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[VC书籍] Physically-Based.Rendering

一本CG重量级巨著,这本书,再结合一些open source renderer(aqsis,pixie,toxic...)的源代码,绝对可以在渲染器的编写上再上层楼。一些高级渲染器的特性,如photon mapping/caustics, final gathering, Monte Carlo GI, Irradiance Caching, Volume Rendering 书里用代码作了详尽的解释。利用Plug in, 一些使用这本书的学生还实现了subsurface scattering。书中还提供了大量极具挑战性的编程练习,可以大幅增强书里描述的PBRT的能力。具体见http://pbrt.org/ 个人认为这是继An Introduction to Ray Tracing之后最好的关于ray tracer/GI的书籍。这本书的另外一个特点就是“重”达7磅,全部都是用的铜版纸。这也是CG书籍出版的一个趋势。
A CG heavyweight masterpiece, this book, combined with some of the open source renderer (aqsis, pixie, toxic ...) source code, can in the preparation of the renderer and then on the upper floor. Some advanced renderer features such as photon mapping/caustics, final gathering, Monte Carlo GI, Irradiance Caching, Volume Rendering code book with a detailed explanation. The use of Plug in, some of the students also use this book to achieve a subsurface scattering. The book also provides a number of challenging programming exercises, the book can greatly enhance the ability to describe the PBRT. See in http://pbrt.org/ personally think that this is the second An Introduction to Ray Tracing on after the best ray tracer/GI books. Another feature of this book is " heavy" up to 7 pounds, all with the coated paper. This is a trend in book publishing CG. (2011-07-08, C++, 6829KB, 下载210次)


[VC书籍] VisualC++_NETtuxiangbiacheng_0

本书是一本介绍计算机绘图和计算机图形处理方法和技术的参考书 介绍使用v1肋alc肋行计算机绘图和计算机图形处理算法的程序设计。 计算机图形绘制技术为主线,以图形应用程序设计实例为中心。书中大量的程 序实例使读者能很快掌握vt闭alc界.邢T在图形程序设计的基本知识和编程技 巧。本书内容新颖,简明易懂,全部程序实例均在Y1卵alcd.顺环境下上机 通过。程序实例具有很强的工程使用价值。 本书可作为大专院校计算机绘图课程的教科书,适合于技术人员在工程没 计时参考。
the book is an introduction of computer graphics and computer graphics processing methods and techniques of reference books on the use of ribbed v1 ALC rib trip computer graphics and computer graphics processing algorithm design process. Computer graphics rendering the main line, a graphic design application examples for the center. Large book examples of procedures so that readers can quickly mastered vt closed ALC sector. Xing T in graphic design procedures and the basic knowledge of programming techniques. The book is innovative, and easy to understand, all proceedings in the case were Y1 alcd eggs. Shun environment on the pass. Examples of procedures is very useful project. The book can be used as computer graphics tertiary courses and textbooks suited to the technical staff works no t (2006-07-04, C++, 10006KB, 下载10次)
