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按分类查找All PHP编程(57) 

[PHP编程] to-do-list

The repository serves as a small project to demonstrate my programming skills in PHP, JavaScript, jQuery and SQL. There is also a SQL file in the "sql" directory to create the necessary tables to make testing the application easy. (2024-07-12, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] phpmysql_example

Implementtarea CRUD bazat pe服务器本地XAMPP(Apache+MySQL),cu实现区域概念或MVC i ORM,有效rii格式或,autentific rii,sesiunior,lucrului cu fi ierele。Am utilizat mai mult编程区域过程PHP 8.0(函数),La fel,Am realizat实现区域m surilor de protec ie contra diferitor tipuri de atacuri(XSS,SQL inj)。
Implementarea CRUD bazat pe server local XAMPP (Apache + MySQL), cu implementarea conceptelor MVC i ORM, valid rii formelor, autentific rii, sesiunilor, lucrului cu fi ierele. Am utilizat mai mult programarea proedural PHP 8.0 (functions), La fel, am realizat implementarea m surilor de protec ie contra diferitor tipuri de atacuri (XSS, SQL inj). (2024-06-25, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] Learn-Zephir

A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Zephir programming language, and continuing to learn the language. (2024-06-04, Zephir, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] laravel_foundation

is an educational project providing a foundation for learning web application development using PHP and the Laravel framework. It aims to equip beginners with the basics of PHP programming and Laravel framework concepts, facilitating their journey into building their own applications (2024-05-08, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)



This repository will contain code in PHP and as well MySQL. Furthermore, this repository serves me to save my own practice to learn both programming languages and more (2024-02-16, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] east-common

Universal软件包,遵循#East编程理念,建立在Teknoo East Foundation(和Tekno Recipe)之上,提供用于创建web应用程序或网站的组件(用户管理、对象持久性、模板渲染…)。
Universal package, following the #East programming philosophy, build on Teknoo East-Foundation (and Teknoo Recipe), providing components (user management, object persistence, template rendering, ..) for the creation of web application or website. (2024-02-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] codeigniter4-mvc-base

The base template for CodeIgniter4, also the 6th task for my College s Framework Programming Subject to learn about CI by installing it (2023-11-09, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] tienda-virtual-

Tienda virtual desarrollada con PHP、HTML、AJAX y MySQL、siguiendo el patrón de dise o MVC。探索编程PHP定向目标...
Tienda virtual desarrollada con PHP, HTML, AJAX y MySQL, siguiendo el patrón de dise?o MVC. Explora la programación PHP orientada a objetos y la interactividad con AJAX para una experiencia de compra dinámica. La estructura MVC proporciona un código organizado y escalable (2023-11-09, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] php-mvc-simple-framework

这个repo是一个简单的PHP MVC框架,用于实践面向对象编程和MVC,因此我可以构建一个电子商务商店,
This repo is a simple PHP MVC framework to practice Object Oriented Programming and MVC so I can build an ecommerce store, (2023-10-22, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] PHP基础教程(第4版)

PHP基础教程(第4版) 本书不仅帮助读者深入理解基本原理,同时还将引导读者获取进阶信息。尽管本书不是编程参考大全,但是通过详尽阐述和真实样例,为读者提供了使用PHP构建动态Web站点和Web应用程序的必备知识。
PHP for the Web: Visual QuickStart Guide (2021-01-13, PHP, 6963KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] Learning PHP设计模式

通过学习如何在代码中使用设计模式,可以更高效地构建服务器端应用,在这个过程中,你的PHP编程水平也将逐步提高。本书利用大量浅显易懂的例子告诉你如何应用多种面向对象模式,并展示了这些模式在一些成熟的实际项目中的具体应用。   需要学习这些可重用的模式如何帮助你解决复杂的问题,如何组织面向对象代码,以及只改变一些小部分来完成整个大项目的修改。利用你手上的这本《LearningPHP设计模式》,将了解如何采用一种更精巧的编程风格,这将大大减少开发时间。
By learning how to use design patterns in your code, you can build server-side applications more efficiently. In the process, your PHP programming level will gradually improve. This book uses a large number of easy to understand examples to show you how to apply a variety of object-oriented patterns, and shows the specific application of these patterns in some mature practical projects. You need to learn how these reusable patterns can help you solve complex problems, how to organize object-oriented code, and how to change only a few parts to complete a large project. Use your "learning PHP design patterns" to learn how to adopt a more sophisticated programming style, which will greatly reduce the development time. (2020-07-21, PHP, 40412KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] PHP基础案例教程-源代码(20180508更新)

The basic courses of PHP are explained in detail, including the construction of development environment, PHP syntax basis, functions, arrays, error handling, web interaction, PHP operation MySQL database, regular expressions, files, images, object-oriented programming and sessions, etc. In the knowledge explanation, not only the basic concepts are introduced, but also the abstract concepts are materialized, so that the readers can understand what problems can be solved by this knowledge point, and understand the reason of each line of code. (2020-05-08, PHP, 495KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] jquery-v3.5.0

jQuery 是一个JavaScript 库,它有助于简化 JavaScript? 以及 Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) 编程。与类似的 JavaScript 库不同,jQuery 具有独特的基本原理,可以简洁地表示常见的复杂代码。学习 jQuery 基本原理,探索其特性和功能,执行一些常见的 Ajax 任务并掌握如何使用插件扩展jQuery。
JQuery is a JavaScript library that helps simplify JavaScript Gamma And asynchronous Javascript + XML (Ajax) programming. Different from similar JavaScript libraries, jQuery has a unique basic principle and can express common complex code concisely. Learn the basic principles of jQuery, explore its features and functions, perform some common Ajax tasks and master how to use plug-ins to extend jQuery. (2020-04-16, PHP, 114KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 1.7【正式版】

IAPP user system, function docking background. New experience (2020-03-02, PHP, 1117KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] zzzphp

zzzcms是asp语言,zzzphp是php语言,免费开源建站系统,主要面对广大站长免费使用。 使用zzzcms需要掌握基本的建站技术,如html语言,css语言。 使用zzzcms要学习过基本的编程,如asp,vb,c等,了解常规的循环、判断和语音逻辑。 使用zzzcms要会使用dreamwear,acceess,iis或同类软件。 zzzcms作者将十余年建站经验融入到此系统中,熟练使用zzzcms后,可以说目前市面上没有比zzzcms更简单,更快捷,更高效的建站系统了。
Zzzcms is ASP language, zzzphp is PHP language, free and open source system, mainly facing the majority of webmasters for free use. To use zzzcms, we need to master the basic station-building technology, such as HTML language and CSS language. Using zzzcms, you have to learn basic programming, such as asp, vb, c, etc. to understand the routine cycle, judgment and voice logic. Use zzzcms to use dreamwear, acceess, IIS or similar software. The author of zzzcms integrates more than ten years'experience in building stations into this system. After skilled use of zzzcms, it can be said that there is no more simple, faster and more efficient station building system on the market. (2019-08-16, PHP, 10938KB, 下载1次)


[PHP编程] mssql支持数据库的驱动程序

Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for sql server,这是一个 Type 4 JDBC 驱动程序,它通过 Java Platform Enterprise Edition 5 和 6 中可用的标准 JDBC 应用程序编程接口 (API) 提供数据库连接。
The driver of MSSQL supporting database (2019-05-05, PHP, 3251KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] 文件管理系统ajaxplorer

AjaXplorer是一个基于Web(PHP编程语言)的易于安装的远程档案管理器。其丰富的图形用户界面使终端用户能够很清晰的查阅档案信息。其主要特点是管理文件的常用操作(上传,下载,移动,重命名等) ,在线文件编辑,图片预览,书签管理系统,等等。 AjaXplorer主要特征 可以对远程端文件进行全功能的操作,如上传、下载、删除、更名等 提供了一个在线编辑器 图片预览功能 完备的书签系统
AjaXplorer is a remote file manager that is easy to install based on Web (PHP programming language). Its rich graphical user interface enables end users to access file information very clearly. Its main features are the common operation of managing files (uploading, downloading, moving, renaming, etc.), online file editing, picture preview, bookmark management system, and so on. Main features of AjaXplorer It can perform full-featured operation on remote end files, such as uploading, downloading, deleting, renaming and so on. An online editor is provided Picture preview function A complete bookmark system (2018-04-01, PHP, 3005KB, 下载5次)
