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[网络截获/分析] GoPacketeers

Welcome to GoPacketeers, an open-source collective where the art of Go programming is practiced with the spirit of exploration and collaboration. Our mission is to chart the unexplored territories of the Go ecosystem, crafting reliable, innovative, and high-quality packages that serve as essential tools for developers worldwide. (2023-12-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络截获/分析] sniff-and-spoofer

Programming assignment 5 for Introduction to Computer Systems that spoofs packets to a server and sniffs incoming packets from the server, (2023-09-13, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络截获/分析] Wireless-Sniffer-Monitor-Mode

This repo is mainly associated with wireless sniffing programs in C programming language in monitor mode. After a lot of research and trying wireless sniffers in the monitor mode, I could not find any C program which deals with sniffing in monitor mode. The main reason being that in the monitor mode, the wireless driver add a RADIOTAP header to ... (2018-07-05, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络截获/分析] Network-Sniffer

Used Socket Programming to create a network sniffer from scrach to analyze the raw packets of the system, the program sniffes the packets and at the same time create the capture file of the analyzed packets. Supports Multiple Protocols including TCP/IP,OSPF,BGP,ARP etc. (2015-03-27, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络截获/分析] IISR-A-Secure-Router-for-IoT-Networks

With the increasing popularity of IoT devices, the vulnerabilities & security issues concerned with these devices are also increasing. The lack of security mechanisms and vulnerable protocols make IoT devices easy targets for hackers, for example, the “Mirai Botnet Attack” in 2016. There is a very critical requirement for security of IoT (2021-08-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络截获/分析] PCAP-Preperation

PCAP-Preparation notes, code and resources used to prepare for the PCAP - Certified Associate In Python Programming (Exam PCAP-31-03)-EXAM., (2023-06-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络截获/分析] zip

用c++编写一个流量统计系统 为了方便网络编程,90年代初,由Microsoft联合了其他几家公司共同制定了一套WINDOWS下的网络编程接口,即Windows Sockets规范,它不是一种网络协议,而是一套开放的、支持多种协议的Windows下的网络编程接口。本篇论文主要是介绍了在TCP/IP基础上利用winsock2对网卡进行编程,以达到网络流量监测的目的。论文首先介绍了TCP/IP协议,旨在介绍IP,TCP,UDP等比较重要的协议。主要是介绍IP头,TCP头,UDP头的特点,以便从IP头中可以获取源地址,目的地址,协议类型等信息。在随后的章节中提出了Socket的概念,Socket实际上提供了一个通信端口使所有拥有Socket的端口的计算机之间能够相互 通信,在本论文中主要说明了socket的建立,监听和撤销的过程。具体到程序实现中,对网卡混杂模式的设置是通过原始套接字(raw socket)来实现的。为了让原始套接字能接受所有的数据,还需要通过将SOCK_RAW设置成SIO_RCVALL。对数据包的获取通过recv()函数来完成。最后要完成的工作就是对所捕获的IP数据包进行分析以提取出我们所需要的信息。在论文的最后是旨在说明进一步工作的展开。
In order to facilitate network programming, in the early 1990s, Microsoft jointly developed a set of network programming interfaces under WINDOWS, i.e. Windows Sockets specification. It is not a network protocol, but an open network programming interface under Windows that supports multiple protocols. (2019-06-17, Visual C++, 195KB, 下载5次)


[网络截获/分析] arp

By using WinPcap programming, the ARP spoofing of the target host in the same network segment is realized, and the flow through the network can be analyzed (2017-10-25, WINDOWS, 8981KB, 下载2次)


[网络截获/分析] TCPSrv

A simple socket programming, set the NIC in promiscuous mode, crawling from the card on the network packets and displays the source and destination addresses of IP, port (2013-11-11, Visual C++, 7846KB, 下载14次)


[网络截获/分析] get_udp_code

用libpcap 库实现的udp抓包程序,应该是刚刚学习linux环境网络编程的好材料Achieved with the udp packet capture library libpcap program is just learning linux network programming environment, a good material
Achieved with the udp packet capture library libpcap program is just learning linux network programming environment, a good material (2013-07-19, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载11次)


[网络截获/分析] get_tcp_code

用libpcap 库实现的tcp抓包程序,应该是刚刚学习linux环境网络编程的好材料Achieved with the tcp packet capture library libpcap program is just learning linux network programming environment, a good material
Achieved with the tcp packet capture library libpcap program is just learning linux network programming environment, a good material (2013-07-19, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载3次)


[网络截获/分析] get_ip_code

用libpcap 库实现的IP抓包程序,应该是刚刚学习linux环境网络编程的好材料Achieved using the IP packet capture library libpcap program, should be just learning linux network programming environment, a good material
Achieved using the IP packet capture library libpcap program, should be just learning linux network programming environment, a good material (2013-07-19, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[网络截获/分析] get_icmp_code

用libpcap 库实现的ICMP抓包程序,应该是刚刚学习网络编程的好材料Achieved with the ICMP packet capture library libpcap program,it should be just a good material for learning network programming
Achieved with the ICMP packet capture library libpcap program,it should be just a good material for learning network programming (2013-07-19, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[网络截获/分析] Setup_Packet_Sniffer_2_1_0_2

this program helps cc2430 to be a sniffer, which would be pretty helpful when you want to do the 15.4 test. (2011-12-16, C/C++, 2470KB, 下载8次)


[网络截获/分析] WebInfoFiltingSolution

Through the socket programming, network packet capture, analysis of the layers of the protocol, to achieve the web pages of spam filtering. (2011-08-08, C#, 236KB, 下载11次)


[网络截获/分析] WatchIPpacket

In VC++6.0 environment, the use of MFC programming, and use the IP packet traffic wincap package implementation monitoring. (2011-06-14, Visual C++, 6526KB, 下载24次)


[网络截获/分析] IP_Search

VB 版最好用的IP段搜索工具源码,也是VB模块化编程的学习资料,也可修改后做为成品使用。
VB version is best to use the IP section of source code search tool (2011-05-19, Visual Basic, 656KB, 下载19次)


[网络截获/分析] arp

Console programming, where the LAN hosts to obtain MAC address and IP address, the equivalent of writing yourself a arp packet capture software (2010-10-20, C/C++, 13853KB, 下载16次)


[网络截获/分析] RakNet-3.3

raknet3.3 最新的版本,支持网络下编程,新版特性对rpc进行了优化
raknet3.3 the latest version, support for network programming, new features optimized for rpc (2008-11-21, Visual C++, 15081KB, 下载33次)


[网络截获/分析] EnumHosts

LAN PC search to achieve a simple, enumeration of the current online host and its IP, is to study C++ Network programming good material (2008-11-16, Visual C++, 1838KB, 下载17次)
