memory storage buffer from the beginning score of 30 student achievement, scores its given. Please programmed statistics the number of segments each fraction: < 60,60-69,70-79,80-89,> = 90. Save results to stat in the beginning of five consecutive bytes of memory cell (2010-06-06, Asm, 1KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] student_management

本项目的目的为设计一个学生成绩管理系统,能够对学生成绩实行动态管理。 其要求如下: 1、 系统具有输入、显示、查询、删除、添加、修改、排序、保存、读取等基本功能。 输入功能:可以一次完成无数条记录的输入。 显示功能:完成全部学生记录的显示。 查询功能:完成按姓名查找学生记录,并显示各科成绩。 删除功能:删除一条学生记录或一门课程。 添加功能:添加一条学生记录或一门课程。 修改功能:可对某条记录进行修改。 排序功能:按学生总成绩或平均成绩进行排序。 保存功能:将学生记录保存。 读取功能:将保存在文件中的学生记录读取出来。 2、每一条记录包括一个学生的学号、姓名及各科成绩。 3、可对一个或多个班级的各科成绩进行统计分析,并以直方图或饼图的形式直观显示不同类型的统计结果。 4、系统具有清晰美观且易于操作的界面。 5、用VC语言、MATLAB编程或其他适宜的语言实现上述功能。
aaaaaaaaaaaa (2010-05-14, Java, 43KB, 下载31次)


[教育系统应用] student

学生考勤管理系统 考勤信息记录了学生的缺课情况,它包括:缺课日期、第几节课、课程名称、学生姓名、缺课类型(迟到、早退、请假及旷课)。试设计一考勤管理系统,使之能提供以下功能: 1.录入学生的缺课记录; 2.修改某个学生的缺课记录; 3.查询某个学生的缺课情况; 4.统计某段时间内,旷课学生姓名及旷课次数,按旷课次数由多到少排序; 5.统计某段时间内,有学生旷课的课程及旷课人次,按旷课人次由多到少排序; 6.系统以菜单方式工作。 具体要求如下: 1、 采取模块化方式进行程序设计,要求程序的功能设计、数据结构设计及整体结构设计合理。学生也可根据自己对题目的理解增加新的功能模块(视情况可另外加分)。 2、 系统以菜单界面方式(至少采用文本菜单界面,如能采用图形菜单界面更好)工作,运行界面友好,演示程序以用户和计算机的对话方式进行。 3、 程序算法说明清晰,理论分析与计算正确,运行情况良好,实验测试数据无误,容错性强(能对错误输入进行判断控制)。 4、 编程风格良好(包括缩进、空行、适当注释、变量名和函数名见名知意,程序容易阅读等);
student (2010-05-10, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载76次)


[教育系统应用] examinationsystems

ADO.NET using VB.NET language and connect to the database through the ACCESS database, visualization form programming carried out Web-based examination systems. System includes a user login, registration, the administrator management, and item bank generation, item bank management, candidates examination to see the results of other functions (2009-09-23, Visual Basic, 82KB, 下载12次)


[教育系统应用] graduationprograms

Consider land-based, considering the long-term soil subsidence effects, to calculate the soil under the foundation raft block stiffness. As a boundary condition to participate in further finite element calculation, in order to graduate, I made the design process. (2008-11-04, Visual Basic, 98KB, 下载16次)


[教育系统应用] chengxu

大学生综合素质及诚信管理系统可以满足管理人员和高级管理员两方面管理学生综合素质及诚信信息的需要。设计充分利用Delphi7、MS SQL Server2000数据库技术的强大力量,提高了编程效率和数据可靠性。
Overall quality and integrity of university management systems to meet the managers and senior managers in the management of both the overall quality and integrity of student information needs. Design take full advantage of Delphi7, MS SQL Server2000 database technology a powerful force, improve the programming efficiency and data reliability. (2007-09-07, Delphi, 575KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] student

VC can learn and database programming paradigm to be a Friend. See also to do before in a lot of the same type of management system, achieved, the student management system will now paste out the hope that it can have a friend needs help. (2007-08-03, Visual C++, 3956KB, 下载21次)


[教育系统应用] administrators

若已安装Jbuilder X,则可以直接用Jbuilder X打开.jpx文件,在编程环境中就可以直接运行 文件共有四个目录: (1)ProductManager----------为产品管理,其中的.jpx文件为工程文件。 (2)BookManager-------------书籍借阅管理系统 (3)StudentMS-----------------学生管理系统 (4)House -----------------------房产管理系统
If the installation of Jbuilder X, you can directly use Jbuilder X open. Jpx documents, in the programming environment can be directly run on the file directory, there are four: (1) ProductManager for product management, of which. Jpx document for the project file. (2) BookManager- books to borrow Management System (3) StudentMS- Student Management System (4) House- Real Estate Management System (2007-07-24, Java, 2271KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] carandsoon

This is a supermarket management system management system often used in a DLL. It can be very convenient enables programmers to realize the size of the amount of change in the DLL, I used my personal experience. Hope you like them. (2007-06-16, Visual C++, 19KB, 下载10次)


[教育系统应用] stu_java

学生选课管理系统运用java+sql server2000编程
students Course Management System used java programming sql SERVER2000 (2006-01-01, Java, 231KB, 下载172次)


[教育系统应用] java12

是用jbuilder9做的一个简单程序。单窗体,有添加删除查询更新几个功能,用的是SQL Server数据库。服务器名local 用户名sa 密码hunterd.(不要忘了改数据源和导入数据) 第一次用java 和jbuilder编程,可能还有些问题吧。
is jbuilder9 do a simple procedure. Single Form, adding to delete several inquiries update function, using the SQL Server database. Server name local user name hunterd sa password. (Do not forget to change into data sources and data) with the first and JBuilder java programming, and it is likely some issues now. (2005-12-13, Java, 81KB, 下载18次)
