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[图片显示] intro-computer-graphics

2D and 3D graphics programming in OpenGL and GLSL, including a basic image viewer with filters, drawing Bezier curves, a ray tracer, and a partial 3D orrery. (2020-06-09, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图片显示] 图像处理

labview为比较常见的编程环境,其NIvision 工具包可以轻松的实现图像的创建和编辑,本范例奖利用vision模块制作图像,并进行编辑,上传以供初学者参考。
this is a example of how to use NI vision functions to create a 8 bits image. (2018-12-26, LabView, 38KB, 下载5次)


[图片显示] PICZoom

Image processing sample code, can be achieved on BMP, JPG, PNG formats picture smooth zoom, smooth reduction processing, image processing program for the beginner to help. (2013-07-08, Visual C++, 359KB, 下载8次)


[图片显示] oci

主要介绍了ico编程 由于ico函数比较麻烦 对于初学很难上手 我这里写了函数的详细例子和详细的说明 希望对大家有点帮助
Mainly introduces the the ico programming ico function is too much trouble for beginners is difficult to get started I wrote a detailed examples and detailed description of the function of hope we are a bit help (2012-07-30, C/C++, 2928KB, 下载24次)


[图片显示] zhanghaitan

简单的raw图像显示全过程。 包括: 1.raw图片的打开、显示。 2.此为win32 api编程 3.可熟悉raw图片格式 92*112(用记事本打开)
source code for RAW picture,which finish the task of showing the image and opening the image。It can help know the format of the RAW,how to edit the picture by vc++ (2011-04-23, Visual C++, 816KB, 下载53次)


[图片显示] drawpaint

This program can display graphics, you can view the menu display area to achieve the change. Through this process of learning to the area have some knowledge of programming (2010-11-29, Visual C++, 1895KB, 下载2次)


[图片显示] vcloadmap

Two-dimensional scene source code to load the map, and added a frame box up with the characters, but he can not walk out of the box, need to have some programming ability of people to change the completion (2010-10-06, Visual C++, 8895KB, 下载4次)


[图片显示] dontknow

实在找不到源码 从网上下的 我是个初学者对编程还处于学习状态,别人说好 版主你看看
Is not under source code from the Internet I am a beginner to learn programming is still in a state of good people say you look at the moderator (2009-08-04, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[图片显示] opticalCharacterRecognition

Optical character recognition system using MATLAB programming to meet the general needs of optical character recognition. And provides a format for the GIF image of the test. (2009-07-28, matlab, 128KB, 下载77次)


[图片显示] ImageShow

Carried out just prior to engaging in programming mac machine on, know relatively little information here to upload a cocoa using objective-c Writing a display image to the beginners (2009-03-17, Objective-C, 38KB, 下载19次)


[图片显示] jj2000_4.1-doc

JPEG2000 standard under the JAVA version of the reference procedure with the help of the document. Learning plays a significant role in JPEG2000 programming. (2008-10-20, Windows_Unix, 887KB, 下载33次)


[图片显示] jj2000_4.1

JPEG2000 standard under the JAVA version of the reference process, learning plays a significant role in JPEG2000 programming. (2008-10-20, Windows_Unix, 470KB, 下载54次)


[图片显示] LoadData

ENVI and IDL in a mixture of programming platforms, sub-block images show that Hawkeye shows the thumbnails, the main view displays the local map. ENVI and IDL is the best hybrid programming introductory information. These procedures on a mixture of ENVI and IDL call and image display provides a comprehensive achievement and Notes (2008-05-06, IDL, 1890KB, 下载298次)


[图片显示] testwin

console window shows the use of propaganda menu management, the specific operation after operation can know, using c++, prepared vs2003 compiler, runtime environment other tried-, C, Console Programming/Console (2006-09-05, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载10次)


[图片显示] CMyTabCtrl_demo

CMyTab CTabl is inherited from the class, making MFC programming, Tab to the use of more efficient. This is one on how to use the demo CMyTab (2006-08-09, Visual C++, 18KB, 下载142次)


[图片显示] picCopyRight

vs.net environment GDI+ programming can be achieved to add background pictures copyright and photo format conversion to your desired format (commonly used, such as jpg, bmp, jpeg, gif, etc.) (2005-09-20, C#, 26KB, 下载115次)


[图片显示] vc图像处理比较全面的程序

a more comprehensive image processing procedures, the majority of the various operations have been included. Yes, I do remote sensing imagery of the project useful example (2005-09-06, Visual C++, 499KB, 下载1449次)


[图片显示] jpeg2

Acquisition jpeg read data buffer, using the C programming language, decoding jepg be rgb files (2005-06-07, C/C++, 119KB, 下载225次)


[图片显示] 本科生毕业论文的编程实现程序

自己写的用于边缘检测和图像处理的程序可用于SOBREL ROBEL 高斯拉普拉斯 canny 等算法检测
himself wrote for edge detection and image processing procedures can be used SOBREL ROBEL Gaussian algorithms such as Laplace canny Detection (2005-05-26, C++, 1953KB, 下载194次)


[图片显示] DICOM3.0第一章(中)

dicom3.0 time on the first part of the standard for everyone to share! Welcome interested in medical image Programming prawns you have exchanges together. Eastern is also uploaded to the site to express their gratitude and support! ! Only safeguard we all work can benefit from! ! Dbx (2004-07-27, WINDOWS, 46KB, 下载35次)
