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按分类查找All Leetcode/题库(276) 
按平台查找All C++(276) 

[Leetcode/题库] 300-Days-Coding-Challenge

Welcome to the "300 Days Coding Challenge". Over the next 300 days, I ll be diving deep into the world of programming, tackling a wide array of topics, languages, and projects, pushing my limits, and expanding my knowledge base. (2024-03-10, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] LeetCode---DSA

A repository for my LeetCode practice, tracking progress and solutions across various programming challenges. Aimed at honing problem-solving skills and interview preparation, it s a resource for continuous learning and coding improvement. (2024-02-21, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] learn

学习用库,包含各种代码。C C++特性学习:stl容器内存优化、自定义new方法、template模版、library生成、socket网络编程、POD类型等; 自造轮子:线程池实现(c++11, c++17)、C++中不同矩阵计算库与比较、时间格式转换等; 第三方库或工具...
Library for learning, including various codes. C C++feature learning: stl container memory optimization, custom new method, template template, library generation, socket network programming, POD type, etc; Self made wheels: thread pool implementation (c++11, c++17), different matrix calculation libraries and comparisons in C++, time format conversion, etc; Third party libraries or tools (2023-12-06, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Leetcode-in-cpp

Leetcode question cpp solution, updating.Including array, backtrack, binary search, bit manipulation, dynamic programming, graph, greedy algorithm, hashtable, heap, linked list, math, queue & stack, string, tree and two pointer. Named with question number and question name. Python3 version: (2023-10-01, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] DSA-Pratice

该存储库包含Abdul Bari Sir、Love Babbar DSA和Striver的数据结构和算法(DSA)课程中的代码实现和问题解决练习。它是各种DSA主题和竞争性编程问题的个人学习和参考资源。
This repository contains code implementations and problem-solving exercises from the Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) course of Abdul Bari Sir, Love Babbar DSA, and Striver. It serves as a personal learning and reference resource for various DSA topics and competitive programming questions. (2023-07-30, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Data_Structure

该存储库包含用于数据结构和算法(DSA)实践的代码和问题解决方案,旨在准备放置会话。代码是用各种编程语言编写的,包括LeetCode、GeeksforGeeks和CodeNinja(code Studio)的问题解决方案。
This repository contains code and problem solutions for Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) practice, aimed at preparing for placement sessions. The code is written in various programming languages and includes solutions for problems from LeetCode, GeeksforGeeks, and CodeNinja (Code Studio). (2023-07-31, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] VCPlusPlusDynamicsFaceUIDesign

使用动态创建的方法,在VS2010 PlatForm下测试一套界面设计程序,不想傻瓜式的拖放按钮实现编程,只想自己定制一个属于自己设计的界面程序
Using the method of dynamic creation, test a set of interface design program under VS2010 PlatForm. Instead of foolishly dragging and dropping buttons to achieve programming, we just want to customize an interface program of our own design (2015-03-13, C++, 26546KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Famous_Programming_Problems

Contains solutions to famous programming problems which help in grasping DSA, and which are commonly asked in Interviews (2021-07-19, C++, 127KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Data-Structures-And-Algorithms

Solutions of various classical & standard interview and competitive programming questions, and CSES problem set. (2021-05-29, C++, 80KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] FizzBuzz-common-Interview-cpp

Fizz Buzz is a very simple programming task, asked in software developer job interviews. A typical round of Fizz Buzz can be: Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100 and for multiples of 3 print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of 5 print “Buzz”. (2021-01-26, C++, 12KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Dynamic-Programming

This Repository is all about the Popular Dynamic Programming Concepts and their Variations Which can be helpful to Competitive Programming as well as Coding Interviews. I have added the Resources from where I have learnt these topics and their Codes. In future, I would like to add my own English and Bengali Explanation to Each topic. (2021-05-23, C++, 252KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Programming-Interview-Questions

Data structures and algorithm questions are an important part of any programming job interview, be it a Java interview, C++ interview or any other programming language. Since data structures are core programming concept, it’s mandatory for all programmers, to know basic data structures like stack, linked list, queue, array, tree, and graph. (2018-02-26, C++, 36KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] OnlineJudge-Solution

This repository holds all the problem I solved preparing for competitive programming. It holds solution from multiple problem solving sites like UVA, CodeForces, URI, leetCode, algoExpert etc. (2022-05-09, C++, 1058KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] deforces-gfg-interviewbits-hackerEarth-HackerRank

解决方案leedcode codechef codeforces gfg interviewbits hackerEarth HackerBank,此repo包含leetcode问题的解决方案,并分为动态编程、链接列表、回收等类别...
This repo contain the solution of leetcode problem and divide into category like dynamic programming, linkedlist,recursion, graph and some other section (2022-10-30, C++, 1991KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] leetcode-maxed_out

leetcode-maxed_out,本仓库记录本人在 leetcode 上所有算法题的提交答案,并随着每周的周赛等新增题目更新。编程语言以 C++ 为主,Python 为辅,少量 Java。
leetcode-maxed_ Out, this warehouse records the submitted answers of all algorithm questions on Leetcode, and updates them with new questions such as weekly competitions. The programming language is mainly C++, supplemented by Python, with a small amount of Java. (2023-05-11, C++, 5994KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] -Coding-Ninjas-CP-course-2022

Hey there ??. Repository has codes to all the problems that I solved in Coding Ninjas Competitive Programming course. I will be uploading the course within a few days (2023-05-10, C++, 126KB, 下载0次)
