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按平台查找All Visual Basic(79) 

[其他书籍] Learn to Program with Small Basic

微软发布的Small Basic是一款针对儿童的免费编程语言。不像Scratch和Alice,这款工具属于,本质上讲是一个简略版本的BASIC语言。该语言脱胎于传统的BASIC语言,但是基于.Net开发框架重新建立。给孩子用的,简单最重要。Small Basic有强大的帮助系统,输入每一个语句甚至字母都有丰富的解释,生成的exe文件可以独立运行。
Small Basic is the only programming language created specially to help students transition from block-based coding to text-based coding. By teaching the fundamental elements of syntax-based languages in an approachable manner, Small Basic gives students the skills and confidence to tackle more complex programming languages such as Java and C#. You can also build applications for Kinect, Lego Mindstorm, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Oculus Rift, and more using Small Basic. (2018-11-25, Visual Basic, 9908KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] 隐藏图层

Using VBA in CAD programming to realize the CAD image layer, respectively hide selection object's layer, show all layers, cache layer selected object, etc (2018-01-02, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] ExcelANDVBA

Excel VBA编程实例讲解和经典案例介绍,详尽介绍了一些工作中常犯的错误和应对方法
Excel VBA programming examples and classic cases introduced, detailing some of the mistakes often made in the work and response methods (2017-08-30, Visual Basic, 352KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] VB_API_Guide_2001

《VB API手册2001》是由惊叹工作室推出的系列VB编程工具之一。 《VB API手册2001》集成了API函数的使用,并且按照类别进行了分类。
" VB API Guide 2001" is a marvel studios launched a series of VB programming tools. " VB API Guide 2001" incorporates the use of API functions, and are classified by category. (2011-04-13, Visual Basic, 65KB, 下载19次)


[其他书籍] VB

一个关于用VB编程的经验手册 软件版权所有:Shawls(ShawFile@163.Net) 个人主页:http://ListenShaw.MyEtang.Com
One on the experience with VB programming manual software Copyright: Shawls (ShawFile@163.Net) Personal Home Page: http://ListenShaw.MyEtang.Com (2010-06-02, Visual Basic, 422KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Application_of_Mixed-Language_Programming_of_VB_MA

The Application of Mixed-Language Programming of VB and MATLAB in Solving Physical Properties of Natural Gas (2010-04-11, Visual Basic, 138KB, 下载50次)


[其他书籍] VisualBasic

visual basic控件编程百例通,本书分为6个部分:基础控件、多媒体控件、数据库控件、窗体控件、网络控件和其他控件,包括一百个实例
visual basic control program 100 cases pass, the book is divided into six parts: basic controls, multimedia controls, database controls, form controls, network control and other controls, including 100 instances of (2010-03-28, Visual Basic, 56208KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] vbjichjiaocheng

VB基础教程 我们需要什么?当我们在一个精彩的游戏世界中游历了一番之后,或是惊叹于某一工具软件的小巧精致之余,多少总会产生些许编程的冲动。编程吗,在以前如果你对电脑还是一个门外汉,那实在是一件可望而不可及的事情。如果运用基于DOS下的编程语言,譬如C、Qbasic、Pascal等等,真不知何年何月才能有所成就。
What do we need? When we are in an exciting game after a round of world travels, or marvel at one of the small and delicate tools, apart from the number of impulses will always produce a little programming. Programming do, in the past on the computer or if you are a layman, then it is an elusive thing. If the application under the DOS-based programming languages such as C, Qbasic, Pascal, etc., really do not know what year and what month in order to succeed. (2010-03-11, Visual Basic, 100KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] vb6

THis is a book about how to use VB to design program , where there are many examples, suitable for beginners.Hope to be helpful to everyone (2010-01-31, Visual Basic, 8573KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] vb

VB调用VC编写的DLL.一般来说,VB和VC共同编程有3种方式:一种是VC生成DLL,在VB中调用DLL;一种是VC生成ActiveX控件(.ocx),在VB中插入;还有一种是在VC中生成ActiveX Automation服务器
vb and vc dll (2010-01-19, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] vbjingjiangshili

自己刚开始学习编程,主要是VB的一些讲解的例子,讲的很好。分享一下,呵呵 也是想下载东西。
He had just started to learn programming, mainly to explain a number of examples of VB, speak well. Share with you, He He also would like to download something. (2009-12-09, Visual Basic, 23194KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] VisualBasicActiveX

这是一本关于VB的ActiveX控件的书。书名《Visual Basic Active X编程实例详解》。里面集成了PDG格式的阅读器。
This is a book about VB' s ActiveX controls book. The title " Visual Basic Active X programming example explanation." Which integrates the PDG format reader. (2009-09-24, Visual Basic, 18068KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] AODeveloper

ArcObjects includes a large number of programmable components, from the fine-grained to coarse-grained object of the target and covers a wide range, these objects are integrated to develop a comprehensive GIS functionality (2009-07-04, Visual Basic, 1419KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] VB

VB资料大全,内有很多VB编程技巧。有分类。 《VB精华文摘-窗体篇》 《VB精华文摘-控件篇》《VB精华文摘-其他篇》《VB精华文摘-数据库篇》《VB精华文摘-图形篇》 《VB精华文摘-网络篇》《VB精华文摘-文件篇》《VB精华文摘-系统篇》《VB精华文摘-游戏篇》《VB精华文摘-字符串篇》
VB Sourcebook, there are a lot of VB programming skills. There are classification. (2009-05-13, Visual Basic, 690KB, 下载29次)


[其他书籍] yckz

This tutorial describes the fundamentals from a remote control technology aspect of the programming may be more interested in the U.S. is a two-way communication technology, automatic on-line technology, network communication protocols, memory, image compression technology, TELNET HyperTerminal technology, the tutorials are provided routines. Advanced remote control technology, please continue to study U.S. WINSOCK, API application, port mapping technology. (2009-02-27, Visual Basic, 1376KB, 下载45次)


[其他书籍] VBxuexiziliao

VB.NET Programming includes examples and techniques pdf documents, as well as 13 on vb basic knowledge of learning and application documents. (2008-12-27, Visual Basic, 31354KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] VB_PPT

VB.NET 程序设计语言课程内容 第一章:概述 第二章:使用窗体和控件 第三章:变量和数组 第四章:过程 第五章:判断结构与循环结构 第六章:验证用户输入 第七章:面向对象编程 第十一章 使用 ADO.NET 数据库概念 ADO.NET 概述 使用数据 数据库概念 数据库术语 数据库编程的工作方式 SQL 连接环境 非连接环境 课堂练习 区别适用于连接或非连接方案的场景 数据库术语 数据库编程的工作方式 SQL 连接环境 在连接环境中,应用程序会持续连接到数据源上 优点 连接环境更易于维护 并发控制更容易 与非连接环境相比,数据更容易刷新 缺点 必须维持稳定的网络连接 有限的可扩展性 非连接环境 非连接环境是指可以在本地对数据进行单独修改,然后再把修改更新到数据库 优点 与数据源保持连接的时间短,而且并发访问的连接数少,从而能为更多用户提供服务 非连接环境大大增加了连接的可用性,从而改善了应用程序的可扩展性和性能 缺点 数据不总是最新的 可能发生更改冲突,这是个必须解决的问题 (2008-05-12, Visual Basic, 1869KB, 下载53次)


[其他书籍] APIvb

不错的API帮助API查询系统,带vb例子,可用作有一定VB基础的朋友学习VB 高级编程。
good API API help the inquiry system, with vb example, VB can be used as a basis for a certain friend of learning VB senior programming. (2006-08-04, Visual Basic, 594KB, 下载20次)


[其他书籍] vbwinapi1

其实是一个VB api学习器,对每api都作了详细的中文说明,并且对每个api除了说明外还都附带一个编程例子。非常之爽
VB is a learning-api, api has every right in detail the Chinese, as well as a right of each api addition to describing things are accompanied by a programming example. Very cool (2005-06-18, Visual Basic, 819KB, 下载29次)
