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按平台查找All Erlang(63) 

[其他] DevRoulette

DevRoulette是一款极客游戏。您登录,告诉它您的编程技能是什么。然后你得到一个Co geek,你们两个有20分钟...,
DevRoulette is a game for geeks. You log in, tell it what your programming skills are. Then you get a Co-geek, and you two have 20 minutes to solve a task together. If you do, you both earn points. If not - no points - next task. And the whole thing will be implemented with Erlang/OTP (with some JavaScript, maybe). (2011-10-28, Erlang, 0KB, 下载0次)


[超算/并行计算] Pragmatic-Programming-Erlang

Joe Armstrong的《编程Erlang:Software for a Concurrent World》(实用主义程序员)的练习[http:shop.oreilly.com produ...](http://shop.oreily.com product 9781937785536.do),
Exercises From Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World (Pragmatic Programmers) by Joe Armstrong http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781937785536.do (2020-05-18, Erlang, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] dgiot_iq60

The autonomous programmable IoT controller IQ60 has the functions of PLC, DDC, data collector, protocol converter and gateway, Ethernet, 485, 232, LORA, WIFI, NB, 4G communication, Modbus and BACnet protocols., (2021-12-16, Erlang, 0KB, 下载0次)
