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[Java编程] 服务器端口扫描

面对一个人的大型C/C++程序时,只看其对struct 的使用情况我们就可以对其编写者的编程经验进行评估。因为一个大型的C/C++程序,势必要涉及一些(甚至大量)进行数据组合的结构体,这些结构体可以将原本意义属于一个整体的数据组合在一起。从某种程度上来说,会不会用struct,怎样用struct 是区别一个开发人员是否具备丰富开发经历的标志。 在网络协议、通信控制、嵌入式系统的C/C++编程中,我们经常要传送的不是简单的字节流(char型数组),而是多种数据组合起来的一个整体,其表现形式是一个结构体。经验不足的开发人员往往将所有需要传送的内容依顺序保存在char 型数组中,通过指针偏移的方法传送网络报文等信息。这样做编程复杂,易出错,而且一旦控制方式及通信协议有所变化,程序就要进行非常细致的修改。 一个有经验的开发者则灵活运用结构体,举一个例子,假设网络或控制协议中需要传送三种报文,其格式分别为packetA、packetB、packetC:
#include <iostream.h> #pragma pack(8) struct example1 { short a; long b; }; struct example2 { char c; example1 struct1; short e; }; #pragma pack() int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { (2020-03-18, C/C++, 200KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] ben

JAVA prepared with a small clock, using JAVA graphical programming to show the clock, using JAVA multi-threading mechanism of the clock refresh (2013-11-04, C/C++, 9KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] shufaziliao

Personal collection of some of the better classical algorithm information, including C, C++ java, all programming is relatively common or classic algorithms, very worth learning ..... (2013-03-19, C/C++, 11505KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] byte2-byte4

A two-byte transfer 4-byte character handling function for the character corresponding to the length of the conversion is not the same in different systems/programming language, which has taken into account the size of the side issues. Byte sequence information attached excerpts online (2012-10-22, C/C++, 9KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] 2006072922282918887

本文介绍了在JAVA环境下如何实现IDEA对称加密算法。由于电子商务和电子政务的普及,安全加密技术在其中应用非常广泛,对安全加密技术的要求也很高。目前在JAVA环境下实现IDEA加密具有很多的优势,因为JAVA是基于面向对象的编程语言,并且由于它的平台无关性能被大量 ...
Security encryption technology requirements are very high. The current JAVA environment in the realization of IDEA encryption has a lot of advantages, because the JAVA is based on the object oriented programming language, and because of its platform-independent performance by a large number of ... (2012-04-26, C/C++, 935KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] jQuery.dialog.box.plugin

jQuery cvbox 对话框插件高级编程设计代码jQuery cvbox dialog box, plug-in design of high-level programming code
jQuery cvbox dialog box, plug-in design of high-level programming code (2010-12-25, C/C++, 35KB, 下载3次)



编程 有关泊松方程的计算 使用MPI方法
Programming related to the Poisson equation is calculated using MPI methods (2010-11-15, C/C++, 62KB, 下载104次)


[Java编程] jmpesp

jmpesp overflow programming, the need to find the address of error handling, this code is in the address search esp do not know where, under the (2009-10-17, C/C++, 11KB, 下载9次)


[Java编程] qianrushiliulanqi

This article discusses the development of embedded browser technology involved, lexical analysis of HTML, browsers, JavaScript support, linux and gtk programming done a detailed analysis and presentation, and the development of browser Netbit are introduced, Analysis of the main functional modules and components, and gives the main algorithm. (2009-01-21, C/C++, 215KB, 下载13次)



Determined through the mid-point algorithm, the designated endpoint of the straight-line drawing, used to test tuborC graphical programming (2008-09-16, C/C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[Java编程] pssh-source

palm os编程巨献,pssh是运行在palm系统上的ssh2登录的终端软件,移植了putty作为最终的控制台,非常强大。本人在此源代码基础上增加了telnet登录部分的源代码,使得pssh终于可以使用ssh2和telnet双重登录,并支持中文,可以用于远程登录,上中文bbs等用途。此时将倾注我很多心血的版本顷情奉献,要求斑竹加分。
palm os programming巨献, pssh is running on the system in the palm log ssh2 terminal software, transplantation of putty as the ultimate console, very powerful. I would like to source code based on an increase of telnet log part of the source code, making pssh finally ssh2 and telnet can use the double log and to support the Chinese, can be used for remote login, Chinese bbs purposes. At this point will be a lot of effort into the version I just love dedication requirements Chiloscyllium points. (2007-10-13, C/C++, 3287KB, 下载217次)


[Java编程] HighquanlityC++Programming

quality C programming guide, and if out on the correct format, code understandable, correct C source code. (2007-04-08, C/C++, 109KB, 下载31次)


[Java编程] linux_C-function

这里面包含了C和linux下C语言的函数文档,是两个非常好的帮助文档,他们可以在你进行window-c和linux-c编程时,能够很方便的查找相关函数,就想vc中的msdn和java script帮助文档一样.
that it contains the C and C language under linux function documentation is two very good help files, They can you window-c and linux-c programming, very easy to find the correlation function, wanted vc VARIANT of java script and help document the same. (2006-09-30, C/C++, 436KB, 下载89次)
