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[C#编程] CSharp

#是微软为NET Framework量身订做,于2000年6月发布的一种面向对象编程语言。C SHARP拥有C/C++的强大功能以及Visual Basic简易使用的特性,是第一个组件导向(Component-oriented)的程序语言,和C++与Java一样亦为对象导向(object-oriented)程序语言,但是C SHARP程序只能在Windows下运行。
The# Microsoft NET Framework tailored, an object-oriented programming language was released in June 2000. C SHARP has the C/C++ the powerful functionality and ease of use of Visual Basic characteristics, a component-oriented programming language (Component-oriented), and C++ with Java also object-oriented programming languages ​ ​ (object-oriented) However, the the C SHARP procedures can only run under Windows. (2012-09-14, PDF, 2275KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] VCrmjt

Visual C#作为微软的旗舰编程语言,经过几年的长足发展,在全球得以迅速普及,成为很多程序员的首选语言。Visual C# 2008新增了大量可圈可点的丰富特性,《Visual C# 2008 从入门到精通》围绕着基础知识和这些新特性全面介绍了如何利用Visual Studio 2008和.NET Framework来进行C#编程。书中沿袭深受读者欢迎的Step by Step风格,通过丰富的练习引导读者逐步构建Windows应用程序,访问SQL Server数据库,开发ASP.NET Web应用程序,创建并使用Web服务等。
Microsoft Visual C# as its flagship programming language, after several years of rapid development, rapid global spread, the preferred language for many programmers. Visual C# 2008 added a large number of commendable features rich, " Visual C# 2008 from entry to master" around the basic knowledge and these new features a comprehensive introduction to how to use Visual Studio 2008 and. NET Framework to be C# programming. Well received by readers of the book follow the Step by Step style guides the reader through a wealth of exercises and gradually build Windows applications that access SQL Server database, development of ASP.NET Web applications, create and use Web services. (2010-09-05, PDF, 2254KB, 下载15次)


[C#编程] Csharphelper

这个是C#的简单帮助文档,CSDN上找到的,有300多人下载过此PDF C#是一种简单、现代、面向对象和类型安全的编程语言,由 C和C++发展而来。C#(发音为“C 霎普”)牢固地植根于 C和 C++语言族谱中,并且会很快被 C和 C++程序员所熟悉。C#的目标在于把 Visual Basic的高生产力和 C++本身的能力结合起来。 C#作为Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0的一部分提供给用户。除了 C#以外,Visual Studio还支持Visual Basic、Visual C++和描述语言VBScript和Jscript。所有这些语言都提供对Microsoft .NET平台的访问能 力,它包括一个通用的执行引擎和一个丰富的类库。Microsoft .NET平台定义了一个“通用语言子集” (CLS),是一种混合语言,它可以增强 CLS兼容语言和类库间的无缝协同工作能力。对于 C#开发者, 这意味着既是 C#是一种新的语言,它已经可以对用老牌工具如Visual Basic和 Visual C++使用的丰富类 库进行完全访问。C#自己并没有包含一个类库。
This is a simple C# Help, CSDN found, there are more than 300 people downloaded this PDF C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented and type-safe programming language, from C and C++ developed from. C# (pronounced "C Sharp S & P ") firmly rooted in the C and C++ language in genealogy, and will soon be C and C++ programmers are familiar with. C# The target is to High productivity of Visual Basic and C++ their own capacities. C# as a Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 as part of providing to the user. In addition to C# than, Visual Studio also supports Visual Basic, Visual C++ and scripting languages VBScript and Jscript. All of these languages are available on the Microsoft. NET platform visit Force, which includes a common execution engine and a rich class library. Microsoft. NET platform defines a "common language subset" (CLS), is a mix of languages, which can enhance the CLS-compliant language and inter-class ability to seamlessly work together. For C# developer (2009-04-17, PDF, 1692KB, 下载26次)
