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[Leetcode/题库] javascriptbyvivek

Welcome to my repository dedicated to my learning adventure with the javascript programming language! This repository documents my progress, code examples, and insights as I learn the basics, tackle challenges, and build my skills. Let s grow together in the world of javascript coding! #javascript #Learning #challenge (2024-03-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] dungeon-adventure

This is a game where the player takes control of a hero. The hero must escape the dungeon. To unlock the exit door, the hero must find the 4 pillars of Object Oriented programming, which are the keys to the door. The hero will encounter enemies that will prove to be a challenge. (2024-02-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] LeetCode-Problem-Solutions-by-Muhammad-Saqlain

Explore clear and concise solutions in categories like Arrays, Strings, Linked Lists, Trees, Graphs, and Dynamic Programming. Contribute your insights, alternative solutions, or improvements to enhance this collaborative learning experience. Clone the repo, navigate to specific problems, and connect with me on LinkedIn. Happy coding! (2024-01-21, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] go-bo-Example

go-bo-example 是一个使用 Go 语言编写的示例代码库,包含了多个示例,涵盖了并发编程、数据库操作、Web 开发、算法和数据结构等方面。示例代码风格简洁明了,注释详细,适合初学者和有经验的开发者学习和参考。,
Go to example is a sample code library written in Go language, which contains multiple examples, covering concurrent programming, database operations, Web development, algorithms and data structures. The sample code style is concise and clear, with detailed comments, which is suitable for beginners and experienced developers to learn and reference., (2023-09-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] simple_redis

这是一个使用 Golang 创建一个开源、高性能、基于内存、可选持久化的键值对存储数据库的项目。它可以处理基本命令,如存储和检索键值对、删除键值对、检查键是否存在、列出数据库中的所有键,并向键值对添加过期时间。这个项目提供了一个学习数据库、数据结构和编程中时间管理的绝佳机会...,
This is a project that uses Golang to create an open source, high-performance, memory based, optional persistent key value pair storage database. It can process basic commands, such as storing and retrieving key value pairs, deleting key value pairs, checking whether keys exist, listing all keys in the database, and adding expiration time to key value pairs. This project provides an excellent opportunity to learn database, data structure and time management in programming, (2023-08-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] EmbeddedSoftwareEngineerInterview

嵌入式软件工程师笔试面试指南,主要收录笔试面试八股文。包括C C++,计算机基础,操作系统,Linux驱动,Arm体系与架构,网络编程,大厂笔试面试题等。持续更新中~~有问题可以加我微信,LinuxDriverDev
The guide for the written interview of embedded software engineers mainly includes the Eight-legged essay of the written interview. Including C++, Computer Fundamentals, Operating Systems, Linux Drivers, Arm Architecture and Architecture, Network Programming, Large Factory Written Exam Interview Questions, etc. Continuously updating~~If you have any problems, you can add me on WeChat or LinuxDriverDev (2022-08-14, Others, 148KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Java-interview-book

转自小傅哥: Java 面经手册,全书共计 5 章 29 节,417页11.5万字,耗时 4 个月完成。涵盖数据结构、算法逻辑、并发编程、JVM以及简历和互联网大厂面试等内容。 但此书并不是单纯的面试题,也不是内卷八股文。而是从一个单...
Translated from Xiaofu Ge: Java Classic Handbook, with a total of 5 chapters and 29 sections, 417 pages and 115000 words, completed in 4 months. Covering data structure, algorithm logic, concurrent programming, JVM, resumes, and interviews with internet giants. But this book is not a simple interview question, nor is it an internal volume of Eight-legged essay. But from a single (2023-02-14, Others, 14830KB, 下载0次)
