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按分类查找All 书籍源码(175) 
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[书籍源码] C语言趣味程序设计编程100例精解

Recently found a book about C language, I think it's very useful, so I'd like to share it with you. It's very useful for the students who have just learned the basic grammar of C language to practice and study after class. I hope it can help the people in need. (2020-05-05, C/C++, 185KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] Thread2

qt dual-threaded implementation, debugging and use on the qt platform to achieve dual-threaded working mechanism learning and understanding. In order to more directly grasp the relevant programming technology (2019-12-06, C/C++, 5KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] [Cpp程序设计教程_基于Visual.Studio.2008]

A quick and easy tutorial to help developers master C++ programming in VS2008 development environment. (2018-08-06, C/C++, 30974KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] 计算流体力学基础及其应用美.约翰D.安德森

Computational fluid mechanics books, in detail the finite difference method and programming theory. (2018-07-20, C/C++, 36611KB, 下载25次)


[书籍源码] Essential C++

基本C++介绍C++的基础知识的上下文中的程序,通用的、基于目标的, 面向对象编程。它是围绕着一系列越来越多的事物组织起来的。 将复杂的编程问题和语言特征引入解决方案中。 这些问题。这样,你不仅可以了解功能和结构。 C++,但会理解他们的目的和理由。
Essential C++ presents the basics of C++ in the context of procedural, generic, objectbased, and object-oriented programming. It is organized around a series of increasingly complex programming problems, and language features are introduced as solutions to these problems. In this way you will not only learn about the functions and structure of C++, but will understand their purpose and rationale. (2018-05-29, C/C++, 648KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] MISRA-C-2004_工业标准的C编程规范_中文版

In the field of automotive real time embedded applications, the use of C programming language is becoming more and more widespread and important. This depends to a considerable extent on the inherent flexibility of the language, the scope of its support and its potential access to the portability of a wide range of hardware environments (2017-09-07, C/C++, 406KB, 下载10次)


[书籍源码] tm1628

Digital tube driver chip TM1628 Chinese information, describes in detail the function of the chip and circuit and control program programming method (2017-03-16, C/C++, 336KB, 下载19次)


[书籍源码] OpenCV3--source-code

毛星云著《OpenCV3编程入门》一书所有源代码,包括Opencv 2和Opencv 3
All the source code of the book—— OpenCV3 programming entry written by Mao Xingyun, including Opencv 2 and Opencv 3 (2016-09-01, C/C++, 85141KB, 下载18次)


[书籍源码] CPP-Gotchas-code_examples

《C++程序设计陷阱》书籍源代码,中国青年出版社 Stephen C. Dewhurst, C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design Stephen的理论素养和实践经验注定这是一本值得一读的好书。Stephen曾经是贝尔实验室中第一批C++使用者。他已经使用C++成功解决了包括编译器、证券交易、电子商务以及嵌入式系统等领域中的问题。本书汇集了作者来自开发一线的99条编程真知灼见,洞悉它们,你可以避免几乎所有常见的C++设计和编程问题。
The professional programmer s guide to avoiding and correcting ninety-nine of the most common, destructive, and interesting C++ design and programming errors. Serves as an inside look at the more subtle C++ features and programming techniques. Softcover. (2015-04-16, C/C++, 735KB, 下载4次)


[书籍源码] bin-common-lib

《GPU高性能编程CUDA实战》书中源码,章节之外bin common lib部分源码与文件
GPU high-performance programming CUDA real " book source, chapters outside bin common lib part of the source code file (2012-12-03, C/C++, 249KB, 下载10次)


[书籍源码] chapter09

《GPU高性能编程CUDA实战》第9章完整源码部分 包括三个hist_cpu, hist_cpu_gmen_atiomics,hist_cpu_shmen_atiomics.cu
GPU high-performance programming CUDA combat " Chapter 9 complete source part includes three hist_cpu, hist_cpu_gmen_atiomics, hist_cpu_shmen_atiomics.cu (2012-12-03, C/C++, 4KB, 下载3次)


[书籍源码] C-gaozhao

This is the magic weapon of the C programming language: short to tell you more than the ocean thousand words. Found the right method to solve the fundamental. (2012-06-28, C/C++, 3KB, 下载7次)


[书籍源码] bczm03

《编程之美》随书源代码(第三部分)第3章 结构之法——字符串及链表的探索
" The Beauty of Programming," With the source code for the book (Part III) Chapter 3 Structure of France- the string and the list of exploration (2009-12-14, C/C++, 29KB, 下载8次)


[书籍源码] first_section

Dennis M.sullivan的用fdtd方法的数值仿真。是学习fdtd编程的入门好教材。其书上有不少错误,通过本人的整理,各个错误已经改正,并且用matlab画出所有图。
Electronmagnetic simulation using the method fdtd. Dennis M.Sullivan. (2009-06-01, C/C++, 2396KB, 下载30次)


[书籍源码] 100_cases_of_C_programming_language_style

The information is "C Programming Language 100 cases of fashion," one book on CD-ROM attached to the full content of the above detailed! (2009-03-28, C/C++, 6941KB, 下载10次)


[书籍源码] c_LanguageProgramSumma

This example from simple arithmetic to complex arithmetic operations such as multi-application give the source code, programmers will have to work very helpful. (2009-02-11, C/C++, 254KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] C++PrimerPlusAnswer

我学习C++ Primer Plus过程中写下的课后作业的编程代码,与大家分享心得,希望大家多多指教
I am learning C++ Primer Plus the process of writing the programming code to operate after-school to share with you the experience, I hope everyone exhibitions (2008-05-13, C/C++, 99KB, 下载102次)


[书籍源码] c-jiaocheng

c language tutorial norms, introduction of c language programming encountered in a variety of issues should be noted, very helpful for beginners (2008-05-03, C/C++, 362KB, 下载7次)


[书籍源码] cpp200

C Application Programming 200 cases (FOSS), the book contains a large number of study and application of C-language examples, to help students quickly grasp C (2006-04-14, C/C++, 111KB, 下载243次)


[书籍源码] C语言实用程序100例》资料下载

100 cases, the C language learners is a rare good information (2005-03-08, C/C++, 150KB, 下载47次)
