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按平台查找All Scala(308) 

[其他] Scala_course

Scala programming course. Syntax and features of the language. Basic algorithms and structures in this language. And also a lot of other interesting things. (2024-03-25, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] air-traffic-control-game

作为阿尔托科学学院编程工作室2课程(CS-C2120)的一部分,我使用Scala和Swing GUI框架创建了一个空中交通控制游戏。5年级5。
As part of the Aalto School of Science s Programming Studio 2 course (CS-C2120), I created using Scala and Swing GUI framework an Air Traffic Control Game. Grade 5 5. (2024-01-27, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] fungal

Fungal is a modern, Scala-based web application built on the robust ZIO ecosystem. Leveraging the power of functional programming, Fungal aims to provide a seamless and efficient user experience, backed by a strong, type-safe, and concurrent backend. (2023-12-10, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] lore

Lore is a general-purpose programming language featuring multi-functions, structs and traits, a static type system with sum and intersection (2023-05-19, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] Lollypop

Lollypop是一种用于JVM的多通道脚本语言,具有声明性SQL、函数式和 React编程模型。
Lollypop is a multiparadigm scripting language for the JVM featuring declarative SQL, functional and reactive programming models. (2023-11-21, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] qwery-v4

Qwery是一种基于JVM的多范式(声明式SQL、函数式、 React和面向对象)编程语言,适用于数据工程师和...,
Lollypop is a multiparadigm scripting language for the JVM featuring declarative/SQL, functional and reactive programming models. (2023-10-19, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Scala-Programming

我将使用一个报告来跟踪我从《scala中的函数编程》(Functional programming in scala)一书中学习scala的进度,如果你想成为明星,这是一本好书...,
a repo I wil use to track my progress of learning scala from the book Functional programming in Scala, a good book if you re getting started with functional programming. (2023-10-09, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Functional-Programming-in-Scala-Red-Book-

包含我对《Scala函数编程》中练习的回答和测试:[https:www.manning.com books Functional-program...](https:www.manning.com books Functional Programming in Scala),
Contains my answers and tests to the exercises found in Functional Programming in Scala: https://www.manning.com/books/functional-programming-in-scala (2018-01-04, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[超算/并行计算] introduction-to-concurrentprogramming-with-akka

与Akka参与者并发编程的meetup简介代码-[https:www.meetup.com班加罗尔Apache Spark-meetup事件237...](https:www.meetup.com Bangalore Apache Spark-meetup事件377647587),
Code for meetup Introduction to Concurrent Programming with Akka Actors - https://www.meetup.com/Bangalore-Apache-Spark-Meetup/events/237647587/ (2017-03-24, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[超算/并行计算] Game-Server

该存储库包含作为AGH University Scala编程课程的一部分完成的简单游戏服务器项目。项目是通过......实施的...,
This repository contains simple game server project done as a part of AGH University Scala programming course. Project was implemented with actor concurrency model using Akka library for Scala. (2020-06-03, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] dotty-patched

Eval库和修补的Scala-3 Dotty编译器。在编译时评估源代码和树,对多阶段编程进行黑客攻击,
Eval library and patched Scala-3 Dotty compiler. Evaluating source code and trees at compile time hacking multi-staging programming, (2022-11-02, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[开发工具] influencer-stats

Playground for measuring performance of functional programming tools in Scala. Gathers statistics about videos., (2019-06-29, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] Learn-Scala

A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Scala programming language, and continuing to learn the language., (2022-08-03, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] SoundProcesses

用Scala编程语言描述、创建和管理声音过程的计算机音乐框架。问题跟踪器:[https:codeb…](https:codeberg.org sciss-SoundProcesses问题),
A computer music framework to describe, create and manage sound processes in the Scala programming language. Issue tracker: [https: codeb…](https: codeberg.org sciss SoundProcesses issues), (2023-07-20, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] shapesafe

SHAPE S F:Scala中N-D数组编程的静态证明文件类型检查器,直觉主义类型理论的一个用例
SHAPE S F : static prover type-checker for N-D array programming in Scala, a use case of intuitionistic type theory (2023-06-27, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] lamp

lamp is a deep learning and scientific computing framework with native CPU and GPU backend for the Scala programming language, (2023-07-10, Scala, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] Spark_Programming_basis

Basic course of Spark programming, reference materials, including the learning of the whole Spark ecological components, based on Scala; From the big data textbook of Xiamen University laboratory (2020-02-09, Scala, 22KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] nanjin

explore kafka, spark, fs2 and pure functional programming in scala (2023-06-09, Scala, 457KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] SpringBoot-Scala

It can be said that the popularity of Spark in recent years has driven the development of Scala. It integrates various features of object-oriented programming and functional programming. Scala has a functional business logic solution that is more pure in Lambda, and its syntax is more concise and convenient than that of Lambda after Java 8. SpringBoot is Spring (2017-08-25, Scala, 100KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] trading

交易,用Scala 3编写的交易应用程序,展示了事件驱动架构(EDA)和功能编程...
?? Trading application written in Scala 3 that showcases an Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) and Functional Programming (FP) (2023-04-13, Scala, 8553KB, 下载0次)
