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[网络编程] OPNETSimulation

OPNET网络仿真(陈敏清华版),OPNET学习必备。本书第1章针对暂时没使用过OPNET的读者,侧重于对Modeler仿真环境和工具的纲 要性介绍。通过一个简单的例子说明如何建立网络模块,包括定义拓扑,设定业务流量, 收集统计量,分析仿真结果;第2章介绍OPNET Modeler的安装;作为Modeler用户,要 创建自己新的协议模块,首先必须了解OPNET采用何种仿真机制,第3 章介绍了一些 OPNET主要的通信机制,比如基于事件出发的模拟方式如何,封包是怎样传输的;第4章 介绍OPNET中所有的编译器;第5章介绍如何收集、查看、分析及发布仿真结果的有关 操作;第6章读者将简单地建立网络模型、节点模型和进程模块,并收集统计量及分析仿 真结果,从而了解OPNET Modeler编程的基本流程,接着描述了OPNET各类核心函数功 能如何,在何处用及怎么用,之后介绍了动态进程的编程技巧;
OPNET communication simulation (2014-03-01, Others, 5467KB, 下载11次)


[网络编程] PackAssist0306

Network packet capture software. Before the network packet capture software WPE, but many games are seized. Now this packet assistant to use, let the network programming enthusiasts, network packets. But can not be used for illegal purposes, please self-respect! (2013-05-04, Others, 373KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] CSharp_most_efficient_UDP_server_client

这是最简UDP 服务器/客户程序. 编译运行正确. 已用于实际工程.注释全面. 从这里你可以 学到网络编程的原理. UDPServer 和 UDPClient 编译/使用说明 1. 编译 用 Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2010 编译. 开DOS窗口, csc UDPServer.cs -- 编译UDP 服务端, 产生UDPServer.exe csc UDPClient.cs -- 编译UDP 客户端, 产生UDPClient.exe 注意: Visual C# 2010 编译器csc.exe的路径必须在系统变量PATH中. 否则找不到csc 2. 运行 开两个DOS窗口, 一左一右. 改变目录到 UDPServer.exe 和 UDPClient.exe 所在位置. 先在一个窗口中运行UDPServer.exe, 再在另一个窗口中运行UDPClient.exe. 之后在 运行UDPClient.exe 窗口中键入的任何信息,都会发送给服务端, 并返回显示. 键入 exit 退出客户端, 服务端仍在运行.
The most efficient UDP server and client with detailed comments. (2010-08-29, Others, 6KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] usageformemoryofselforganised

Automatically calculate the local current memory load rate, which can be prepared for the necessary self-organizing network programming to provide the current memory usage of the machine and thereby make the machines which allow the network to the outside world to make Service (2009-03-24, Others, 16KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] SIP-protocol-ppt

SIP-a powerpoint, a very comprehensive introduction, it is beautiful ppt. (2007-09-13, Others, 321KB, 下载307次)


[网络编程] ruan_jiao_huan

Softswitch is the network evolution and next-generation packet networks, one of the core equipment, it independent of the transmission network, mainly to complete call control, resource allocation, protocol processing, routing, authentication, billing and other major features, as well as to provide users with existing circuit switches can be provided for all operations to a third party to provide programmability. (2007-08-30, Others, 1026KB, 下载41次)
