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[电子书籍] SecureCodingPrinciplesPractices

针对黑客攻击防范的编程技术,以及实践。 安全编码原则及实践。
Secure Coding: Principles & Practices Despite their myriad manifestations and different targets, nearly all attacks on computer systems have one fundamental cause: the code used to run far too many systems today is not secure. Flaws in its design, implementation, testing, and operations allow attackers all-too-easy access. Secure Coding: Principles & Practices looks at the problem of bad code in a new way. Packed with advice based on the authors decades of experience in the computer security field, this concise and highly readable book explains why so much code today is filled with vulnerabilities, and tells readers what they must do to avoid writing code that can be exploited by attackers. (2009-09-25, C++ Builder, 629KB, 下载8次)


[电子书籍] c++builder6编程实例精讲

C++Builder 6 是一款快速开发Win32 应用程序的可视化开发工具,利用它可以实现高性 能的执行效率和出色的底层控制。C++Builder 6 相比于5 以前的版本,提供了更多的网络开 发组件,更快速方便的可视化环境。 本书共有14 章,前三章分别介绍C++Builder 的开发环境、比较特殊的语法,并在第三 章用实例讲述使用C++Builder 开发应用程序的过程,以后的章节均通过实例讲述C++Builder 某个方面的编程技术与技巧。这些实例包括文本、绘图与图象处理、文件、多媒体、系统, 以及FTP 和WinSock 网络通信。在第12 章通过俄罗斯方块游戏介绍VCL 游戏的制作,并 在第13 章介绍游戏开发中常用的DirectX 技术。在第14 章讲述数据库程序的设计,并详细 讲解餐厅结账管理程序的制作过程。 本书是为对C++Builder 有基本了解的程序员或程序爱好者而做,读者需要熟悉C/C++ 编程。本书也可以作为软件开发人员的参考书。
C Builder is a rapid development of Win32 applications visual development tool, it can be used to achieve high performance and excellent efficiency in the implementation of the underlying control. C Builder 6 compared to five the previous version, providing more network development components, to facilitate the more rapid visualization environment. A total of 14 book chapters, chapters were introduced C Builder development environment, a relatively special syntax, in the third chapter example on the use of C Builder application development process. subsequent chapters are examples C Builder about some aspect of technology and programming skills. These examples include text, graphics and image processing, document, multimedia, system, WinSock, and FTP and network communications. In Chapter (2006-02-03, C++ Builder, 5104KB, 下载4165次)


[电子书籍] vhdl教程

VHDL language programming software for learning guide. Suitable for beginners in the VHDL language learning. (2005-05-30, C++ Builder, 1855KB, 下载1030次)
