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[企业管理] wymall

忘忧商城: 学习开源项目mall的后端工程。主要学习现阶段比较流行,比较高效,同时又是自己工作中接触不到的技术,开阔自己的技术和业 务 眼界,提升编程能力。wymall是一个电商后台管理系统,主要技术栈包括SpringBoot,Sprin...
Forget worry mall: learn the back-end project of open source project mall. Mainly learn the technology that is popular and efficient at this stage, and that is not accessible to me in my work, so as to broaden my technical and business vision and improve my programming ability. Wymall is an e-commerce background management system. The main technology stacks include SpringBoot, Spring (2022-06-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Library

从一个简单的员工通讯录管理系统的面向 过程程序设计出发,讨论了传统的面向过程 程序设计方法的不足,进而引出面向对象程 序设计方法,介绍面向对象程序设计的编程 思想、基本概念,面向对象程序设计的优点, ,面向对象的软件开发过程。最后对综合性项目——图书馆图书借阅管理系统 进行了面向对象的分析与设计。
From a simple employee address book management system for process-oriented programming design, discussed the traditional process-oriented The author introduces the object-oriented programming, the basic concepts, the advantages of object-oriented programming, and the object-oriented software development process. Finally, the object- oriented analysis and design of the comprehensive project- Library Book Borrowing Management System is carried out. (2017-01-02, Visual C++, 462KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] Beautiful-Architecture

Book around five subject areas to organize the content of the book: overview, enterprise applications, systems, the end user application and programming languages. Book to make the best designers and architects to describe their choice of software architecture, open architecture of each layer, show them how to make the software functionality, reliable and easy to use, efficient, maintainable, portable and elegant. (2016-02-01, Windows_Unix, 8341KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] 00-1---Component

McKinsey study of the world s most successful software companies after 100 concluded: a new use of standardized reusable component technology will eventually replace expensive custom programming and integration, this approach is the future of Software Productivity The main source of improvement, it will become the future prospects of the core part of the software industry. (2014-05-19, Java, 157KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] HCDB

一个VC++版的库存系统,数据库使用的是SQLServer2000,数据库备份文件在Database文件夹中,这个库存管理系统是《亮剑Visual C++项目开发案例导航》随书光盘中的一个项目实例源码,使用VC++6.0可直接编译源代码,库存系统的功能比较基础,只是一些商品的添加、删除、修改、出库查询与登记等,适合学习VC++数据库编程的朋友们参考学习。
A VC++ version of the inventory system, the database is SQLServer2000, database backup files in the Database folder, the inventory management system is the " Sword Visual C++ Project Development Case Navigation with a project source code examples in the book CD, use VC++6.0, can directly compile the source code inventory system functional basis for comparison, are just some of the goods to add, delete, modify, queries and registration suitable for learning VC++ database programming friends refer to learning. (2013-04-13, Visual C++, 1082KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] Beautiful-Architecture--CN

本书围绕5个主题领域来组织本书的内容:概述、企业应用、系统、最终用户应用和编程语言。本书让最优秀的设计师和架构师来描述他们选择的软件架构,剥开架构的各层,展示他们如何让软件做到实现功能、可靠、易用、高效率、可维护、可移植和优雅。 中文清晰版
Book book is organized around five thematic areas: an overview of enterprise applications, systems, and end-user applications and programming languages. Book so that the best designers and architects to describe the software architecture of their choice, peel architecture layers, show how they let the software do to achieve functional, reliable, easy-to-use, high-efficiency, maintainable, portable and elegant. Chinese clear version (2013-04-12, Visual C++, 5809KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] personnel-management-system

用c++的编程思想 来实现 某个小型公司,主要四类人员:经理,销售经历,兼职技术人员,兼职推销人员不同工资的计算 ,并且 对上述四类人员按名字 进行增删改查的功能 并 保存各个人员的信息 计算出每个人的当月工资
C++ programming ideas to achieve a small company, the four main categories of staff: manager, sales experience, part-time staff, part-time marketing staff wage calculation CRUD functionality, and the name of the above four categories of personnel and save all personnel information calculated each person' s monthly wage (2012-09-20, Unix_Linux, 151KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] code

本论文阐述的是员工培训管理系统的设计与开发。开发平台为Visual C++6.0和微软的Microsoft Offic Access 2003数据库,使用c++语言编写操作程序,完成数据输入、修改、存储、调用查询等操作,开发时使用MFC窗口化编程;使用Microsoft Offic Access 2003数据库创建数据表,进行数据存储。
This paper describes staff training management system’s design and development. The development platform is Visual C++ 6.0 and Microsoft s Access database, use the c++ language to write programs, the completion of data entry, modification, storage, query and other operations, using the MFC windows programming when develop use Access database to create data tables for data storage . It particularly describes how to design and develop a database, the demand from the database’s needs analysis to conceptual design, to logic design, and then to achieve the realization of the structure of the database. (2012-06-04, Visual C++, 20866KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] sql

VC + +和ADO的进销存系统,可以增加删除修改商品,功能很简单,可以给刚接触数据库编程的人作参考。我在VC6.0编译通过。可以看到数据库中有五张表,你可以执行脚本文件的代码 创建表,也可以自己手工添加表根据执行脚本的内容,你必须首先建立一个数据库,否者不能运行。
vc++ and ado Invoicing system, can increase the changes of commodities deleted, functionality is simple, can give new to database programming as a reference Test. I compile on the vc6.0. One can see the script in the database built five tables, you can execute the script file in the code The Table you can own hand-built according to the contents of the table table, you must first build a database and run, or can not run. (2011-04-13, Visual C++, 3957KB, 下载26次)


[企业管理] tongyongjinxiaocunguanlixitong

General inventory management system inventory management system is a common will purchase, sale, inventory management system integration. System consists of system management, sales management, inventory management, basic information, contacts management, query management, report management, decision management and maintenance management module. Programming with VFP (2010-04-29, VFP, 1677KB, 下载16次)


[企业管理] Typo3_dummy_4.26

Typo3是开源内容管理系统(CMS)和内容管理框架(CMF)的领导性品牌之一,和CMSware一样是一个真正的高端企业级的产品;由于其不是面向低端用户的产品,因而在国内影响相当有限。 Typo3主要是面向中高级php水平的开发者,但这个发布包也适合一般不懂编程的用户使用。
Typo3 is the open source content management system (CMS) and content management framework (CMF), one of the leading brands and the same CMSware is a true high-end enterprise-class products not because of its low-end user-oriented products, which very limited impact at home. Typo3 is mainly for middle and senior level php developer, but it is also suitable for release packages do not understand programming in general users. (2009-07-20, PHP, 8820KB, 下载55次)


[企业管理] JAVAjxc

bu neng fan yi (2009-07-20, Java, 20131KB, 下载34次)


[企业管理] OFManage

vc++编写的小巧订单管理系统,数据库使用MSSQL2000。本系统并不是大型的订单管理系统,它只完成了常用的模块功能,主要有:订单添加、修改、删除、查询等,适合初学者学习VC++数据库编程,你也可以继续完善本程序,让功能更强大。   基本操作步骤:   在订单列表中按Alt键同时双击订单条目时,可以查看该订单上的货物信息;   在订单列表中和货物列表中按Delete键删除订单或货物;   双击订单列表或货物列表中的条目,可以增加,修改或删除它们;   修改或者增加信息时,如需取消操作,可按Esc键;
vc++ to prepare the small order management systems, database use MSSQL2000. The system is not large-scale order management systems, it is only used to complete the module functions are: orders to add, modify, delete, query, etc., suitable for beginners to learn VC++ database programming, you can continue to improve the procedures so that more powerful. (2009-07-16, Visual C++, 433KB, 下载15次)


[企业管理] En29_20059112205017_CTV

En29_20059112205017:彩电故障信息共享系统 使用Visual C++6.0编程制作信息共享系统,实现信息管理共享的自动化。由此实现了信息的增加、删除、修改、查看等功能,并且进而实现信息的安全管理,使信息的管理更加人性化,规范化。从而提高故障排除效率,提高信息利用率,有助于进一步提高生产效率。适合初学VC++的人使用。
En29_20059112205017: color fault information sharing system using Visual C++6.0 programming the production of information-sharing systems, implementation of automated management of shared information. The implementation of the resulting information to add, delete, modify, view and other functions, and thus achieve the information security management, information management so that more human and standardized. In order to improve troubleshooting efficiency, improve utilization of information, help to further improve production efficiency. VC++ suitable beginner use. (2009-03-20, Visual C++, 4073KB, 下载51次)



第1章 串口编程调试精灵 第2章 智能安防报警系统 第3章 电子警察拍照管理系统 第4章 云台镜头控制系统 第5章 电机驱动监控系统 第6章 远程水文监测系统 第7章 串口实现双机互联
Chapter 1 debug serial programming wizard Chapter 2 Intelligent Security Alarm System in Chapter 3 of the electronic management system for the police to take photographs Chapter 4 PTZ camera control system in Chapter 5 Motor-driven monitoring system Chapter 6 Remote Monitoring System hydrological Chapter 7 Serial realization of two-plane Internet (2008-12-12, Visual C++, 5038KB, 下载42次)


[企业管理] xueshengdanganguanli

学生档案管理系统的课程设计第一章 为什么要开发一个学生档案管理系统第二章 计算机已经成为我们学习和工作的得力助手第三章 怎样开发一个学生档案管理系统?第四章 Windows下的Visual Basic 编程环境简介
Student records management system curriculum design chapter Why should develop a management system for students to file Chapter II computer has become our right-hand man of learning and the work of Chapter III of the students how to develop a records management system? Chapter IV Windows under the Visual Basic programming environment Introduction (2008-06-20, Visual Basic, 15KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] code

作者针对当前酒店客房管理的现状,利用可视化编程语言Delphi7.0 进行前台应用程序的开发,使其具备完善的功能和优良的使用特性,对于后台数据库的建立,选用了SQL Server 2000它能很好的保证数据的完整性。
Authors for the current management of hotel rooms and the status quo, the use of visual programming language Delphi7.0 applications for future development, it has the features and excellent use of the characteristics of the background for the establishment of the database, choose the SQL Server 2000 it can guarantee good data integrity. (2007-12-15, Delphi, 657KB, 下载14次)


[企业管理] jinxiaocunkaitibaogao

本次课题本人研究的主要是一种进销存管理系统的设计与实现。主要包括一下几个方面的研究:Microsoft Visual Studio.NET开发环境的熟悉,SQL Server的使用,熟悉和使用C#编程语言,本文主要介绍了基于.NET开发平台的进销存管理系统的设计与实现。
this topic I study is a major inventory management system design and implementation. Including about several aspects of the study : Microsoft Visual Studio development environment familiar. SQL Server use, and use familiar with the C# programming language, This paper describes the basis.NET development platform Logistics Management System Design and Implementation. (2007-04-09, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载12次)


[企业管理] 财务

本系统采用Visual Foxprow 5.0编写,面向对象可视化编程,使系统的开发工作适应目前的流行趋势。设计时采用了常用的自顶向下的瀑布式结构化设计方法。各子系统具有独立的数据库结构,设计时力求简单易用,便于维护。各模块为平行关系,彼此间无直接的参数联系,也无库的交叉关联,从而保证各子系统可以单独运行。
the system using Visual Foxprow 5.0 preparation, visual, object-oriented programming, allowing the system to adapt to the current development trend in fashion. Used in the design of the popular top-down waterfall structure design method. The subsystem is independent of the database structure, design sought to be simple to use, easy to maintain. Each module for parallel relationship between the parameters are not directly linked, nor for the cross-linked, so that the subsystems can be run separately. (2005-03-29, VFP, 218KB, 下载51次)


[企业管理] kcs

汽修厂管理软件,面向数据库DAO编程,覆盖人事,仓储、财会管理,有打印预览。不过注释不太完整,界面欠友好,大家可以在其基础上加上投资预算等决策性分析模块。 这是我给自己的汽修厂写的,站长如果不能给VIP,希望也能允许我下载200个,
aftermarket factory management software, database-oriented programming DAO, covering personnel, warehousing, accounting management, a print preview. But Notes is not complete, the less friendly interface, you can add on the basis of its investment budget and other policy analysis module. This is my own aftermarket to write the plant, if not head to the VIP and I hope it will allow me to download 200. (2004-12-11, Visual Basic, 2778KB, 下载69次)
