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[数据库系统] CKFX

本系统是采用商业级的VFP万能框架开发的,小小程序中展示了通用列表、万能查询、万能字典等多项通用功能,界面美观,架构成熟。对于要承接商业级开发的程序员,有较好的启发作用。 这个系统是我为学生应付毕业课题编写的,一个学生的毕业论文是图书管理及刊物分析与数据统计,他做来不及,我随手应用vfp通用框架生成这个系统,因采用万能编程框架,整个系统做下来就两小时,主要花时间设置各项显示参数。系统具有导出excel、word的功能。 本系统可用各种数据库sql server、access、oracle,但示例中采用vfp自带的数据库。
This system is using commercial-grade universal framework for development of VFP, the little program to display a common list, universal query, universal dictionary and many other common features, interface aesthetics, architecture maturity. For to undertake the development of commercial-grade programmers, there is a good enlightening. This system is my graduation for students to cope with the subject written by a student s thesis is the library management and publications, analysis and statistics, he has done too late, I would readily use vfp build a common framework of this system, due to adopt universal programming framework, the entire system to do down to two hours, mainly to spend time to set the display parameters. System has to export excel, word function. The system can be a variety of databases sql server, access, oracle, but the sample used in vfp own database. (2010-02-12, VFP, 6812KB, 下载47次)


[数据库系统] librarymanager

数据库课程设计指导书 一、 设计题目:图书馆管理系统 二、 设计目的: 1. 进一步学习和掌握数据库原理的基础知识和理论。 2. 学习SQL Server数据库管理系统的基本功能和建立数据库各种对象的方法。 3. 熟练掌握和使用SQL语言操纵数据库,使用T-SQL语言编程。 4. 理解和掌握利用数据库所学的理论知识来设计数据库的基本方法和步骤。 5. 通过上机操作和调试程序,提高学生理论联系实际和动手操作能力。 三、 设计内容和步骤: 1. 需求分析:根据图书馆信息管理系统的用户需求,确定图书馆管理系统数据需求和功能需求。 数据需求: 读者信息、图书信息、出版社信息、借阅信息等。 功能需求: 数据的更新功能(如读者数据插入,删除和修改等) 借书和还书功能 数据的查询功能(如根据读者号查询其所借的全部书籍等) 统计功能(如根据读者号查询其所借图书数量的函数,统计所有逾期未还的书及其罚款金额等) …… 2. 概念模型设计:根据需求分析的结果,确定组成本系统的实体、属性和实体间的联系。设计系统E-R 图。 系统的E-R 图:
Database curriculum design guide book 1, Design Title: Library Management System 2, designed to: 1. Further study and master the basics of database principles and theories. 2. To learn SQL Server database management system s basic functions and the establishment of a database of various objects methods. 3. Familiar with and use the SQL language to manipulate database using T-SQL language programming. 4. Understand and master the use of databases to learn the theoretical knowledge to design a database of basic methods and procedures. 5. Through computer operation and debugging procedures, to enhance students integrate theory with practice and hands-on operational capability. Third, design the content and steps: 1. Requirements Analysis: According to the library information management system user needs to determine the library management system data requirements and functional requirements. Data needs: the reader information, book information, publishing information (2010-01-21, SQL, 11KB, 下载49次)


[数据库系统] 70

随着多媒体、网络技术的迅速发展,图像信息的应用日益广泛,对规模越来越大的图像数据库、可视信息进行有效的管理成为迫切需要解决的问题,灵活、高效、准确的图像检索策略是解决这一问题的关键技术之一。因此,基于内容的图像检索已成为国内外学者研究的主要热点问题,并取得了不少的成果。 本文主要对当今热门的基于内容的图像检索技术进行了研究,重点对它的算法进行研究。在半年的时间里,通过查阅很多相关的资料,并认真学习了基于内容的图像检索的基本理论,特别是深入研究了颜色直方图理论和累加直方图算法,最后在MATLAB平台下编程实现此系统,该系统可以实现基本图像检索的功能,根据用户输入的样本图像来与图像库中的图像进行特征匹配,然后找出与样本图像距离比较小的若干幅图像,并按照图像之间的距离由小到大的顺序显示给用户。 经过对该系统进行反复的调试运行后,该系统所实现的功能基本达到了设计目标,并且运行良好。当用户提供出所要查询的关键图后,系统就可以从用户提供的图像库中检索到与关键图相似的图片并排序返回给用户,达到了预期效果。
With the rapid development of the multimedia and the network technology, the image information becomes more widely available, increasing the size of the image database, visual information for effective management of an urgent need to address the problem, flexible, efficient and accurate image retrieval strategy solve this problem one of the key technologies. The researchers are so keen on Content-Based Image Retrieval that they have made much progress. In this paper, today s popular content-based image retrieval technology is analyzed. And it mainly focuses on the research of its algorithm. In a period of half a year, Through access to relevant information and to seriously study the content-based image retrieval of the basic theory, in particular, in-depth study of the color histogram theory and cumulative histogram algorithm. Finally, this system should be implemented under the platform of the MATLAB by programming. In this system, the basic image retrieval functions can be achieved. (2009-10-21, matlab, 372KB, 下载88次)


[数据库系统] VBxiaoyunhuiguanlixitong

学校田径运动会管理系统是典型的信息管理系统,本系统为田径运动会运动会组织者提供方便、快捷的方法,系统的对运动会进行合理的安排与管理,实现无纸化工作,节省大量人力和物力。本论文首先使用了Visual Basic作为开发工具和Access作为后台数据库,然后再介绍了开发背景,最后通过截图和表格来说明该系统的开发与操作。设计充分利用VISUAL BASIC以及ACCESS数据库易于使用和快速开发的特性,提高了编程效率和可靠性。同时对系统的开发原理、系统的功能特点和设计方案进行了介绍。在对运动会管理体系进行充分分析和系统论证的基础上开发。它不但能完成运动会管理中的基本操作,而且具有程序设计合理、操作简单、运行可靠、保密性强等特点。
The sports meeting administrative system of track and field is a typical information management system. It makes games management simple and convenient for organizer to arrange and manage the games with reason. It makes no-paper work possible, and save a lot of manpower and material resources. This paper use "Visual Basic" as the development tool and "Access 2003" as the background data base first, then introduce the background of development, and the developing and operating of the system through photographs and charts. Design the characteristic fully utilizing VISUAL BASIC and ACCESS database to be apt to use and develop fast to improve programming efficiency and dependability . At the same time, the development of system principle, the system characteristic function and the planning design are introduced. it is developed based on the sufficient analysis and the systemic argumentation of the games management system. It not only can complete the general operation of games management, (2009-04-09, Visual Basic, 757KB, 下载84次)
