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按分类查找All 射击游戏(45) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(45) 

[射击游戏] FPSGameDemo

This document is complete graduation design, contain source and thesis for the imitation of CS FPS games, the basic game functionality has been achieved, but needs to be improved in all parts of the overall difficulty is not suited to have mastered the basis of a certain game programming,but did not write a complete game for beginners to learn the reference ~ (2012-04-18, Visual C++, 13782KB, 下载46次)


[射击游戏] BattleCity

Double version of the classic Battle City Super, VC++ full version, including sound, maps, resource file, compiled please Map, Sound, graphics copied to the same level directory of the executable file, or error. We look at the interface to know how classic this game, right? The small child never played it, has also had this obsession with the game directly after the source through the export to play on the computer, complete, error-free, but also to learn VC++ game programming a good example. (2011-01-01, Visual C++, 59KB, 下载19次)


[射击游戏] zhandouji

射击游戏-战斗机 源码 这个战斗机的源码使用了directX技术,画面十分流畅。但是编程难度相对比较大,因为directX技术也不是那么好掌握,需要的朋友可以看一看。
Shooting Games- fighter aircraft of the source of this source using the directX technology, the screen is very smooth. However, relatively large programming difficult, because the directX technology is not so good grasp of a friend in need can take a look. (2010-07-01, Visual C++, 245KB, 下载5次)


[射击游戏] quake3_edit_05_08_25

This is the famous Quake 3 Arena source code (programming model for the game), I believe we all heard of or played Quake, presented its source code for everyone to enjoy, CS core seems that the engine used in . If you can not find a specific reason, it downloaded and try so many cows out of the game is engaged in loud noise, Hehe. (2010-02-05, Visual C++, 5089KB, 下载12次)


[射击游戏] 用空格发射炮弹的游戏

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