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[MacOS编程] SwiftInHindi

Master Swift programming in Hindi with our comprehensive tutorial series on Youtube! and codes on github. Learn syntax, OOP, concurrency, and more through practical examples. Perfect for beginners and those looking to deepen their iOS and macOS development skills. Let s code together and unlock the potential of Swift in Hindi! (2024-05-02, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MacOS编程] SnakeGame

SnakeGame是一款用java开发的街机游戏,适用于windows、MacO和Linux操作系统。Bruno Lemos负责游戏的开发和编程
SnakeGame is an arcade game developed in java and adapted for windows, MacOs and Linux operating systems. The development and programing of the game was carried by Bruno Lemos (2023-12-24, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MacOS编程] SWIFTDOCS-01-the-basics

SWIFT文件→ Swift是一种用于iOS、macOS、watchOS和tvOS应用程序开发的新编程语言。尽管如此,Swift的许多部分...,
SWIFT DOCUMENTATION → Swift is a new programming language for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS app development. Nonetheless, many parts of Swift will be familiar from your experience of developing in C and Objective-C. (2022-10-22, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MacOS编程] setup-dev-mac

Simple one-liner auto magic setup for development programming on a Mac in ~13min, (2022-12-13, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)



Do you need a round button? This class is ready for you, it's normal, flat, push down a few styles, use it. (2019-04-21, VFP, 23KB, 下载0次)


[MacOS编程] savmix-and

介绍矩阵的一些应用,可以用于 一些矩阵的加减乘除的运算等
This paper introduces some applications of matrix, which can be used in the operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of some matrices, etc. (2019-04-21, MathCAD, 43KB, 下载0次)


[MacOS编程] hpnghave

I'm sorry, we don't have the source code on hand, but we are in urgent need of some resources for your station. Please forgive me. (2019-04-21, VFP, 261KB, 下载0次)


[MacOS编程] sm2

Based on the openssl sm2 and sm3 achieved, but the efficiency is low sm3, but for learning is a good learning code. Based on this code can achieve key pair generation (2018-04-20, Objective-C, 9KB, 下载1次)


[MacOS编程] Become.an.Xcoder

This tutorial explains how to become a xcoder about xcode programming methods and techniques, is suitable for beginners to use (2013-02-03, PDF, 1134KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] Cocoa.Touch.for.iPhone.OS.3.0

Cocoa Touch的iPhone OS 3.0开发人员参考资料,详细讲解cocoa编程中关于touch方面的教程
Cocoa Touch iPhone OS 3.0 developer references, explain in detail cocoa programming tutorials about touch (2013-02-01, PDF, 7353KB, 下载3次)


[MacOS编程] Objective-C-2.0-guide

Objective-C 2.0 guide是基于iOS的软件开发指南。Objective-C是一种iphone开发的计算机语言,设计为可以支持真正的面向对象编程。Objective-C通过提供类定义,方法以及属性的语法,还有其他可以提高类的动态扩展能力的结构等,扩展了标准的ANSI C语言。
Objective-C 2.0 guide iOS-based software development guide. Objective-C is a iphone development computer language designed to support a true object-oriented programming. Objective-C is defined by providing classes, methods and properties of syntax, can improve the structure of the class dynamic scalability, extended the standard ANSI C language. (2012-10-20, Objective-C, 300KB, 下载5次)


[MacOS编程] Objective-C-programming

Objective-C 是一种设计用来支持面向对象开发的简洁的计算机语言,它是标准C语言的一个很小但是很强大的超集。除了C之外,Objective-C主要基于Smalltalk,最早的面向对象的编程语言之一。Objective-C以一种简单和直接的方式使得C语言具有了面向对象的能力。
Objective-C is a design for a simple computer language that supports object-oriented development, it is a standard C language, a small but very powerful superset. In addition to C, Objective-C based on Smalltalk, one of the first object-oriented programming language. Objective-C object-oriented C language has a simple and direct way of making. (2012-10-20, Objective-C, 374KB, 下载3次)


[MacOS编程] Accessory

It shows you how to override the appearance or control of the accessory view, much like that of "UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton". It implements the custom accessory view by setting the table s "accessoryView" property with a UIButton of type "UIButtonTypeCustom". (2012-06-26, Objective-C, 27KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] Objective-C-basic-tutorial

Objective-C 是创建 Mac OS X 应用和 iPhone 应用的主要语言,优雅的面向对象编程环境与快速而普及的 C 语言珠联璧合,造就了它的不俗表现。翻开本书你就能感到它的魅力扑面而来。   本书全面而系统地讲述 Objective-C 语言的基础知识和面向对象编程的重要概念,结合实例介绍了 Cocoa 工具包的优秀特性和其中的框架,以及继承、复合、源文件组织、内存管理、对象初始化和类别创建等众多重要的面向对象编程技术。书中还阐述了如何利用 Cocoa 进行数据的保存、检索和操作等。
Objective-C is the main language to create Mac OS X applications and iPhone applications, and elegant object-oriented programming environment perfect match with the fast and popular C language, has created its impressive performance. Open book you can feel its charm blowing. Comprehensive and systematic book about the basics of Objective-C language and the important concepts of object-oriented programming, with examples of the outstanding features of the Cocoa toolkit and framework, and inheritance, complex organization of source files, memory management, object initialization and class to create a number of important object-oriented programming techniques. The book also described how to use Cocoa for data storage, retrieval and operation. (2012-06-13, Objective-C, 30341KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] ProgrammingInObjective-C

在Objective-C编程是一个简洁的,浓墨重彩的Objective-C和面向对象编程的基本知识教程。这本书没有以往的经验与面向对象编程语言或C语言(基于Objective-C的)假设。也正因为如此,无论是新手和有经验的程序员都可以使用这本书迅速和有效地学习Objective-C的基础。读者还可以了解面向对象编程的概念,而无需先了解所有错综复杂的基本程序语言(C)。这种方法,有许多小程序的例子,在每章末尾的练习相结合,使得它非常适合无论是课堂上使用或自学。增长,预计在这门语言。在2003年1月的MacWorld上,它被宣布有5万台Mac OS X用户,内置的Objective-C的每一个自己的箱船
Programming in Objective-C is a concise, carefully written tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming. The book makes no assumption about prior experience with object-oriented programming languages or with the C language (upon which Objective-C is based). And because of this, both novice and experienced programmers alike can use this book to quickly and effectively learn the fundamentals of Objective-C. Readers can also learn the concepts of object-oriented programming without having to first learn all of the intricacies of the underlying procedural language (C). This approach, combined with many small program examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, makes it ideally suited for either classroom use or self-study. Growth is expected in this language. At the January 2003 MacWorld, it was announced that there are 5 million Mac OS X users and each of their boxes ships with Objective-C built in. (2012-02-14, Objective-C, 1145KB, 下载11次)


[MacOS编程] cube_form_sample

一个3D模型的例子,给初学iphone/ipad编程的人员一个类似“hello word”的3D动画Demo,主要用到的是object-c和OpenGL。
Example of a 3D model, to the beginner iphone/ipad programming staff of a similar " hello word" 3D animation Demo, mainly used in the object-c and OpenGL. (2011-12-01, Objective-C, 8KB, 下载6次)


[MacOS编程] Assignments1

kwic的四种编程风格的代码 oo es ms pf 四种
kwic four programming style code oo es ms pf four kinds of (2011-10-28, Java, 1455KB, 下载316次)


[MacOS编程] [iPhone].Web.Development

IPhone development books Daquan, presented details about the development of Iphone, Iphone want to learn programming for the reader, can be described as a good reference book! (2011-09-05, PDF, 6324KB, 下载6次)


[MacOS编程] LayerDrawDemo

iPhone 游戏编程基本技巧(1)基本动画实现与阴影处理。 演示程序包括: 1。如何产生管理动画定时器。 2。如何使用Quartz 2D函数库来在layer object中进行缓冲区render动画帧,及其进行阴影处理。 编译与运行环境: 1。系统:Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) 或 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard) 2。编译环境: 在 Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard)中,XCode 3.14 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 在 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard)中 ,XCode 3.2.1 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 3. 运行环境: iPhone Emulator.
iPhone 游戏编程基本技巧(1)基本动画实现与阴影处理。 演示程序包括: 1。如何产生管理动画定时器。 2。如何使用Quartz 2D函数库来在layer object中进行缓冲区render动画帧,及其进行阴影处理。 编译与运行环境: 1。系统:Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) 或 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard) 2。编译环境: 在 Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard)中,XCode 3.14 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 在 Mac OSX 10.6(Snow Leopard)中 ,XCode 3.2.1 IDE, iPhone SDK 3.1.2 3. 运行环境: iPhone Emulator. (2009-11-12, Objective-C, 619KB, 下载97次)


[MacOS编程] UICatalog3.0

IPhone Introduction to essential programming code, to demonstrate the usage of almost all the controls, 3.0 version (2009-08-14, Objective-C, 243KB, 下载167次)
