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按分类查找All Windows编程(144) 
按平台查找All Python(144) 

[Windows编程] Numerical Python

This book is about one popular and fast-growing environment for numerical computing: the Python programming language and its vibrant ecosystem of libraries and extensions for computational work. (2020-11-25, Python, 13974KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] Python_learn

In the process of learning python, according to the mathematical knowledge and characteristics behind the classic Yang Hui triangle and the Tower of Hanoi, each step of the Yang Hui triangle with different layers and the Tower of Hanoi with different blocks is output through programming.In addition, the demo file can realize the alignment function of the key points of the face. (2020-11-14, Python, 2KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] Python爬虫开源项目代码

the code cracking baiducloud (2020-02-29, Python, 2693KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] 一天搞懂深度学习(经典)

This course is very suitable for beginners. The content is simple and easy to understand. There are some examples in the book for practice. (2019-10-22, Python, 9911KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] TextClassificationBenchmark-master

good de de edoke jir jfoakd j doe fdoe oe kdpod rh eij ajfpoe jdpoe jfpoijf pojead kfpe (2019-08-06, Python, 57KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] 《Python编程快速上手-让繁琐工作自动化》

Python 指的是Python 编程语言(包括语法规则,用于编写被认为是有效的 Python 代码),以及Python 解释器软件,它读取源代码(用python 语言编写),并 执行其中的指令。Python 解释器可以从http://python.org/免费下载,有针对Linux、 OS X 和Windows 的版本。 Python 的名字来自于英国超现实主义喜剧团体,而不是来自于蛇。Python 程序 员被亲切地称为Pythonistas。Monty Python 和与蛇相关的引用常常出现在Python 的 指南和文档中。
Python refers to the Python programming language (including grammatical rules) used to write what is considered valid. Python code, as well as Python interpreter software, which reads the source code (written in Python language), and Execute the instructions. The Python interpreter can be downloaded free from http://python.org/for Linux, OS X and Windows versions. Python's name comes from the British surrealist comedy group, not from the snake. Python program Members are cordially called Pythonistas. Monty Python and snake-related references often appear in Python Guidelines and documents. (2019-03-13, Python, 12766KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] scrapyWeather

Weather crawlers, using python's scrapy framework, with the China Weather Network API, using XPath to parse weather information in China Weather Network, these are the weather of foreign cities, and finally returned data stored in the Redis library. (2018-10-30, Python, 103KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] Sublime_Text3_Stable_Build_3170_x64_Chs.tar

绿色免安装版sublime text3 64位,适合lua、python等脚本编辑器,提高编程速度
Green installation free version of sublime Text3 64 bits, suitable for Lua, Python and other script editor, improve programming speed. (2018-10-10, Python, 22297KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 爬虫讲师源代码

python编程,零基础到精通。ython是一种解释型、面向对象、动态数据类型的高级程序设计语言。 Python由Guido van Rossum于1989年底发明,第一个公开发行版发行于1991年。 像Perl语言一样, Python 源代码同样遵循 GPL(GNU General Public License)协议。 本教程主要针对Python 2.x版本的学习,如果你使用的是Python 3.x版本请移步至Python 3.X版本的教程。
Python programming, zero base to mastery. (2018-03-17, Python, 1231KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] python_spider_jobs_master

51job爬虫 python写的爬虫,爬取51job前程无忧、智联招聘的大城市(北京、上海、深圳、广州、杭州)各种编程语言职位的总条数。
51job spider Python to write a crawler, climb the big city 51job qianchengwuyou, Zhaopin (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou) a variety of programming language posts total number. (2018-02-27, Python, 17KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] ChineseChuLi

Python programs for Chinese text processing, including participle, deleting special characters, deleting disuse words, crawler programs, PCA dimensionality reduction, Kmean clustering, visualization and so on (2018-01-15, Python, 12KB, 下载16次)


[Windows编程] Core PYTHON Applications Programming

本书是经典的Python指导书,全书分为两个部分:第1部分包括基本的概念和语句、语法和风格、Python对象、数字类型、序列类型、映射和集合类型、条件和循环、文件和输入/输出、错误和异常、函数和函数式编程、模块、面向对象编程、执行环境等内容; 第2部分则提供了各种高级主题来展示可以使用Python做些什么.
This book is the classic Python instruction book. The book is divided into two parts: the first part includes the basic concepts and statements, grammar and style, Python, digital object types, sequence types, mapping and collection types, conditions and circulation, and file input / output, errors and exceptions and the function and the function module, programming, object-oriented programming, execution environment and content: the second part provides a variety of advanced topics to show what can be done using the Python. (2017-07-02, Python, 14648KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] use_py_ctrl

使用python和C++混合编程,在C++里面调用python 脚本, python脚本可以引用当前C++模块中已有的函数
Using Python and C++ mixed programming, called Python inside the C++ script, python script can refer to the current C++ module in the existing function (2016-08-13, Python, 327KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] G-statistic

G statistic (2016-04-05, Python, 1KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] ServerMonitor

Python program source code control host state, a timer to check all the current controlled machine listening state, Python source code download, share to Python programming enthusiasts (2014-05-24, Python, 1KB, 下载19次)


[Windows编程] thrift

thrift allows you to define a simple definition data file types and service interfaces, as the input file, the compiler generates code that is used to easily generate seamlessly across programming languages ​ ​ RPC client and server communications. (2013-12-23, Python, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] benPython3

笨办法学 Python pdf电子书,虽然是“笨办法”,但实际上丝毫并不是笨办法,虽然读完这本书并不   意味着你已经学会了Python编程,但至少会让你对这个行业有一个初步的了解,而且可以让您一字一句的写出简单的 Python 程序来,若不相信,你也或许真的比较“笨”。
Benbanfa learn Python pdf e-books, though with " awkward" , but in fact did not awkward, although reading this book does not mean you have learned Python programming, but at least it will give you this industry a preliminary understanding, but also allows you to write a single word simple Python program, if not believe, you might really more " stupid." (2013-06-25, Python, 874KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] Python---Brief-tutorial

Python具有丰富和强大的类库,足以支持绝大多数日常应用。python常被昵称为胶水语言,可扩充性可说是Python作为一种编程语言的特色。新的内置模块(module)可用 C 或 C++ 写成,它能很轻松的把用其他语言制作的各种模块(尤其是C/C++)轻松联结在一起。
Python library with a rich and powerful enough to support the vast majority of everyday applications. python is often nicknamed the glue language, scalability can be said to Python as a programming language features. The new built-in module (module) can be written in C or C++, it is very easy to make using a variety of modules in other languages ​ ​ (especially C/C++) easy to link together. (2011-08-13, Python, 1075KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] Simplepythonbook

Python is a style that is translation, interactive, object-oriented programming language, which includes modular operation, exception handling, dynamic data form, a very high level dynamic data structures and types of use. (2010-05-26, Python, 90KB, 下载3次)
