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[OA办公系统] 2758

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的OA办公系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。如今社会上各行各业,都喜欢用自己行业的专属软件工作,互联网发展到这个时候,人们已经发现离不开了互联网。新技术的产生,往往能解决一些老技术的弊端问题。因为传统办公信息管理难度大,容错率低,管理人员处理数据费工费时,所以专门为解决这个难题开发了一个OA办公系统,可以解决许多问题。 OA办公系统实现的功能包括日程管理,会议室管理,会议室预约管理,考勤管理,请假记录管理,个人便签管理,文件管理,通讯录管理等功能。该系统采用了Mysql数据库,Java语言,SSM框架等技术进行编程实现
OA office system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (attached paper), users, administrator roles, etc. (see the demo video for details). Nowadays, people from all walks of life like to work with their own proprietary software. At this time, people have found that the Internet is indispensable. The emergence of new technologies can often solve the problems of some old technologies. Because the traditional office information management is difficult, the fault tolerance rate is low, and the management personnel spend much time in processing data, an OA office system has been developed specifically to solve this problem, which can solve many problems. The functions of OA office system include schedule management, conference room management, conference room appointment management, attendance management, leave record management, personal notes management, document management, address book management and other functions. The system adopts MySQL database, Java language, SSM framework and oth (2024-05-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] engineering-lessons

Teach budding software engineer concepts in programming, computer science with engineering practices to excel and move forward in there career. (2024-02-04, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Msc-Data-Analytics-at-CCT-College-Dublin

I will be sharing my corresponding work that i will be doing at CCT college Dublin for My MSC course. Look out for my python programming assignments, powerpoint summaries on the reading materials, my CAs and my project/Thesis (2023-09-29, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Sakshi0704.github

My Java developer portfolio features a collection of projects demonstrating my expertise in Java programming. It showcases my skills in core Java, problem-solving, and working with frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. The portfolio reflects my ability to collaborate effectively and my commitment to continuous learning. (2023-07-31, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] p-developer-and-frontend-Web-developer-from-India

I’m currently working on Web Development I’m looking to collaborate on Android or Web Development Projects Ask me about programming…, (2022-02-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] Excel-VBA-Data-Functions

用于业务数据分析师的Excel VBA函数包。VBA在一些人中享有“继子”编程语言的声誉,呵呵...,
Excel VBA Functions Package for Business Data Analysts. VBA has a reputation among some for being a "step child" programming language, however it enables practitioners to deliver real value to their local business units quickly. (2021-01-12, VBA, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] oa-system

设计并实现一个 OA 办 公 管理系统。系统主要基于 Java 开发语言编程 实现,利用 SpringBoot 和 MySQL5.7 数据库。前端页面利用 HTML5、CSS3、JQuery、 BootStrap框架以及FreeMarke...
Design and implement an OA office management system. The system is mainly based on Java development language programming, using SpringBoot and MySQL 5.7 database. The front page uses HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, BootStrap framework and FreeMark (2022-08-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] chesley-1.1.2

Chesley 是一个面向 Unix 平台和 xboard GUI 的象棋算法引擎。实现了很多先进的象棋编程技术例如移动和换位算法。
Chesley is a xboard GUI for Unix platforms and chess algorithm engine. It implements a number of advanced technologies such as mobile chess programming and transposition algorithms. (2017-01-19, Unix_Linux, 1081KB, 下载1次)


[OA办公系统] jQuery-stickyFloat

Spotlight: jQuery stickyFloat——jQuery动画回到顶部示例,上部的一个DIV在jQuery的控制下会动画缓冲移动到原始的位置,不管你如何拉动滚动条,它始终会显示在最初的顶部,通过本例你可学习一下jQuery的动画生成原理,对于你的前端编程意义重大。
Spotlight: jQuery stickyFloat- jQuery animation back to the top of the sample, in the upper part of a DIV jQuery animations buffer control will move to the original position, no matter how you pull the scroll bar, it will always appear at the top of the first, in this case by you can learn about jQuery animations generation principle, for your front-end programming is significant. (2014-11-10, Java, 27KB, 下载0次)


[OA办公系统] SWOAWork111

SW OA办公系统源码 功能介绍: 该OA为正在开发的办公软件软件,内还有很多功能没完善,本人也是处在学习阶段,希望多与大家交流,提升自己软件编程方面的能力, 系统中包括工作报告系统,协调系统,询盘发布等,还有好多功能模块没有时间写,提前发上来。 实现的功能有: 工作报告系统:添加工作报告 管理工作报告 工作协调系统:、添加任务列表 管理任务列表 任务汇总 今日任务 询盘发布系统:发布询盘 管理询盘 工厂调研系统:添加工厂信息 管理工厂信息 注意: 开发环境为Visual Studio 2010,数据库为SQL Server 2008r2,数据库文件在DB_51aspx文件夹中附加就行。 管理员用户名密码均是:51aspx
SW OA Office system source code Features:         The OA office software that is being developed software, the function is not perfect, there are many, and I was in a learning phase, and we hope that more exchanges, enhance their ability programming software, the System, including the work of reporting systems, coordinate systems, publishing and other inquiries, there is no time to write a good multi-function module, made ​ ​ up in advance. Function can be achieved:         Report System: Add Work Report Management Report         Coordination System:, add a task list management task list task summary task today         Inquiry Publishing System: Release Management Inquiry Inquiry         Plant Research System: Adding plant information management plant information Note:         Development environment for Visual Studio 2010, the database is SQL Server 2008r (2014-08-19, C#, 11958KB, 下载4次)


[OA办公系统] Readerexcel

Excel是微软公司办公自动化套件中的一个软件,他主要是用来处理电子表格。Excel以其功能强大,界面友好等受到了许多用户的欢迎。在办公的时候,正是由于Excel的这么多的优点,许多重要的数据,往往以Excel电子表格的形式存储起来。这样就给程序员带来了一个问题,虽然Excel功能比较强大,但毕竟不是数据库,在程序中处理数据库中的数据比其处理Excel表格中的数据容易许多。那么如何用Visual C#读取Excel表格中的数据?在以前用Delphi编程的时候,对于不同的用户,他们对于打印的需求是不一样的,如果要使得程序中的打印功能适用于每一个用户,可以想象程序设计是十分复杂的。这时想到Excel,由于Excel表格的功能强大,又由于几乎每一台机器都安装了它,如果把程序处理的结果放到Excel表格中,这样每一个用户就可以根据自己的需要在Excel中定制自己的打印。这样不仅使得程序设计简单,而且又满足了诸多用户的要求,更加实用了。那么用Visual C#如何调用Excel,如何又把数据存放到Excel表格中?这是本人开发一套软件时总结的资料。
Excel is a Microsoft office automation software package, he is mainly used to deal with spreadsheets. Excel its powerful, user-friendly, such as has been welcomed by many users. Time in the office, it is precisely because so many Excel advantages, many important data, often in the form of Excel spreadsheets stored. This gives the programmer with a problem, although more powerful Excel functions, but not the database, in the proceedings deal with the data in the database than its deal with the data in Excel spreadsheet much easier. Then how to use Visual C# to read the data in Excel spreadsheet? Used in previous Delphi programming time for different users, their demand for print is not the same as, if the process to make printing function applied to each user, it is conceivable that program design is very complex. Then think of Excel, as a result of powerful Excel spreadsheet, and because almost every machine has installed it, if we deal with the results of procedures on the Excel spre (2009-02-16, C#, 6KB, 下载110次)
