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[其他] perl语言编写实现浮点格式数据加减乘除的程序

If the data is expressed in floating-point format, there are two parts: exponent and mantissa. Perl language is used to write the program of data addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in floating-point format. (compare floating-point arithmetic provided by programming language during test, including code file and design test report) (2020-05-12, Perl, 38KB, 下载1次)


[机器人/智能制造] 编程学习资料

一、有效编程的技巧 1、运动指令,使用关节运动能减少运行时间,直线运动的速度要稍低于关节运动的速度。 Fastest motion = JOINT motion 2、在弧开始和起弧结束的地方用FINE作为运动终止类型,这样做可以使机器人精确运动起到起弧开始和起弧结束的点处。 Arc start /end= FINE position 3、绕过工件的运动使用CNT作为运动终止类型,可以使机器人的运动看上去更连贯。 Moving around workpieces = CNT position
One, effective programming skills 1. Motion commands. Using joint motion can reduce the running time. The speed of linear motion is slightly lower than the speed of joint motion. Fastest sport = joint sport 2. Use FINE as the motion termination type at the start and end of the arc, so that the robot's precise movement can be aligned to the point where the arc starts and ends. Starting point / end point of arc = fine position 3. Using CNT as the motion termination type to bypass the motion of the workpiece can make the robot's motion look more coherent. Move around the workpiece = CNT position (2020-04-16, Perl, 27KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] perl

Perl具有高级语言(如C)的强大能力和灵活性。事实上,你将看到,它的许多特性是从C语言中借用来的。 Perl与脚本语言一样,Perl不需要编译器和链接器来运行代码,你要做的只是写出程序并告诉Perl来运行而已。这意味着Perl对于小的编程问题的快速解决方案和为大型事件创建原型来测试潜在的解决方案是十分理想的。
Perl has a high-level language (such as c), power and flexibility. In fact, you will see that many of its features are borrowed from the c language. Perl and scripting languages like Perl does not need a compiler and linker to run code, you have to do is write and tell Perl to run it. This means that Perl for programming a quick solution to the problem of the small and large events create prototypes to test potential solutions is ideal. (2013-09-26, Perl, 2046KB, 下载1次)


[其他] PERL

perl编程 第1学时 Perl 入门 第2学时 Perl 的基本构件:数字和字符串 第3学时 控制程序流 第4学时 基本构件的堆栈:列表与数组 第5学时 进行文件操作 第6学时 模式匹配 第7学时 哈希结构 第8学时 函数
perl programming 1 hours Perl entry 2 hours Perl basic components: numbers and strings 3 hours to control program flow Stack: a list of the array of the basic building blocks of the first 4 hours 5 hours of file operations Pattern matching 6 hours 7 hours hash structure Function of 8 hours (2013-03-18, Perl, 7630KB, 下载2次)


[汇编语言] Multiplex-temperature-collecting-

在Proteus中完成多路温度采集,用8086 cup实现,可串行输出(需用虚拟串口),2S定时采集,含Proteus原文件与汇编程序,可运行。供参考,做课程设计的勿抄袭。
Multi-channel temperature acquisition completed in the Proteus with the 8086 cup, serial output (required virtual serial port), 2S timing acquisition, with the Proteus original file with the assembler can run. For reference, do curriculum design do not plagiarize. (2013-01-05, Perl, 109KB, 下载27次)


[其他] Perl_v.6

如果刚开始学习Perl这门语言,那么《Perl语言入门(中文版第6版)》就是你所需要的——不管你是一名程序员,还是系统管理员,抑或是网络黑客。这本书被整整两代Perl用户昵称为“小骆驼书”,《Perl语言入门( 中文版第6版)》根据作者施瓦茨、福瓦、菲尼克斯从1991年开始的教学经验积累汇聚而成,多年来十分畅销。此次第六版涵盖了最新的Perl 5.14版本的变化。 Perl能在绝大多数平台上完成几乎所有任务,不管是简单的修修补补,还是大型完备的网络应用。《Perl语言入门》从最基础的开始教起,然后逐渐深入,让你慢慢能够自行编写多至128行的程序——如今90%的Perl 程序差不多都是这般大小。本书每章都包含若干习题,帮助你巩固消化刚学到的知识。也许其他书籍只是想着灌输Perl编程的条条框框,但本书不同,我们希望把你培养成一名真正的Perl程序员。
If U just began to learn Perl , the Perl language introduction (Chinese version 6) "is all you need (2012-12-20, Perl, 16463KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] ActivePerl-

ActivePerl 解压安装后自动配置环境变量,进入dos输入perl -v显示版本信息说明安装成功,便可随意用文档编程
Active Perl Installation (2011-01-21, Perl, 17793KB, 下载46次)


[Windows编程] Extending_And_Embedding_Perl

介绍如何扩大Perl编程语言的功能性和实用性的指南,本指南中深入探讨了利用真正的Perl源代码示例的复杂问题。详细的是如何从C程序,如编写的Perl C库接口,在执行C库Perl的回调技术,在Perl和C之间传递Perl的哈希和数组,此外,为开发人员提供了一个针对Perl的内部的C API参考和typemap系统的引用参考。
An explanation of how to expand the functionality and usefulness of the Perl programming language, this guide delves into the complex issues of using real code examples from the Perl source. Detailed is how to use Perl from C programs, such as writing interfaces to C libraries, techniques on implementing Perl callbacks for C libraries, passing Perl hashes and arrays between Perl and C. Additionally, developers are provided with an API reference for the internal C interface to Perl and a reference on the typemap system. (2010-09-20, Perl, 2081KB, 下载6次)


[图形图象] Graphics_Programming_With_Perl

Demonstrates the tools and techniques necessary to manipulate graphics with Perl, covering graphics programming basics and exploring such complex uses as flexible graphics software development and graphics for Web applications. (2010-09-20, Perl, 2382KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] Perl_programming_tutorial_24hours

《perl编程24小时教程》本书循序渐进、深入浅出地介绍了Perl的主要特性及用Perl进行CGI编程的知识。全书包括24个学时内容和一个附录,共分四部分。第一部分主要讲述Perl的基本概念,第二部分重点介绍Perl的一些高级特性,第三部分介绍如何使用Perl进行CGI编程,第四部分(即附录)讲述如何在不同的操作系统下安装Perl的各个模块。 本书结构清晰,讲解透彻,通俗易懂,对于Perl用户来说是一本非常实用的入门参考书。
" Perl programming tutorial, 24 hours," the book step by step, easy to understand introduction to the main features of Perl and CGI programming with Perl for knowledge. The book includes 24 hours of content and an appendix, is divided into four parts. The first part describes the basic concepts of Perl, Perl Part II focuses on some advanced features, the third section describes how to use Perl for CGI programming, Part IV (the appendix) describes how to install Perl under different operating systems all module. Book a clear structure to explain the thorough, easy to understand, for Perl users is a very useful introduction to reference books. (2010-07-19, Perl, 10628KB, 下载4次)


[编译器/解释器] Perl

Perl是由Larry Wall设计的,并由他不断更新和维护的编程语言.Perl具有高级语言(如C)的强大能力和灵活性。事实上,你将看到,它的许多特性是从C语言中借用来的。与脚本语言一样,Perl不需要编译器和链接器来运行代码,你要做的只是写出程序并告诉Perl来运行而已,这里便给出了一个简明的perl教程。
Larry Wall Perl is designed, updated and maintained by his programming language. Perl has a high-level language (eg C) strong capacity and flexibility. In fact, you will see many of its features are borrowed from the C language to the. And scripting languages, Perl does not need the compiler and linker to run the code, you have to do is write a program and tell Perl to run it, here it gives a simple perl tutorial. (2010-05-18, Perl, 104KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] ds18b

这是关于DS18B20的读写程序,数据脚P2.2,晶振12MHZ 温度传感器18B20汇编程序,采用器件默认的12位转化,最大转化时间750微秒 可以将检测到的温度直接显示到两个数码管上 显示温度00到99度
DS18B20 on literacy, data P2.2 feet, 12MHZ crystal temperature sensor 18B20 assembler, using the default device into 12, the largest 750 microsecond conversion time can be detected directly to the temperature of the two shows shown on the digital temperature control from 00 to 99 degrees (2006-04-10, Perl, 70KB, 下载55次)
