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[多媒体] deo-Streaming-Services-Case-Python-data-analysis-

This is a python project for Video Streaming Services Subscription data input it utilizes the basics of Object Oriented Programming which uses class, and method (2024-05-20, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] tone_Project_Introduction_to_Computer_Programming

Computer Programming project assesses Python skills: data types, indexing, operators, loops, OOPs, exception handling. Skills: Python proficiency, data manipulation, loops, functions, OOPs. Deliverables: Python solutions, Collab links, video explanations. (2024-03-16, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] programming-from-the-very-basics-using-python

This repository hosts the sample code and notebook for "Programming From The Very Basics Using Python" video series hosted on YouTube. (2024-02-26, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] Pygames-and-pyzero-games-recopilations-kodland

I completed an 8-month Kodland course called Python Programming Language. Through the course, I learned Python by creating video games using Pygame. Below are all the games I made during that time, kodland is specialized in teach to children and teens. (2024-02-17, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] Video_game_programming

In this repository you will find the material and some content of the video game programming course, along with some 2D video games developed in Python by me. (2023-10-26, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] Dicionary

在这个新的存储库中,我们将找到一种用Python编程的新方法:使用间谍。灵感来源于Gustavo Guanabara、Curso em Vídeo、Br...,
In this new repository, we will find a new way to programm in Python: With Dicionaries. Inspired in Gustavo Guanabara, Curso em Vídeo, Brazil. (2023-10-20, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] dyyfv

C # programming instance, which contains rich content, is suitable for C # beginners to learn, and the code of each instance is consistent with the number in the book (2019-05-09, Borland C++, 699KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] player

Yii 是一个通用的 Web 编程框架,即可以用于开发各种用 PHP 构建的 Web 应用。 因为基于组件的框架结构和设计精巧的缓存支持,它特别适合开发大型应用, 如门户网站、社区、内容管理系统(CMS)、 电子商务项目和 RESTful Web 服务等
Yii is a general Web programming framework, which can be used to develop various Web applications built with PHP. Because of its component-based framework and well-designed caching support, it is particularly suited for developing large-scale applications such as portals, communities, content management systems (CMS), e-commerce projects and RESTful Web services. (2018-11-28, PHP, 42889KB, 下载2次)


[多媒体] 英语

0-9 digital English pronunciation, suitable for single pronunciation programming, very good English pronunciation! Recommend everyone to use (2018-05-24, C/C++, 86KB, 下载0次)


[多媒体] rec

经测试绝对可用.压缩包中包含了三个工程,三个都可以使用。VC6.0 mfc编程, 实现的录音/播放/快速播放/重播的功能。
vc6.0 mfc sound record and play release The test is absolutely free. Tarball contains three projects, three can be used. VC6.0 mfc programming, recording / playback / fast play / replay feature. (2011-07-14, Visual C++, 2002KB, 下载10次)


[多媒体] ch14

主要通过几个Flash动画制作的实例,让读者领略Flash的特效动画制作和强大的编程功能,进一步熟悉Flash利用动作语句来制作动画特效的操作方法和独自完成实例创作的能力,加深对Flash动画制作方法的认识 (2010-01-06, FlashMX, 1747KB, 下载15次)


[多媒体] ImageView1

Image viewer, vb programming to open, save, and anti-color, rotate and other functions (2009-12-10, Visual Basic, 2444KB, 下载160次)


[多媒体] FlashPlayer

Written in flash with the VC player, includes MP3 decoder, FLASH file playback, sharing of multimedia programming of interest to a friend (2009-11-11, Visual C++, 1529KB, 下载7次)


[多媒体] JPG_compress

JPEG image compression process, using VC++ implementation of the JPEG image compression theory and programming methods are of great help (2009-10-16, Visual C++, 5590KB, 下载89次)


[多媒体] DirectShow

The use of camera+ DirectShow implementation and real-time camera preview function, including a video surveillance program very useful class, through the class can be a very good real-time monitoring, as well as camera functionality, for future monitoring system and lay a good foundation for ! ! Has a good role model (2009-09-20, Visual C++, 5947KB, 下载566次)


[多媒体] multi_channel

十通道播控平台,基于Socket 编程 用该程序负责wave文件打包发包工作,解码工作交给硬件实现
10-channel broadcasting control platform, based on the Socket programming using the program package is responsible for contracting the work of wave files, decoding work to the hardware implementation (2009-08-01, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载3次)


[多媒体] video_capture

将基于视频的人体运动捕捉方法分为自顶向下的方法和自底向上的方法2 大类编程实现
Will be video-based human motion capture methods is divided into top-down methods and bottom-up approach to achieve two broad categories of programming (2008-09-02, Visual C++, 2402KB, 下载42次)


[多媒体] Image List Control

这是一个简单的多媒体控件:Image List Control。原代码用的是标准C。用意于系统编程的朋友们可以看看。
This is a simple multimedia controls : Image Control List. The original code used in standard C. In System Programming intention friends can see. (2005-10-30, C/C++, 2KB, 下载54次)


[多媒体] HawkVoiceDI083src

HawkVoice Direct Interface [HawkVoiceDI(Version 0.83 beta)]是一款从HawkVoice应用编程接口中分离开的底层语音包及实用程序代码库。很有价值的代码!
HawkVoice Direct Interface [HawkVoiceDI (Version 0.83 beta)] is the one from HawkVoice Application Programming Interface Separation opened the bottom of voice packets and the practical procedures code. Valuable code! (2004-07-19, Visual C++, 515KB, 下载29次)


[多媒体] PSParse

This is TS flows the analysis tool source code, but widely applies to the digital television, flows the media programming. (2004-06-24, Visual C++, 136KB, 下载845次)
