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[数据库系统] MYUGPDM

对构建系统所涉及的关键技术进行了论述,对本系统所采用的 数据库进行了选择,按照PDM思想和数据库范式设计理论,构建了 关系型的零件信息数据库,进而在系统中实现了零件信息的分类管 理,零件信息的添加、删除和编辑,零件工程图和三维图的查看; 论述了参数化建模的方法,介绍了UG软件的三维参数化设计,三维 参数化零件库的建立,同时根据具体实例来说明三维参数化设计的 方法,提出了一种通用零件参数化设计过程,进行COM/DCOM编程, 构建了一个基于UG外部开发的零件参数化设计组件;最后将各功能 组件进行组装,从而完成了系统的研制;最后详细介绍了系统的各 项功能,对系统的各项功能进行了具体的说明,并给出了系统的实 现样例。
In the course of research of the topic,carried on the alysis to the function of PDM first,then according to the ncrete circumstance of the business enterprise,through the alysis of the requirements of the system,a set of cases was veloped by the Unified Modeling Language(UML),and then the stem model was determined by the IDEFO,one of the system sign approach.Considering the system characteristics of tegration and combination with UG/OPEN API,a mponent-based system integrated scheme was chosen. (2010-05-18, Visual C++, 2567KB, 下载11次)
