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[OpenCV] 607141 OPENCV编程案例详解 ,李立宗.part2

"OpenCV Programming Case Detailed Explanation" introduces how to use OpenCV to build a computer vision system with examples. The system of "OpenCV Programming Case Detailed Explanation" mainly includes two types of commonly used function introduction system and application system. The introduction system of commonly used functions focuses on the use of introduction functions. In this type of system, the use of commonly used OpenCV functions is mainly introduced, and different forms of parameter calls are made to these functions. The application system tries to solve some practical problems, and uses the simplest method to implement a learning system, so that readers can understand the main algorithms of this type of system, the basic ideas for solving problems, and at the same time, they can have a deeper understanding of how to better use OpenCV to deal with actual problems. (2021-04-15, C/C++, 28652KB, 下载0次)


[OpenCV] OpenCVTest

OpenCV basic programming exercises, including display pictures, play video, scroll bars, smooth picture, ROI, and incident response. In order to avoid the interaction between the various modules corresponding code has been shielded, shielding corresponding code can be canceled by selecting the corresponding function (2013-03-15, C/C++, 24489KB, 下载45次)


[OpenCV] learning-OpenCV

The book is written by opencv promoters, standing in the front-line developers point of view to explain the opencv source from computer vision and infrastructure. Demonstrates how to use openc and existing free code for a wide range of machine programming. (2012-07-27, C/C++, 13208KB, 下载8次)


[OpenCV] MyCode

The summarized OPencv code. Image warps, rotation.H_S histogram. Slider to set the threshold for contour detection. Detect the contours in the input image. Average background method. Txt format, just need to program extension cpp, you can. (2012-03-01, C/C++, 76KB, 下载13次)
