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[游戏] Character-Generator

*名称:Reggie Telemaque*日期:2019年11月21日**最终版本:字符生成器,编程简介**目的:程序意图...,
/* Name: Reggie Telemaque * Date: 11/21/2019 * * FINAL: Character Generator, Intro To Programming * * Purpose: The intent of the program is to make a game character generator that can display attributes and other images with the use of many different programming tools. * */ (2020-01-23, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] UniMob

Unity的现代 React编程库(灵感来自MobX js)
Modern reactive programming library for Unity (inspired by MobX js) (2023-04-09, C#, 81KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Udemy-Adventure-Story

Learn how to create and program your very own classic RPG game using Unity, an industry-standard game development program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world. (2021-03-25, C#, 203821KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] blazor-game-spaceshooter

This is a POC with which I wanted to test how performant a game can be programmed with Blazor. For this purpose, a "mini" engine was built that was similar to Unity. All elements in the game are own Blazor components and are added or removed to the DOM in real time. (2021-12-29, C#, 5861KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Align_GameView-SceneView_Unity

A very simple yet useful script to align Unity s Main Camera with the Scene View programmatically, in Real Time (2022-03-01, C#, 1KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Slice-VR-Unity-Game

A Fruit Ninja clone VR game created using C# and Unity as part of the Computer Programming for Engineers course. (2021-01-21, C#, 518396KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] RGB_Co-opPuzzle_Unity

RGB Co-op Puzzle是一款在Unity中制作的游戏,是网络游戏编程大学课程的一个项目。目标...
RGB Co-op Puzzle is a game made in Unity, as a project for the Network Games Programming university course. The goal of this project was to implement a Multiplayer game in Unity, using .NET Framework. I decided to develop a Co-op Puzzle game based on color states. This was a project made by: Jo?o Soares https://github.com/joao13soares (2021-06-24, C#, 42695KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] ThermoJump

一款由我完全编程的第一人称益智平台Unity游戏。资产由Gean Carlos和Bernardo Santos提供。苏...
A first-person puzzle-platform Unity game completely programmed by me. Assets by Gean Carlos and Bernardo Santos. Sound by Bernardo Santos. (2022-02-24, C#, 505794KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] -Rozan-3D-Game-

Rozan is a developed game using the Unity game engine and the C# programming language. The main character is a female warrior who fights other fighters to kill the final boss with different abilities for both of them. (2021-02-16, C#, 7KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Game-Up-Africa-Bootcamp-Exercise-1

Plane Programming - Use the skills you learned in the driving simulation to fly a plane around obstacles in the sky. Students will also have to keep the plane in view of the camera. (2022-08-22, C#, 4819KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Ping-Pong-Simulation---Windows-Forms

Self-assigned project for the Visual Programming course. Using a transformation matrix to draw a 3D modeled ping pong game on the screen. Made from scratch in .NET Windows Forms. Co-author: Boris Tanchovski (2018-06-29, C#, 217KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] FBLA_2022_2023_Game_Development

This is our project for the FBLA Computer Game & Simulation Programming Competition for the 2022-2023 school year. This won first place in Area 7 for Texas, and is taking us to the Texas SLC. (2023-03-22, C#, 4899KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Void-Race

My futuristic anti-gravity racing game. This was made while I was still fairly new to programming and C#. This was made after Tower Robots (2015-11-11, C#, 173490KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Hearthstone

It s written in C# programming laguage. It s a cheat automation program that can be used in Heartstone card game. It can play the game for unlimited time by itself automatically. I ve been banned permanently by Blizzard so the program works just fine! (2019-12-03, C#, 5KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] Space_Shooter-Game-C-Unity-game-

这是我用Unity GameEngine C#作为编程语言创建的一个名为“Space Shooter”的3d游戏的代码。...
This is the code of a 3d game I created called "Space Shooter" using Unity GameEngine/C# as the programming language. The game is aall about navigating a space ship in the "Milky Way" galaxy to avid asteroids while fighting enemy naves in the same time. (2019-01-03, C#, 11KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] dance-of-bullets

Bullet-hell shooter with a simple format for levels & bosses. Make your own bullet-hell without programming knowledge! (2018-03-31, C#, 2287KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] CMD_RPG

Im still learning about programming, and right now im trying to create a mini RPG game like D&D with consol based in aleatory numbers, like dices. I already did a menu with a simple character creation and im trying to make a system to choose your save and continue the game till your character dies. Every time you kill a monster you can use 1 (2022-05-22, C#, 30KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] a-classic-car-park-game

C# development of a classic car park game, the C# game programming to help. (2015-08-14, C#, 37KB, 下载1次)


[游戏] a-classic-push-box-game

C# development of a classic push box game, I hope to C# game programming enthusiasts have a certain help. (2015-08-14, C#, 95KB, 下载2次)


[游戏] Star-wings

Star wings is a small game, using C# programming, which relates to the design of the game map, and graphics, mobile etc. (2014-08-06, C#, 5150KB, 下载5次)
