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按分类查找All Ftp客户端(206) 

[Ftp客户端] qk_vcftp

VC++简单FTP客户端带毕业设计 主要是练习Winlnet类的简单使用,使用C++实现,有设计文档和使用手册。这只是实现一个简单的基本的FTP上传功能,你不能拿它和现在流行的FTP软件来比。可以帮你开拓编程思路及研究一些类的使用方法。
VC++ simple FTP client with a graduation class is mainly practiced Winlnet simple to use, using C++ implementation, a design document and user manual. This is just the basic realization of a simple FTP upload functionality, you can not, and now carries it to FTP software to more than popular. Can help you develop ideas and research program to use some class. (2011-01-20, Visual C++, 2445KB, 下载32次)


[Ftp客户端] FTPVC

FTP resources detectors, VC++ source code, interface imitation XP style, using ClassXP.dll link library, since the procedures are not intended to show the core interface, and it was simply a control is also used to interface look good points. However, the original FTP program to explore function is very powerful, it can be your host as the core, set the end of the address to automatically search for the index FTP resources, tied up, double-click any one resource, the program will give you the right resources to validate its FTP sex. In fact, regardless of whether the resources to detect the FTP accurate, procedures, programming ideas that we should learn from in-depth look. (2010-03-04, Visual C++, 119KB, 下载21次)


[Ftp客户端] FtpSystem

Be able to listen at any time the client connection requests, providing upload and download files function for file transfer reliability. (Server-side can also provide increased access to the user' s function, modify the user-related information, features, and each user can select the corresponding ftp list of shared features, the associated upload and download data to be upgraded 【】), and can be achieved and the client chat functions. Request to the client when the user creates a temporary process, multi-threaded programming. (2009-09-22, Visual C++, 15472KB, 下载28次)


[Ftp客户端] AlienFTP

FTP server-side and client-side design and implementation, use CSocket programming, graphical interface, realize the file upload, download, delete, folders, upload download delete, HTTP functions (2009-02-21, Visual C++, 4623KB, 下载1019次)


[Ftp客户端] UdpChat

1、说明:   本程序是一个局域网内的字符界面聊天程序,使用UDP协议及端口729,在VC6.0+Windows XP下编译通过。程序分为发送端与接受端,使用一个Workspace,打开ChatSrv文件夹下的ChatSrv.dsw文件即可。程序的编制也较简单,建立UDP连接后一方发送一方接收,可以算是一个基本的UDP编程范例。 2、用法:   使用本程序在局域网内聊天,需知道服务端的IP地址,可在服务端的cmd下运行ipconfig/all命令查看。使用时在一方先运行ChatSrv.exe等待,然后在另一端的cmd下运行“ChatClient 服务端IP”,然后即可进行通讯。欲使通讯结束可在任意一方输入小写字母‘q’。当运行ChatClient时不带参数则各本地机器连接,可用来测试。
err (2008-03-03, Visual C++, 40KB, 下载30次)


[Ftp客户端] FTP总集

7 FTP client and server applications, the source code files to upload and download, modification, deletion and many other functions (2005-11-15, Visual C++, 5498KB, 下载2545次)
