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按分类查找All Delphi/CppBuilder(34) 
按平台查找All C++ Builder(34) 

[Delphi/CppBuilder] C.builder-chediyanjiu

Learning c++ builder of a good book, from the base will start with c++ programming, from entry to advanced a tutorial (2011-10-14, C++ Builder, 59240KB, 下载27次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] cPPbuilderchangyonghanshu

c++ builder programming frequently used functions, including time, string, disk management, file operations, memory management functions (2011-02-14, C++ Builder, 3KB, 下载7次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] CppBuilderstudyandpractice

功能:深入学习C++ Builder的编程实例 内容:有三个PDF文档,它们分别是C++ Builder深度历险.pdf C++ Builder与RS-232串行通信控制.pdf C++builder6编程实例精讲.pdf
Function: in-depth study of programming C++ Builder examples of content: There are three PDF documents, which are the depth of C++ Builder adventures. Pdf C++ Builder and RS-232 serial communication control. Pdf C++ builder6 programming examples Jingjiang. Pdf (2010-03-30, C++ Builder, 41876KB, 下载49次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] CppBuilder

Details of C++ Builder advanced programming techniques, original scans, wdl files (need to download the e-book viewer) (2010-03-29, C++ Builder, 1818KB, 下载13次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] BC

学C++ builder的书,让你很快掌握C++builder的高级编程,值得每个程序员学习
Learn C++ builder' s book, so you' ll soon master the C++ builder of high-level programming, it is worth every programmer to learn (2010-03-13, C++ Builder, 6705KB, 下载9次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] CB6samplesbooks

《C++Builder6编程实例精解》C++Builder 6是一款快速开发Win32应用程序的可视化开发工具,利用它可以实现高性能的执行效率和出色的底层控制。
" C++ Builder6 programming examples refined solution" C++ Builder 6 is a Win32 application to quickly develop a visual development tool, which allows you to achieve high performance and excellent efficiency in the implementation of the underlying control. (2009-08-27, C++ Builder, 5104KB, 下载10次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] CppBuilderAppliedTechSrc

C++ Builder实用技术与典型案例,一共10章,带详细的编程例子!
C++ Builder and practical technology with a typical case, a total of 10 chapters, with detailed examples of the programming! (2009-02-19, C++ Builder, 5235KB, 下载20次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] bcb6

C++Builder 6是一款快速开发Win32应用程序的可视化开发工具,利用它可以实现高性能的执行效率和出色的底层控制。C++Builder 6相比于5以前的版本,提供了更多的网络开发组件,更快速方便的可视化环境。 本书共有14章,前三章分别介绍C++Builder的开发环境、比较特殊的语法,并在第三章用实例讲述使用C++Builder开发应用程序的过程,以后的章节均通过实例讲述C++Builder某个方面的编程技术与技巧。这些实例包括文本、绘图与图象处理、文件、多媒体、系统,以及FTP和WinSock网络通信。在第12章通过俄罗斯方块游戏介绍VCL游戏的制作,并在第13章介绍游戏开发中常用的DirectX技术。在第14章讲述数据库程序的设计,并详细讲解餐厅结账管理程序的制作过程。 本书是为对C++Builder有基本了解的程序员或程序爱好者而做,读者需要熟悉C/C++编程。本书也可以作为软件开发人员的参考书。
err (2009-01-07, C++ Builder, 5104KB, 下载14次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] C++Builder_core_programming

Classic books (2008-09-29, C++ Builder, 1860KB, 下载38次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] C++BuilderZIXUEJIAOCHENG

C++Builder自学培训教程,内容很实用 很详细 刚开始学这门编程语言的可以使用
C++ Builder self-study training course is very practical in great detail are just beginning to learn this programming language can use (2008-05-31, C++ Builder, 35481KB, 下载21次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] c++

To help students learning to understand the C++ Language programming to better application to learn大苏打Sa (2008-03-13, C++ Builder, 4093KB, 下载1次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] C++BuilderWeb

书的内容: 第一章 面向对象编程 1.1 什么是对象 1.2 修改元件名称 1.3 对象作用域问题 1.4 类成员的可见性 1.5 对象的相互赋至 1.6 自己创建一个对象 1.7 VCL的结构 1.8 TObjiect 1.9 TPersistent 1.10 TComponet 1.11 TComponent 1.11 TControl 1.12 TWinControl 1.13 TGraphicControl 1.14 TCustom Control 第二章 组件对象模型 2.1 几个基本概念 2.2 客户和服务器 2.3 认识GUID。CLSID。IID 2.4 引用技术 2.5 什么是IUnknown接口 2.6 Dll形式的COM服务器 2.7 接口 2.8 调度接口 2.9 双重接口 2.10 对接口的应用 第3章 ActiveX 第4章 Type Libraty 第5章 创建ActiveX控件 第6章 OLE自动化 第7章 使用WinSock 第8章 使用FTP控件 第9章 使用UDP控件 第10章 使用HTTP控件 第11章 使用HTML控件 第12章 使用SMTP控件 第13章 使用POP控件 第14章 使用NNTP控件 第15章 创建Web服务器应用程序 第16章 Web服务器的细节 //从第3章我就不详细写了~
the contents : the first chapter of object-oriented programming 1.1 1.2 What is the object name change components targeted 1.3 Scope 1.4 category visibility of the target of 1.5 to 1.6 mutual given themselves a target to create VCL 1.7 the structure TObjiect 1.9 1.8 TComponet TPersistent 1.10 1.11 1.11 TComponent TWinControl TControl 1.12 1.14 1.13 TGraphicControl TCustom Control II Component Object Model 2.1 2.2 few basic concepts and customers awareness Server 2.3 GUID. CLSID. Bloch cited technical 2.4 2.5 What is the IUnknown interface 2.6 Dll form of COM server interface 2.8 2.7 2.9 Scheduling Interface Interface 2.10 pair of double Application Interface Chapter 3 Chapter 4 ActiveX Type Libraty create Chapter 5 ActiveX Chapter 6 OLE Automation to use Chapter 7 Chapter 8 WinSock use FTP (2006-04-01, C++ Builder, 1865KB, 下载87次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] C++BuilderNet

introduced a C Programming Network Application Builder books. Easy, easy read (2006-03-29, C++ Builder, 4366KB, 下载83次)


[Delphi/CppBuilder] C++Builder&Matlab

introduced a C Builder and MatLab the realization of information (2006-03-02, C++ Builder, 6KB, 下载25次)
