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[数据结构] Java-Data-Structure-and-Algorithms-Practice

This repository contains various data structures and algorithms implemented in Java programming languages. It serves as a reference guide for anyone looking to understand these fundamental computer science concepts. (2024-01-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Java

Welcome to the Java Code Repository! Feel free to contribute, collaborate, and learn together in the world of Java programming. This repository is open to anyone interested in sharing, improving, or exploring Java code. Join us on this coding adventure! (2023-10-04, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] DSA_Series

“Practice Java Data Structures and Algorithms”是GitHub上的一个存储库,致力于帮助开发人员提高使用Java编程语言的数据结构和算法的技能。它提供了一系列实践练习、代码示例和解释,以增强理解和解决问题的能力。
"Practice Java Data Structures and Algorithms" is a repository on GitHub dedicated to helping developers enhance their skills in data structures and algorithms using the Java programming language. It offers a collection of practice exercises, code examples, and explanations to strengthen understanding and problem-solving abilities. (2023-07-17, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Data-Structures-Java

All the Data structure related questions with solutions (code) in Java language. Topics include Arrays, Strings, LinkedList, Stack, Queues, Trees, Graphs, Dynamic Programming and much more. :) (2020-11-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Data-Structure-And-Algorithms-JAVA

该存储库包含Java编程语言中各种数据结构和算法的实现,包括LinkedList、Double-LinkedList和Stack-using-LinkedList、Queue-using-LlinkedList以及Binary Search-Tree。代码经过了彻底的测试,可以在项目中使用。
This repository contains implementation of various data structures and algorithms in Java programming language including LinkedList, Double LinkedList, Stack using LinkedList, Queue using LinkedList and Binary Search Tree. The code is thoroughly tested and ready to be used in projects. (2023-02-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Data-Structures-Algorithms

Repository for Algorithms and Data structures. Solutions for various problems from multiple programming platform like LeetCode , HackerRank, SPOJ , Codeforces etc. It also contains problems from concurrency, system design topics (2022-06-09, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Data-Structures-And-Algorithms

Here are some of my Data structures and algorithms created in Java Programming Language using IntelliJ IDE. (2018-05-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Dijkstra

Dijtesla's shortest path algorithm is implemented simply in java. It provides two search modes, the shortest path from one source point to all points, and can also specify any two points to find the shortest path. (2018-10-11, Java, 2KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] DS-and-Algo-in-Java

《数据结构与算法分析java语言描述 第2版》.介绍了计算机编程中使用的数据结构和算法,对于在计算机应用中如何操作和管理数据以取得最优性能提供了深入浅出的讲解。全书共分为15章,分别讲述了基本概念、数组、简单排序、堆和队列、链表、递归、进阶排序、二叉树、红黑树、哈希表及图形等知识。附录中则提供了运行专题Applet和例程、相关书籍和问题解答。本书所涵盖的内容通常作为大学或学院中计算机系二年级的课程,在学生掌握了编程的基础后才开始本书的学习。
This book describes the data structures and algorithms used in computer programming, computer applications for the operation and management of data in order to obtain optimal performance provides explain in simple terms. The book is divided into 15 chapters, describes the basic concepts, arrays, simple sort, stack and queues, linked lists, recursion, advanced sorting, tree, red-black trees, hash tables, and graphics knowledge. Appendix provides a thematic Applet and running routines, books and questions. Usually covered by the book as a university or college sophomore in computer science courses, students master the basic programming before starting the book learning. (2014-06-11, Java, 25242KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] 0-1-Knapsack-problem

The 0-1 knapsack problem was chosen as the subject, through the use of dynamic programming, backtracking and branch and bound method algorithm to solve the problem, so as to further the understanding of the principles of various algorithms, ideas and nature, deepening of the algorithm Learn to exercise their own analysis of the various algorithms and use familiar with the software underlying algorithms and programming interface. (2013-08-12, Java, 198KB, 下载13次)


[数据结构] q4_2

2) 编程接受用户输入的一段英文文字,使用一个数组统计每个字母(不计大小写)出现的次数相对于字母总数的比率,打印显示这个比率。并对字母出现的比率进行排序。
2) a program that accepts user input English text, using an array of statistics for each letter (ignoring case) relative to the number of occurrences of the ratio of the total number of letters, print, display this ratio. And the ratio of the letters appears to be sorted. (2013-06-06, Java, 1KB, 下载5次)


[数据结构] Data-structures-(Java)

With increasing computer speed and become more powerful , people programming and algorithm analysis of effective demand is also growing. "Data structures and algorithm analysis " to the most efficient algorithm analysis and development of Java programs organically combine in-depth analysis of each algorithm , comprehensive , careful rigorous and detailed explanations carefully constructed procedures. (2011-12-06, Java, 2816KB, 下载2次)
