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[建站系统] me3zaAKAgoat

I m Me3za. Currently, I m a computer science student with about four years of programming experience. I specialize in building websites and Discord bots. Feel free to reach out if you re interested in working together on something cool! (2024-05-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Cms-main

Welcome to my new project. I am working on a fully functional and customable CMS with admin panel from witch you can create your own store without any knowledge and programming skills! (2024-04-23, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] MyPortfolio

这个项目允许人们在没有编程知识的情况下制作自己的网站,如Wordpress或Wix是用不同的技术开发的,如React、C#ASP。Net Core和SQL,使用API将前端与后端通信
This project allow to people to make your own website without knowledge in programing like Wordpress or Wix Is developed with different technologies like React, C# ASP.Net Core and SQL, using API s to communicate the FrontEnd with the BackEnd (2024-03-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] wc-quantity-plus-minus-button

Quantity Plus and Minus button for WooCommerce Add to cart button. Easy to Use. no need programming knowledge., (2023-10-04, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] slash-server

/server is an aggregation platform for building websites from distributed sources and programming languages, optimised for both desktop and mobile browsers. The idea was inspired by OpenSocial, specifically the gadget container where gadgets are aggregated and put together on a single page. However unlike most OpenSocial containers, /server (2012-03-15, JavaScript, 439KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] knowledge

一个知识库 ,主要记载个人编程学习路线与考研备考过程 。由静态网站构建工具docsify与网站构建工具vercel支持。
A knowledge base, which mainly records the learning route of personal programming and the process of preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. It is supported by the static website building tool docsify and website building tool vercel. (2023-03-02, HTML, 2076KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] 高校宿舍管理系统

1. 对软件配置、硬件环境的要求 ? 支持的操作系统: Windows XP Service Pack 2或更高级 ? 内存:512MB以上 ? 运行时环境:.NET Framework 3.5 或以上 ? 编程开发环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 ? 数据库:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 2. 数据库安装 ? 复制 使用说明 目录下的 Sql Statement 至 查询分析器中运行 3. 默认最高权限账户 ? 账户:admin 密码:admin 登陆类型:总务处
University dormitory information management system (2017-08-07, C#, 2070KB, 下载3次)
