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[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] RDS

接收从从机发送过来的数据。接收DS18B20的程序,数据脚P3.3、P3^5、P3^6,温度传感器18B20汇编程序, ** 采用器件默认的12位转化,最大转化时间750微秒,显示温度0到99度,显示精 ** 度为1度。显示采用4位LED共阳显示测温值,P0口为段码输入,P24~P27为位选
Receiving data sent from the slave. Receiving DS18B20 program data pin P3.3 is, P3 ^ 5, P3 ^ 6, the temperature sensor 18B20 assembler,** 12 conversion device default maximum conversion time of 750 microseconds, and to display the temperature of 0 to 99 degrees, the display fine** 1 degree. LED common anode display 4 show the temperature value, P0 port for the segment code input, P24 ~ P27 ' Choice (2013-03-07, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] cSharp

This feature is a host computer program with the single-chip communications program written in C# (2012-07-16, Visual Basic, 173KB, 下载79次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] AVR-Studio-5

AVR Studio 5中文手册,AVR Studio 5 是atmel推出的新的编程境,使用4.0的用户可能不太适应,通过一段时间的摸索,本人将主要过程进行一下小结,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。
AVR Studio five Chinese manuals, AVR Studio 5 is the launch of the new programming atmel environment, use 4.0 users may not too orientation, through a period of exploration, I will make a major process summary, hope a view to play a valuable role. (2012-02-27, PDF, 1040KB, 下载258次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 51PC-Controll

(1)基于51AT系列的单片机智能多功能遥控小车程序,能自动检测障碍物、避障; (2)小车附加功能1:能实现基于采用DS18B20芯片采集温度数据,并通过软件编程的形式读取数据值; (3)小车附加功能2:要求接收设备能够及时灵敏的接收实时温度值,通过数码管显示,并具有数据初步分析、报警等功能;
This issue introduces obstacle avoidance automatically, and can realize temperature remote measurement,data wireless transmission analysis and alarm functions by using using the series of 51 single-chip microcomputer AT89S52 as control core.. This design makes full use of the characteristics of the car which is flexible and convenient for add the sensor on the car to monitor and control anytime and anywhere. In the dangerous exploration and detect applications ,it have the important meaning. (2011-12-28, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] shangweiji

The host computer is based on the VB programming language for serial communication with the PC chip. For three servo control. Baud rate serial communication format is 9600bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, ASCII, characters communicate. Serial communication program for the PC to receive control commands sent over. Control commands used to customize the text agreement, that agreement contains all ASCII characters. Communication protocol format for the start character " #" channel number CHx, pulse 100, pulse width ten, pulse width a bit, and stop character " !." (2011-10-17, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载44次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] MSP430danpianjiCprogramingdesign

实用的基础msp430的模块程序C语言编程 包括基础时钟,ADC,DAC单通道单序列,多通道多序列等,锁相环,异步串行,,FLASH擦写,中断,比较捕获,PWM波形的产生,LCD模块程序,行列式键盘,基本定时器,DMA数据传输捕获脉冲信号周期等
Practical basis for msp430 module C programming, including basic clock, ADC, DAC channel single sequence, such as multi-channel multi-sequence, phase-locked loop, asynchronous serial,, FLASH erase, interrupt, compare capture, PWM waveform generation , LCD module program, the determinant of the keyboard, the basic timer, DMA data capture pulse period, etc. (2011-08-26, Visual C++, 289KB, 下载9次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] pingpang

This paper describes the use of programmable system on chip (System-on-a-chip, SOPC) technology to construct a table tennis simulation Game, and after the circuit by adjusting the signal displayed on the oscilloscope waveform. This course requires FPGA platform with the specified combination of SOPC Technology to construct a table tennis game, after the software programming, respectively, with two I/O output of two different pulse-width modulation wave, respectively, after PWM low pass filter from the mean voltage, input to the dual-channel oscilloscope. Scope of work in the X/Y mode, the oscilloscope screen Spot on the screen representative of table tennis, table tennis, X/Y control voltage on the screen produces a table tennis simulation trajectory. Link Real-time digital control over the score will be displayed, and have reset function. One additional subsystem in part by the software to complete, with the break detection Are there key is pressed, combined with the look- (2011-02-23, C/C++, 2KB, 下载9次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] NXP_Cortex-M3_encryption

详解NXP Cortex-M3 LPC1343 LPC13XX LPC17XX加密设置: 相信最近手上有NXP Cortex-M3的 LPC13XX LPC17XX类的器件或者开发板的不少了,但是新手对NXP的加密方式往往比较费解,和别的如51、AVR的加密方式不太一样了,通常51、AVR的加密往往通过编程器,在写入FLASH的过程中对其IC的配置字或加密位进行修改,但是,NXP Cortex-M3的加密在下载软件中却没有选项或说明,那么到底如何对我们的器件进行加密呢?这将是我们的话题。
Detailed NXP Cortex-M3 LPC1343 LPC13XX LPC17XX encryption settings: I believe the recent hand NXP Cortex-M3' s LPC13XX LPC17XX class of devices or number of development boards, but the novice of NXP' s encryption is often more difficult to understand, and others such as 51, AVR' s not the same encryption method, usually 51, AVR encryption, often through programming, in the process of writing their IC FLASH configuration bits to modify words or encryption, but, NXP Cortex-M3' s encryption Download the software has no option or explanation, then in the end how our device encryption? This will be our topic. (2010-11-16, C/C++, 708KB, 下载53次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] fatfs_R0.07c_code_source

FatFs是一个通用的文件系统模块,以小的嵌入式系统的FAT文件系统。 FatFs的编程遵守的ANSI C格式语法标准,因此它是具有独立于硬件架构。可用于PIC, AVR, SH, Z80, H8, ARM
FatFs is a generic file system module to implement the FAT file system to small embedded systems. The FatFs is written in compliance with ANSI C, therefore it is independent of hardware architecture. It can be incorporated into cheap microcontrollers, such as 8051, PIC, AVR, SH, Z80, H8, ARM and etc..., without any change. (2010-04-08, C/C++, 784KB, 下载88次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 1

HCS12X micro-controller family is the HCS12 series of upgrades, XGate external processor is also an important component of its original. XGATE is a main CPU can be run independently on a programmable core, you can match all S12 devices, as well as RISC devices. This application describes how to configure the parity and the use of XGATE. (2010-03-04, Others, 307KB, 下载33次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] VBcontrolHardware

VB没有提供直接访问低层硬件的控件和方法,一度给对访问硬件感兴趣的编程者带来不便。目前我们可从网上搜索到支持低层硬件访问的DLL和ActiveX控件,通过它们可读写存储器单元、端口,甚至控制硬件中断。下面通过两个利用DLL和ActiveX控件示例介绍VB对低层硬件的 访问控制
VB does not provide direct access to low-level hardware control and methods, once to the right to access the hardware of interest to programmers inconvenience. At present we can search from the Internet to support low-level hardware access DLL and ActiveX controls, through them, can read and write memory unit, port, and even control the hardware interrupt. The following by two examples the use of DLL and ActiveX controls on low-level hardware description VB Access Control (2010-02-08, Visual Basic, 122KB, 下载11次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] LabVIEWUltrasonicStarterkit

LabVIEW Ultrasonic Starter-kit 超声波软件包,其实是并购意大利的一个公司后NI进行的相关研究.NI的超声波在工业无损检测意义不大,不如GE的.但给编程朋友一个了解的机会把.
LabVIEW Ultrasonic Starter-kit ultrasound package is actually a company mergers and acquisitions in Italy carried out after the NI research. NI of ultrasonic nondestructive testing in industry has little importance, not as good as GE. However, to program my friend an opportunity to understand. (2010-01-05, LabView, 2198KB, 下载43次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 07Gtijifenxingzhiliushuzidianyabiaosheji

2007年G题 积分型直流数字电压表设计 里面包含电路图,源程序,真正不用费力去寻找原理图。本设计为16位高分辨率的三斜积分式直流数字电压表, A/D转换器部分采用普通元器件构成模拟部分,利用MEGA8单片机借助软件实现数字计数显示功能,同时采用MEGA8单片机编程实现直流电压表量程。
G points title in 2007 DC Digital Voltmeter design containing schematics, source code, not easy to find the real schematic. The design for the 16-bit high-resolution integral triclinic DC digital voltage meter, A/D converter part of the ordinary analog components constitute part of the software through the use of single-chip MEGA8 count digital display, at the same time using a single MEGA8 Machine Programming DC voltage meter range. (2009-08-13, WORD, 108KB, 下载37次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] DS18B20

DS18B20在外形上和三极管很像,有三只脚。电压范围为3.0 V至5.5 V 无需备用电源 测量温度范围为-55 至+125 ℃ 。温度传感器可编程的分辨率为9~12位 温度转换为12位数字格式最大值为750毫秒 用户可定义的非易失性温度报警设置 应用范围包括恒温控制,工业系统,消费电子产品温度计,或任何热敏感系统。
DS18B20 transistor in shape and like, there are 3 feet. Voltage range of 3.0 V to 5.5 V without standby power measurement temperature range of-55 to+125 ℃. Programmable temperature sensor of a resolution of 9 to 12 temperature is converted to 12-digit format for the 750 ms maximum user-definable nonvolatile temperature alarm set range of applications including temperature control, industrial systems, consumer electronics thermometer , or any heat-sensitive system. (2009-05-19, Others, 31KB, 下载11次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 18b20

DS18B20是美国DALLAS公司继DS1820之后推出的增强型单总线数字温度传感器。它在测温精度、转换时间、传输距离、分辨率等方面较DS1820有了很大的改进,给用户带来了更方便的使用和更令人满意的效果。 1. DS18B20的新性能 (1) 可用数据线供电,电压范围:3.0~5.5V; (2) 测温范围:-55~+125℃,在-10~+85℃时精度为±0.5℃; (3) 可编程的分辨率为9~12位,对应的可分辨温度分别为0.5℃、0.25℃、0.125℃和0.0625℃; (4) 12位分辨率时最多在750ms内把温度值转换为数字; (5) 负压特性:电源极性接反时,温度计不会因发热而烧毁,但不能正常工作。 (6) 温度转换时间由DS1820的2s降为750ms,且灵敏度大为提高,在逐渐升温的水中与精度为±0.5℃的温度计几乎同步,且回复性很好; (7) 每个芯片唯一编码,支持联网寻址,零功耗等待。
fefa (2009-05-04, C/C++, 2KB, 下载10次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 123

Voltage measurement points of the system and the output of two major signals, voltage measurement circuitry to simulate the main part, with the amplification module, A/D conversion module, display module through Sunplus Single-chip data processing, in the range of error allowed shows the value of measuring voltage. Signal generated by direct digital frequency synthesizer for the core of the DDS chip AT89S52 after the internal control standards so that the output sine wave shape, frequency of use of pre-programming, step to the output voltage adjustable frequency step. Debugging and measurement, through the completion of the basic part of the topic and all the requirements to play a part and have their own innovation. (2009-04-08, C/C++, 1KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] smsss

短消息服务( SMS )的定义是基于文本的服务,使多达160个字符发送的手机从一个到另一个。 着同样的精神,以电子邮件,邮件存储和转发的短信中心,使信息检索后如果您没有立即接受他们。,同的语音呼叫,短信旅行的移动通信网络的低速控使用的方便性短信,这个项目可以让您远程控制设备发送纯文本邮件,如“泵” , “空调关闭” , “重”或“ light1上” -所有这一切都可以预编程的控制器和容易记住以后。 .它可以控制多达8个外部设备8位微控制器是用来控制整个电路。 它读取的信息从移动电话和控制装置根据收到的邮件。
err (2009-01-14, Visual C++, 247KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] CY3270MFSlider

 PSoC(可编程片上系统)是Cypress半导体公司生产的包含有8位微处理器核和数字与模拟混合的信号阵列芯片,其应用领域与8位的MCU相同。与8位的MCU的区别在于PSoC的数字周边资源(如定时器、PWM、UART等等)和模拟周边资源(放大器、比较器、滤波器等等)以数字模块和模拟模块的方式给出。不同型号的PSoC芯片的差异,主要是拥有数字模块和模拟模块的数量不同,用户可以根据自己的需要来定义这些模块。所有这些预定义的模块称为用户模块。在PSoC Express出现以前,开发PSoC的应用项目与MCU的应用开发相似,使用PSoC Designer集成开发环境,根据项目的需要调用和配置资源(用户模块),然后编写代码(C或汇编)、编译、调试等步骤,制成目标芯片
err (2008-04-25, C/C++, 4000KB, 下载22次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] universal_capsense_controller___basic_kit_1_21

 PSoC(可编程片上系统)是Cypress半导体公司生产的包含有8位微处理器核和数字与模拟混合的信号阵列芯片,其应用领域与8位的MCU相同。与8位的MCU的区别在于PSoC的数字周边资源(如定时器、PWM、UART等等)和模拟周边资源(放大器、比较器、滤波器等等)以数字模块和模拟模块的方式给出。不同型号的PSoC芯片的差异,主要是拥有数字模块和模拟模块的数量不同,用户可以根据自己的需要来定义这些模块。所有这些预定义的模块称为用户模块。在PSoC Express出现以前,开发PSoC的应用项目与MCU的应用开发相似,使用PSoC Designer集成开发环境,根据项目的需要调用和配置资源(用户模块),然后编写代码(C或汇编)、编译、调试等步骤,制成目标芯片
err (2008-04-25, C/C++, 2KB, 下载14次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] universal_capsense_controller___basic_kit_1_19

 PSoC(可编程片上系统)是Cypress半导体公司生产的包含有8位微处理器核和数字与模拟混合的信号阵列芯片,其应用领域与8位的MCU相同。与8位的MCU的区别在于PSoC的数字周边资源(如定时器、PWM、UART等等)和模拟周边资源(放大器、比较器、滤波器等等)以数字模块和模拟模块的方式给出。不同型号的PSoC芯片的差异,主要是拥有数字模块和模拟模块的数量不同,用户可以根据自己的需要来定义这些模块。所有这些预定义的模块称为用户模块。在PSoC Express出现以前,开发PSoC的应用项目与MCU的应用开发相似,使用PSoC Designer集成开发环境,根据项目的需要调用和配置资源(用户模块),然后编写代码(C或汇编)、编译、调试等步骤,制成目标芯片
err (2008-04-25, C/C++, 27KB, 下载11次)
